Lotus Feet the enlightened nature of this soul entwined with the Spirit of divine wisdom. Nutrients, healing oils, sound for health. Life time of experience, length of days. Eyes, voice and heart of the mystical healer, the Sacred Path. Divine intervention Aramatheopist.
G20 Water Technologies was formed in 2015 after ten years of research into nanotechnology for water infiltration. Their website says that they are working at development centres - NetPark in Sedgefield (working closely with partners CPI), and Leeds University (working closely with partners Water@Leeds.
They refer to it has "game changing technology", their website provides photographs of those responsible for the Nanotechnology contaminated water, they're putting Graphene Oxide into water, Graphene Oxide is a "poison" for the body.
This technology for water was developed in the north west of England in collaboration with Hydrasyst Limited. They're planning to use this technology in the production of food by selling it to food manufacturer's. That means not just human health is involved, animal health is also compromised by the nanotechnology.
Scientists have found Graphene Oxide has also been found in the Nanotechnology mRNA Covid injections. So if they can't kill you with the injections, they will kill you with the water and food that you drink. The serious health risks of Graphene Oxide is outlined on this blogpost.
While cooking zucchini today in the kitchen, (on shabbat) the LORD said, "JACOB" and Israel is the land of Jacob. Jacob had health issues with his hip, a reason why it is often called "Jacob's Trouble". Hence, the name Jacob links into a timeline and biblical prophecies.
On the 24th June, 2021, NAKIM posted an update: Dr Herve Seligmann made a new analysis that children may die from the spike protein expelled by those that took the Covid injections.
I then looked at the updates from the Jerusalem Post. JP reports that the Israeli Health Ministry have announced that 143 Israelis were hospitalised with Covid-19 as of Wednesday at 12 p.m. 58% had been injected, 39% were not and 3% had received partial immunisation e.g. one dose or a full week had not passed since the 2nd injection.
One of the patients was a child, (no age specified in the article) five were pregnant women or women who had recently given birth. It looks like the injected are still impacting upon those that that did not get the jab.
Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to transmission of the spike proteins and Dr Herve Seligmann says that children are too. Also in Israel the majority of people that are dying, are those that have been injected.
Gynaecologist, Dr Shelley Cole, has expressed her concern over the threat that the Covid injections post to pregnant women. How people that have been injected are impacting on those that were not injected.
I'm still working with the Piriformis muscle in the buttocks. I do have stretches for this muscle, and I also have regular massage treatments whenever I can afford it.
Last night while bathing I was asking which essential oil to put onto my body and I received the response "Thyme".
I grow thyme for cooking and for my health, I also have thyme in an essential oil. So last night after my bath I massaged the essential oil into the right side of my body with a moisturising cream.
Piriformis syndrome doesn't just happen to people that sit down for too long, it can and does happen to runners too. Of course has the body ages the muscles can also experience "atrophy" and that was one of the most recent projects that Jesus asked me to work on. You have to use your muscles.
I've found that walking doesn't help this neuro-muscular condition, the muscle compresses the sciatic nerve, making it even more painful, it can also impact upon your knees too.
Has far as the sciatic nerve is concerned I recommend the "Inversion table", a few minutes, a few times per day, combined with massage and stretching. Of course the correct nutrition is also essential. My body also likes receiving sun beds too and I usually feel an improvement afterwards. We haven't had has much sunshine this year like we did in 2020 in the UK.
What else is essential? Rest, early nights so that the body can regenerate, and like babies, sometimes elders require an afternoon nap to refresh them. Warm up the body with stretching has soon as you feel able to do so. Do your warm up stretches prior to going out for a walk. Develop your health plan a quarter at a time. It is written that Pilates can also help to improve muscle strength, although I am yet to try it. I have another appointment with the Physiotherapy department in a couple of weeks. This time on the phone because the local CCG has changed sub-contractor's.
Author, and Conference Speaker, Steve Brown has been feeding his dogs raw food for 30 years. He has also studied all the data that relates to it. The raw dog food market is the fastest growing segment of the dog food market, although the dried food industry are doing their utmost to suppress it.
The fact is that it is the pet owners that are changing the market has more and more pet owners switch to raw food for their pets.
It is always interesting listening to someone like Steve Brown that has invested his life into the specifics to enhance the life and health of animals. He is the founder of Steve's Real Food.
My 4 month old puppy is doing great on raw food. In the first couple of weeks he's been on Turkey and Chicken prepared meals from Benyfit and it includes VermX. A British holistic veterinary surgeon is now a consultant to Benyfitnatural, Dr Nick Thompson is very involved with raw food.
If I have a banana, he likes to have a little of it, although I give him a frozen raspberry everyday. I'm introducing new foods slowly because he likes to taste different foods.
I let him have a little taste of the chestnut mushroom covering and he was fine with it. He was also asking for some spaghetti, I couldn't give him any of the meat sauce due to the tomatoes in it, so just gave him a little spaghetti sprinkled with cheese has a treat, a one-off. I managed to find some gluten free spaghetti too from Italy.
I don't recommend mature cheddar cheese for dogs due to the yeast in it. I rarely eat it myself due to the yeast that can cause an allergic reaction for me. Another reason why I limit the amount of bread that I eat, due to the yeast in it.
My puppy had his Kennel Cough protection last week, so I have been giving him a supplement of Cod Liver Oil, and Evening Primrose Oil for dogs to help boost his immune system.
This morning I had another dream, this time it was the dream of my chunky Carnelian stone bracelet, the bracelet had been broken by the puppy. I bought the bracelet due to liking the colour of it because it goes great with the mustard colour that I like to wear.
In dream interpretation a broken bracelet "can ask you to prepare for a disappointment in love or a financial set-back."
This morning the puppy managed to damage the internet connection, he loves to be under the computer desk by my Lotus Feet. However, after numerous calls to the broadband service provider, eventually, I managed to fix the internet connection with a different double switch that I had kept when the engineer replaced it a few months ago. Telephone and internet go in the same socket.
Not surprising then that in dream interpretation, crystal signifies a quick solution to any problems, puzzles or mysteries. Worn for adornment crystal promises happy social events ahead. Wearing Carnelian came prior to the arrival of the puppy in 2021. The puppy manifested after I began wearing Carnelian and the dog licked it!
Then the second dream of the day included a former close friend and she was telling people to get the vax and to not listen to yours truly who had guided people not to take the "poisonous" Nanotechnology mRNA. It felt like I was observing what she was saying from a distance. Overseer of souls.
The testimony of warning was given to help preserve those that have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to comprehend. However, people have to be willing to do their own research after the warnings were given. Also to enable people to do their own research, people have to know where to look for it, they won't find the truth on their usual television channels that they sit in front of. That is why I wrote a compilation of facts article giving people the links to the websites.
One of the reasons that I got rid of my television in 1998 and never looked back to getting a television again. When a person has been brainwashed by television and MSM, it is very difficult to get them to shift their consciousness due to what has been put upon their plate of consciousness. When we had a television I only watched films and documentaries anyway.
Taking the Nanotechnology mRNA into their bodies, is a life long decision that will impact upon their bodies. This week I was reading that 18-24 year olds are refusing appointments with GPs and has such the GPs are sending the serums back. In America, 15 million people that took the first injection, are refusing to take the 2nd injection due to the adverse reactions that now run into the millions.
Anyway, let's have a song from Whitney Houston, first time I've heard this song and it touched my heart. It was released in 1998.
In dream interpretation, to dream of a distant friend is generally a forerunner to unexpected news, good or sad, depending on whether they are in trouble in the dream. Anyone that took the injections into their bodies are in trouble health wise. Anything that is "unnatural", causes trouble for the body in some shape or form and nanotechnology mRNA gene therapy is definitely "unnatural'.
Biblically, the word PHARMAKEIA from an origin that means "to administer drugs", Greek Strong's 5331.
I rarely take any medicine at all, 99.9% of the time I treat my own body naturally, holistically and I intend to bring up my puppy has holistically has I can too. I've even put him on a raw food diet and he is enjoying it very much, he loves to be with this healer and he is a lovely companion. He was very socialised prior to collecting him and bringing him home. He is four months old and a major part of my life now, our friendship and love for each other grows daily.
21st July, 2021
People and medics say that I look younger and healthy for my age, is that because I don't take pharmaceutical's or any recreational drugs? Is it because I have looked after my body has holistic has I could during my life? I do have some health conditions but the medics say it is my age, although I am assured that my organs are all in order. I'm bodily intuitive and I listen to my body and its sounds.
Wisdom with insight wouldn't touch a flu jab, or Covid jab with a barge pole. I'm certainly pleased that I became a professional healer in the 90s, it has been my saving grace with the power of its love.
Once you step on the path of healing there is no going back to the previous way of being and sometimes that means leaving friends behind, if and when they refuse to shift, move and elevate with you. Healing brings the rising of consciousness and with it a greater power of love. Jesus chose his closest companions for our integrity, for it is integrity that is essential for life to exist on this planet.
This morning I had another dream, this time people were in my home and they were rearranging it. There were loads of people inside and outside in the forecourt, it was an invasion of people.
I told the invaders to "leave my home immediately" and that they were "trespassing on private property." I was then phoning the police on 999 to report the fact.
Then I saw a neighbour come out of her flat and she was also complaining about the amount of people on the forecourt. It was like an invasion of people had arrived and I kept on phoning the police.
There was a film released in 2016, called "Trespass Against Us".
I've had numerous robbery dreams this year, but this is the first dream that I've told people that they were trespassing on private property. In scripture Romans chapter 5, the Church justified trespassing to increase grace.
When your borders in your countries are invaded, trespassing increases and the EU made it law that all EU countries must accept the invaders when the bible tells them that increases the "sins" against our people. In scripture it also says to forgive those that trespass against us and at that time Israel had been invaded by the Romans, Israel was occupied and ruled by men from a different country.
However, in dream interpretation, to dream of using a telephone is a warning of rivalry where you least expect it. If police feature in your dream it is about "security" and it can be a dream of contrary, it signifies that unexpected help will come. Speaking in a dream can indicate improved status in social position and/or business is forecast in a dream that includes speaking.
This video on Bitchute is titled, "Covid Criminals will be held accountable" says Dr Fleming warning against Novavax. During this presentation Fleming mentions Prion disease caused by these injections, plus a lot more.
When I looked into the Novavax jab, I found that there were moths in the injections. I looked into it due to a Christian friend volunteering for a trial in the UK for Novavax. I had warned him a long time in advance not to take any of the injections. The testimony of warning was delivered.
Prophet Isaiah delivered a "Moth Prophecy", and in scripture Jesus also mentioned the moths. The photograph of that blue moth was taken in a home of people that also took the injections. Although they didn't say which brand they took into their bodies. In that home I also noticed the headline on a newspaper, "The time is nigh".
Dr Fleming says that he is working with lawyers in the UK, that are bringing legal actions for "Crimes against humanity", the injections are in breach of Nuremberg Codes. Medics can also be held accountable.
This morning I had a dream of rock stars and we were in a large house that they owned, and they were moving out. Different trucks arrived with different construction materials, I saw the hardcore being unloaded. A lot of construction works was about to happen to the house.
At the back of the house there was a large field with a wonderful view across the horizon. Then far away in the English green pastures I saw a military helicopter with two people getting into the helicopter, I wondered who the woman and man were. Then I saw a bus of young disabled people in it and the bus was also in the field of nature.
In the dream I knew who the rock stars were and we were talking a lot, then when I woke up I couldn't put a name to the rock stars that were in the dream. One of the rock stars looked like Brian May when he was younger. This is Brian on the roof of Buckingham Palace.
On the 25th of May, 2020, Brian May was in the news due to blocked arteries, he nearly had a heart attack. Brian is in his 70s and that age group were being offered the injections prior to May 2020.
His bandmate, Roger Taylor was telling people to get the jab in February 2021, (has featured in NME) and we all know how that turned out for Eric Clapton. So when exactly did Brian May get the injections before or prior to the blocked arteries? Does Brian know what the Nanotechnology mRNA injections do to the arteries?
Who else long curly hair? Jimmy Page.
If you dream of someone famous it signifies that you will get help from an unexpected source. An old house can signify a reunion or renewal of an old association, it can also signify a life achievement.
Building a house or seeing one under construction can forecast unexpected gain possibly through a legacy. If you see fields in your dream it can have many different meanings. If the field was green and pleasant it signifies great prosperity and happy circumstances in both personal and business affairs.
To dream of a plane and people travelling in it, you are likely to hear news from a distance or concerning someone who lives far away. People travelling by bus can indicate progress of a hearts desire. I wonder if it relates to those disabled people that I have helped in the past. I was involved in fund raising for disabled people, for two different local charities. I was also involved in working with young disabled people, helping them with their heart's desire for spiritual growth and development.
It was hands on and I always shared the truth with them responding to all of their questions the best way that I know how. I found that some disabled people have a great thirst for spirituality, and great Spirit. Those who had parents that were willing to bring their disabled children to the spiritual community, prospered greatly in the healing process.
They loved the energy that they found in the spiritual community, it brought great joy to their souls. One young man even came to stay with me a couple of times, my door was always open to those families that required help, just has the biblical prophecy foretold that it would be.
Brian May re-released this song on the 25th July, 2021, the same day has the dream was received, it was originally written for a Ford TV commercial. It was Brian's first solo hit, it was originally released in November 1991. More info written in text with the music video.
On the 22nd of July, while posting on-line watching the interactions of others I was given the message "Iliad". Homer wrote the Iliad and apparently it means "Poem of Troy". The war had been going on for ten years, but Homer only wrote about what happened in the last four days.
The message was given during the incoming energies of the Full Moon in Aquarius, for some that was on the 23rd of July, for others it is on the 24th of July, 2021.
Since the message was received, the Greeks were carrying the cross in the face of the riot police in Athens. The French are also taking on the French government.
However, there has also been the announcement about Harry and his books that he and Meghan plan to launch. More attack from Harry, more of his "instability", 24th of July, is the "day of instability". There is a saying in psychology that one should avoid changing partners, career/job and home where you live all at the same time because it impacts heavily on a person's stability structure. Harry did all three if we include him leaving his relationship with his family and homeland. His real stability and security was swept away by Meghan.
"Instability" can motivate people to be "irrational", and some people are experiencing that behaviour from others in their environment. In my younger years I used to stay in on nights when it was a full moon, due to the impact of the full moon on the emotional behaviour of people. Very few people have integrated self-mastery.
If anyone is going to kick off, it usually happens on a full moon, so staying home was the safest option in my younger years, unless I was on a date, picked up from home and returned home. Caution is always best in awareness of the planetary energies and their impact on the psychology of people's mind frame. Remember the teachings of Jesus to his followers not to anger and don't be afraid.
Be courageous in the face of adversity, do not trigger, respond, don't react. Think through your words, deeds and actions carefully and consider what is motivating you. Some great pictures from the protest in London today, Trafalgar Square, a patriotic location where I fed the birds with my dad.
When Harry takes on the monarchy, he takes on its Queen and what is known has Queen's Counsel in the UK. Not surprising then that the Obama people are backed by big tech and that has led to YT removing videos provided by lawyers to inform the general public that legal actions are being taken against the gene technology that is killing and harming thousands. It is impacting on millions of people in our countries.
One whistleblower from inside the CDC has said there is has many has 45,000 fatalities in America and that is only from one system reporting on it. Apparently, in America there 11-12 different systems reporting on the adverse impact of the injections on the people of all ages to their government. A doctor from New York claims there has been at least 200,000 fatalities in response to the injections.
Tom Renz in Ohio, was the first lawyer that I noticed had been removed from YT, and more recently last night, it was the video from the Covid 19 Assembly about the legal action against the MHRA to halt the injections of children with the nanotechnology mRNA. The barrister involved in that case is Francis Hoar, you can find him on Twitter and their website.
Legal cases are going on in America and the UK in this context, lawyers, doctors and scientists are also involved in pursuing justice for humanity internationally.
Whereas the person known has Prince Harry has so far supported the delivery of the genocide by promoting the injections to the people. Remember the saying, my body, my choice. This aquarian doesn't wear a mask, I refused the injections too.
Not surprising that Harry's friends from Eton and the military are ready to throw Harry under the bus if he writes and publishes anything adverse about them. They've stayed loyal up to now, but everyone has their boundaries. Although Harry appears not to honour the boundaries of others.
The bible gives us various references about Princes. "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes". Psalm 118:9 "Do not put your trust in Princes, in human beings who cannot save". Psalm 146:3
Elizabeth is Head of the Church of England, and Queen's Counsel take an oath of allegiance and swear by Almighty God that they will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors, according to the law.
In the last week I've been using Neem Oil, Cedarwood, Lavender and Thyme, in Coconut oil, with a dash of apple cider vinegar and rubbing it into his coat. My pup likes it put around his neck and lifts his head up for it to be put under his chin. Although I am willing to try different remedies to see what works the best prior to making my recommendation.
In dream state I was aware that I was sharing about self-mastery to help who I was speaking too. So what's happening planetary wise? Tomorrow Venus enters Virgo, on the 22nd July, the Sun enters Leo. 27th July, Mercury also enters Leo as such we can anticipate some more drama in communications.
It is easy to see who has accomplished self-mastery and who hasn't due to what they say and what they write.
A full moon in Aquarius on the 23rd/24th July, depending on where you are on the planet.
The 23rd July, is the "Day of Resolution", and self-mastery definitely helps people with resolutions.
24th July, is the "Day of Instability", people attain emotional stability and balance when they integrate self-mastery.
Author, broadcaster and Clinical Psychologist, Oliver James said that If a person hasn't mastered the (human) self and healed their past by the time they get to age 60, people rarely do after the age of 60.
Oliver James is one of the professionals that spoke at a conference in 2014, on CBT and IAPT. The conference showed all the weaknesses of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and its IAPT application. Professionals from Europe and the USA. CBT was developed in America in the 80s when couch work was big in America, nearly everyone was going for therapy.
I agree with Olive James, it is far better and more cost effective to offer elders physical body therapies to help them. Of course, that doesn't mean that a person embraces Nanotechnology mRNA injections that are completely unnatural with an adverse impact on the physical systems of the body.
Biblically, the injections are "poison" to the body, anything that is unnatural is considered to be "sorcery". Strong's Greek 5331. Pharmakeia - the use of medicine, drugs or spells. The concrete noun is "pharmakon", its primary meaning is "poison". So you can see where the words "pharmacy", and "pharmaceutical" came from. Big pharma is really "big poison". There was also a town in ancient Thrace, Pharmakia, located near Tarahya in Turkey,
In the 90s I met a lovely pensioner whilst on a training course and I shared with her that she would become a Reiki Master and teach it. The sharing was accurate, she did go on to teach and she loved it.
Self-mastery doesn't mean that you suppress a response to any situation, it just means that you are balanced in your view of the situation. Some situations are just not worth your time that is precious, as such, self-mastery is engaged in having a balance in your life that is discerning for your own preservation. The healers and mystics that have studied scripture are aware that Jesus taught self-mastery. It is inscribed for those that have the eyes to see and the heart to understand. Self-mastery is also included in the principles of Reiki.
I knew that a friend was calling out to me last night when he said "PUSH", he knows that one of my grandmothers would call me push. It relates to a cockney saying, "Push and Shove" cockney for love. It does require love to attain self-mastery, all healing requires love to make it possible.
Freedom Day applies to England, not Scotland and Wales. However, people were still protesting in London today telling the riot police to remove their masks. Do the riot police realise that the masks and injections have graphene oxide in them?
The High Court in Spain has judged that the lockdown of Spain was "illegal and unconstitutional" and that the "fundamental rights" of Spanish citizens were "violated" by government measures.
Excellent judgement from Spain upon the Spanish government. The same should happen in every country and politicians must be held personally accountable for the mayhem, chaos, business closures, poverty and serious health issues that they have created with the lockdowns.
Then there is the large amount of fatalities and adverse reactions to the Nanotechnology mRNA injections too. Governments of countries are responsible for their tyranny against their own people.
Puppy and I visited the dog creche today, and while I was there they had some raw food that has been developed by a Chef in England. The raw food company is called Benyfit Natural and the founding Chef is Ben Van Praagh.
Dr Nick Thompson, a Veterinary Surgeon, Holistic Vet, has recently become a consultant to Benyfit Natural. In this video Nick discusses the importance of raw food for dogs and cats. This 53 minute video was uploaded in 2018.
Greece and France revolt against compulsory injections and Covid injection passports. Videos includes photo's, tweets and news reports from RT. Alex from The Duran presents the information provided.
On the 2nd May, 2021, I was given the number 15 and I advised people to keep a look out for that numeric.
This video uploaded to Bitchute from America, states that 15 Jewish Rabbi's were arrested by the FBI in New Jersey. They'd been involved in a large scale body parts operation. Selling organs to the highest bidder, the report also says that money laundering has been involved in the operation.
Checked news feeds and it appears that this happened in 2009.
"Did you know that most vaccines these days are modified live vaccines? That means they bring risks for your dog." Dogs Naturally Magazine, "the problem is modified live vaccines can cause the disease that they are meant to prevent. And research in humans shows that they can embed themselves into the genes of the host. This happens with dogs too. It means the viruses can stay in your dog's body, then cause illness later. Sometimes years later".
"Veterinarian Patricia Jordan DVM also reminds us that vaccination of any sort elevates histamines. When histamine levels are high they cause chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can trigger other diseases (including cancer) has your dog ages".
In the 1950s in England, dogs died of natural causes, 70 years later so many dogs are dying of cancer.
Are all of the extra vaccines a contributory factor, they must be. Towards the end of this video it is shared that 50% of dogs under veterinary care get cancer. Vets have no basis for saying that any of the vaccines for dogs are safe. Vets are not taught immunology and there isn't anywhere to report adverse reactions that animals encounter.
My puppy was given his first two vaccinations prior to collecting him from the breeder at 12 weeks. In the UK, it is advised to do that prior to the puppies going out in the street/road or in public places where there are other dogs.
However, I plan on giving my healthy 15 week old pup has few injections has possible due to the adverse impact the injections can have upon his immune system. I'm an holistic healer and has such the puppy will have has much holistic care as possible.
The health research is continuing and I hope to find an appropriate holistic vet locally for further consultation. I will update this blog post with further information has and when. I'm not against dogs receiving what is essential, but I will certainly not give him anymore than is essential for his overall health. So for instance I don't take flu jabs, so why would I give the equivalent to a dog compromising his health and immune system?
This is an interesting scientific study on Thymus vulgaris essential oil -v- coronavirus in felines.
I offered my pup a smell of the Thyme healing oil this evening and he came back again and again to smell it. Big smiles. He likes having neem oil in coconut oil and lavender rubbed on his neck too, I try to do that a couple of times a week.
Text from video, "Anna de Buisseret is an employment lawyer specialising in all aspects of employment law specialising in discrimination issues. Anna has over 15 years legal and management consultancy experience qualified has a solicitor in 1996, after taking a degree in Business Studies and Management.
In addition, Anna spent 9 years has an officer in the Territorial Army and has been able to use many of the team building, management and leadership skills learnt from the army training in her working life.
Following completion of her training contract with city firm, Trower's and Hamlin's Anna moved to Simmons and Simmons where she joined their commercial team working on corporate transactions. Anna moved on to New Media Law in December 2010.
During this filming of the lawyer delivering liability notices on the injectors, Anna is faced by the police who believe that the Nanotechnology mRNA injections are legal. The lawyer then corrects the police and tells them that they are not lawyers and that the injections are not legal at all.
London is flooding impacting upon the homes of the rich and famous. In the west, south and north of London the water has nothing to stop it's outpouring. The water came from above and below street level. There are pictures of water coming out of man holes and toilets indoors.
British Musician, Brian May who supported the injections was also flooded with many of this treasured photographs. It makes you wonder why he doesn't live above sea level, he can afford it.
Some are calling it a biblical event, a deluge of 3 inches of rainfall in 90 minutes. Interesting that 90 minutes is the usual amount of time for a football match and England did play the cleanest match. One great thing about a flood is that it does clean the streets.
Although biblically, flooding is about the will of God. If you don't do what you are meant to be doing, then the floods come, remember the story of Noah. Historic London certainly wasn't built for underground homes.
Over a 1,000 calls were made to the fire brigade and the Met Office did issue a warning to southern England and some are saying the damage costs go into the millions, some say billions.
I wonder how many of those London homes took on the Smart Meters, water companies have been putting in Smart meters without the permission of the people.
I am not surprised that it happened after the New Moon in Cancer, with Cancer being a water sign. In fact the planetary energies were still in it during this flooding in London. Even George Michael's area of Highgate has received some flooding in north London.
Depending on where you live, the New Moon could be on the 9th or 10th of July.
The 10th of July, is the "Day of Duality", the 9th of July was the "Day of Wonder". There is certainly a lot of wonder in the UK at this time due to how well England have been doing in the UEFA cup. The cup final is tomorrow.
Many patriots in our country are buoyant and excited about the big match tomorrow that is also on the 11th and 11 is the master number of duality.
My puppy is 15 weeks old now, enjoying life with yours truly. He's now too big to go in his car crate, but he was a very good puppy today in the car. He settled down, sat down and laid down, now he understands he must sit or lay down in the car, he is far calmer in the car now. He has had an extra couple of weeks to grow and comprehend commands.
He knows if I leave him in the car for a couple of minutes I am coming back for him. We are working on "separation anxiety', about being left on his own. He sleeps great in his big crate, sleeps all night and we cracked that within five days of his arrival. He knows that bed means bed and that I have to have rest too.
He is also making loads of new friends, he's very socialised, the family that bred him did a great job to prepare him for his new home. He had his first play day with another dog this week and he loved the paddling pool. The puppy amazes me at how intelligent he is and I know that George Michael was keen for me to get the dog when I did three weeks ago.
Dogs are heavenly, kiss, kiss, kiss. Loyal, and unconditional love. He's a great little companion and hopefully he will become an adorable therapy dog. Has the bible says, the dog licked it and I love him more each day. Puppy and I, nurturing each other. Nature, nurture and environment.
"How to eliminate excess Graphene Oxide before it causes thrombotic and cardio-vascular complications". "
As stated in previous articles, La Quinta Columna continues to move forward with its research on how to help the body eliminate excess graphene oxide before it causes thrombotic and cardiovascular-related complications. Precisely, in the interview conducted by Ricardo Delgrado by the channel La Caja de Pandora yesterday, this topic was discussed. He was asked directly what treatments exist for people who want to get rid of this toxic material".
GLUTATHIONE and N-acetylcysteine can defeat graphene oxide. Recently W.H.O. via FDA have tried to prohibit commercialisation of N-acetylcysteine. However, these docs are saying that you must consult your own doctors in this regard due to other medications that you might be taking. Seafood has glutathione, and the jabbers told people not to eat seafood when they get the jabs, people were also told not to drink alcohol or sunbath. they discuss the mechanism in this must watch video. They say do the opposite to what the injectors tell you to do.
From Wikipedia. "Acetylcysteine was initially patented in 1960 and came into medical use in 1968. It is on W.H.O.s list of essential medicines. It is available has a generic medication and is inexpensive. Acetylcysteine serves as as prodrug to L-Cysteine, a precurser to the biologic antioxidant glutathione. Hence, administration of acetylcysteine replenishes glutathione stores.
Acetylcysteine is the N-acetyl derivative of the amino acid L-cysteine and is a precursor in the formation of the antioxidant glutathione in the body. The thiol (sulfhydrl) group confers antioxidant effects and is able to reduce free radicals.". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetylcysteine
Do you live in the Shires? Lotus Eaters have provided the latest update. I'm often asked why I left London 40 years ago and moved to the location where I live. My response is that I married a man that was born in the location, we had planned to open a business, and I felt the countryside was a far better environment for children to grow up in.
Has my childhood was split between London and the Kent countryside. Given the choice, I prefer the English countryside, and its green pastures for its calmness and peacefulness.
Whereas London can be busy and chaotic in the 21st century. London is no longer the London that I once knew due to globalism. English people are now a minority in our own capital city. Long gone are the days when a child could swan around London on their own visiting museums, art galleries and historic sites, I loved sight seeing and all of our historic buildings in London. The immense history and the culture of our people.
This is one of the reasons I don't live in London, another "terror attack" in London reported today.
Grant Shapps MP, Minister for Transport admitted on television that the more Covid injections people have had, the more likely they are to get and transmit Covid. Which means that those that refused the Nanotechnology mRNA are safer and healthier. Has I have shared previously, it is a "depopulation agenda".
RT report that a British musician and singer, Richard Ashcroft has pulled out of a "vaccine-restricted festival" he said he won't take part in the "government experiment".
Glad that another British rock star is standing his ground. It is really important that people appreciate that there is another reality that is truthful and in integrity, we must not compromise on our principles.
17 mins presentation from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi on the latest research on Covid. No requirement for the Nanotechnology mRNA injections. In this presentation he gives a military analogy on how the body operates to defeat the virus and he cites published papers on it.
This new moon in Cancer on the 10th July, 2021 comes on the "Day of Duality". Roland says that you would've felt the energies coming in 36 hours prior to it. Think prior to acting, think prior to responding. In the lead up to this New Moon, I received a dream of receiving a written email. The dream was indicating that it is important to stand our ground against the globalists and the globalist agenda. So interesting that President Trump is suing Google, Facebook and Twitter.
Diana and her son were born in this sun sign of Cancer, although William was born on the cusp of Gemini-Cancer on the 21st of July. Media eyes are on William and his family at this time. William will be at the cup final on Sunday at Wembly, England -v- Italy. It is an historic match, historic timeline.
Early this morning I received a dream of a typed letter from a family member and the dream also included a message from google. There was a connection between the two aspects of the dream.
In dream interpretation to see writing from someone else suggests that you can be your own best friend by not letting others influence your judgement, don't be tempted to act contrary to your principles. That is the message from the dream for yours truly. Do not be swayed or pressured by others, stand your ground.
Prior to the dream and prior to going to bed last night I had posted a video about Trump and his class action lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter and Google. Hence I wondered if that was reverberating in my consciousness due to this dream that followed it. They called Trump all the names under the sun didn't they, they did everything they could to remove him from social media based upon their own globalist agenda.
So I am pleased that Trump is suing big tech, it is way beyond time that serious action is taken. Stand your ground President Trump, that is the message for the day. Don't let others influence your judgement, stand by your principles and be your own best friend.
My view is that children should never be allowed to own a mobile phone, although I can see the advantages of parents knowing where their children are at all times.
Education is planning to ban mobile phones in the UK due to the serious "addiction" children have with the phones. The ban is planned to start in January 2022.
In Israel, Wifi in schools is also banned and the last time I looked Russia was also planning to ban it.
Remember that a child's brain hasn't fully developed until the age of 25 and modern technology can and does have an adverse impact upon their brains. Then there is the social media interactions that can have a serious impact upon their sanity. In South Korea scientists found that children were suffering from "cyber dementia", due to their use of mobile phones.
Brain cancer has also been at its highest in children, with some even being born with it. That was unheard of when I was a child so just goes to show the serious adverse impact that new technology has had on children. Whilst in a GP surgery a former nurse had her baby on her lap with an iPad in front of the baby watching cartoons, I was shocked that the nurse was uninformed on the damage that she was doing to her own child.
How little research people engage in. W.H.O say that babies and toddlers shouldn't be allowed any television screen time either prior to age three. Then at age three only allow them one hour of television per day. Studies found that babies that sit in front of too much television have developmental difficulties too. Large screen TV's give off radiation.
Mobile phones should carry a serious health warning, not only for children but for adults too.
Daily Mail say that Kate, Duchess of Cambridge has taken both injections and has been alerted to self-isolate for ten days even after 4 negative PCR tests.
1. Why on earth did Kate take the injections into her body putting the monarchy at risk of serious adverse reactions? Didn't William and Kate carry out their own research into the dangers of the Nanotechnology mRNA jabs?
What about their courtiers and those advising the family, didn't they do any research either on the high fatality rates of the injections? What about secret services and the protection squad, didn't they do any of their own research into the experimental injections that are in breach of the Nuremberg Codes?
The latest report from the Yellow Card Scheme provided by MHRA showed that 1 in every 43 people are having adverse reactions.
2. It is scientifically proven that wearing masks have an adverse impact on health, we've had that research since 2016. We also know from 1919, that mask wearing didn't stop the 1919 pandemic. Although it is scientifically proven that there is no pandemic.
3. PCR tests being used in the UK have been banned by the FDA in America, people were told to put those PCR tests in the bin.
Honestly, you'd think the British monarchy would have a lot more common sense than to believe anything that the politicians say to the people.
Most of the time the monarchy don't even use the NHS, but Boris decided it should be given the George Cross. The British monarchy have private healthcare.
Van Morrison has written a song, "Why are you on Facebook?" and he has taken the Irish government to court over the lockdown. He is also providing charitable funds for hard up musicians that haven't been able to do live performances.
I really like Rosemary and dogs, so this is a great video from Dr Jones citing some clinical studies on Rosemary. Jones is a great holistic veterinary surgeon, I recommend his work. I grow Rosemary, I have Rosemary has a flower essence in stock, I also have it in an aromatherapy healing oil.
The last MHRA Yellow Scheme reports for the Nanotechnology mRNA now show over a million adverse reactions to the injections. That is an increase in two weeks from one in every 74 people, to one in every 43 people. What has changed in the last few weeks? They've started injecting younger people.
If that doesn't shock people, surely, I do not know what will apart from the amount of fatalities caused by the spike proteins in the gene device. Fatalities stand at 1,403 from the various different injections being administered by the NHS.
This is the 22nd report and it doesn't even include the stats from Public Health Scotland that are also incredibly high. Following and F.O.I. to Public Health Scotland it was revealed that 3,752 people died within 28 days of receiving the jabs. That means that the stats for the UK are far higher than the MHRA stats reveal. The full facts of the amount of people that have died from these injections is huge.
Administering the Nanotechnology mRNA injections must stop immediately. It is a "Crime Against Humanity", and those administering these injections are in breach of the Nuremberg Codes.
So the unveiling of the statue in Kensington Palace at 2pm today. I have to say, Diana would be smiling beautifully, although I quite like the informality of the statue. Diana, Queen of Hearts, Princess of the People, Happy Birthday sweet darling, always in our hearts of our people and nation.
Diana Spencer was born on the "Day of Emancipation". Diana would certainly be happy to see her sons with family united today with smiles on their faces. A mum that showered her love upon her sons and everyone that she met during her life on the planet and from her life in Spirit.
Our Lady Diana loved to dance, so disco dance music is appropriate for her birthday. In 1998, she said to yours truly, "There is nothing that I'd rather do than travel around with you". Diana is never far away from those she loves, she lives on with us. Real love is eternal.
We celebrate with you blessed one, cheers! Food for Diana.
Finally, a clinical trial on children wearing face masks. This blog has already covered the research on the reduced amount of oxygen adults receive whilst wearing masks. How it impacted more on the surgeons that were in the 36 years and older age group. That made sense to yours truly because after the age of 35 the Coq10 enzyme that we produce naturally starts to reduce.
In this video, Ivor Cummins shares the latest data on the impact of masks on children and the results should shock any discerning parent. Don't get me started on the PCR tests for children, the FDA has banned the PCR tests being used in the UK and told Americans to bin them. Why? They can cause serious health conditions.
I've read that children and adults have been putting fruit juice on the tests and that creates a positive test.
The adults do it so that they don't have to return to work, the children do it for fun. In Italy, scientists used a kiwi fruit and got a positive from the PCR test, they laughed at it.
Breastfeeding women are finding that their breast milk is drying up within a couple of days of receiving the Nanotechnology mRNA. This video also includes evidence that celebrities are being offered money by big pharma to take the injections, to be photographed whilst doing so; to promote the lethal injections.