Friday 3 May 2013

Prosecutors Assassinated

On the 11th of October, 2011, the heavenly Father said 'The prosecutors hold the keys'. [1]

In the last week there has been a plane crash and six people died on the Mexican Prosecutor plane. [3]

Do you remember this painting?

1st May 2013

Now there has been an assassination of the Chief Prosecutor in Pakistan. The prosecutor just happened to be investigating the case that surrounds the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. She was also assassinated after she appeared on the David Frost interview in the USA in 2007. As we know, at that time Bhutto told David Frost that Bin Laden was already dead. Copies of that TV interview were uploaded to youtube. It is clear that it is the USA that has the main motive for silencing people that are investigating the case of Bhutto.

29th April, 2013 

He was also leading the investigation team that was looking into the Mumbai bombing massacre. Chaudhry Zufiqar was assassinated on his way to court. [2] A lady also died at the scene.


May they rest in peace.





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