Lotus Feet the enlightened nature of this soul entwined with the Spirit of divine wisdom. Nutrients, healing oils, sound for health. Life time of experience, length of days. Eyes, voice and heart of the mystical healer, the Sacred Path. Divine intervention Aramatheopist.
Following on from the most recent dream, this is a lovely song to go with the "Day of Small Things". So it was he sent a little woman to help the Christians and in return they helped the mystic that he sent. The meditation of the heart mentioned in the scripture was delivered in perfect timing.
The Zechariah prophecy mentions how he laid the foundation stone and that he would bring forth the headstone. The NT tells you that Jesus Christ is the foundation and that the people must not build upon it with building materials.
In life and living it, he brought the small woman forth to do his will, he gave his mystical healer the headstone inscribed with the name ELIAKIM.
He knew that no matter what happened, no one could take her from him. No matter what she suffered, how her family were persecuted, how poor she became due to people getting in the way.
The little humble hearted woman that he chose because he knew that she would not give in or give up. He knew that I would stay steadfast, faithful and loyal to the power of love, and would not compromise on my heart of integrity, no matter what it cost me personally and/or professionally.
20 years ago, Australia and New Zealand had the second highest rate of "depressed and suicidal youth" in the world. The Holy Mother was so concerned about them, as any mother would be.
20 years later a documentary about the New Zealand Maori state that this youth are now the highest in the table of stats.
It's a heartfelt documentary as a spiritual elder helps the youth to reclaim their heritage and culture. They live in such a beautiful location, some don't realise how fortunate they are to live in their homeland of their Maori ancestors.
Indigenous people trying to fit into the 21st century life, the documentary says that this youth are barely holding on. The elder tells the reporter that dads help the youth to build resilience, I think that is true and important. It is hard to be a mum and a dad to a young person.
Some of these young people are so happy once they have reconnected with their roots to maintain and sustain their historic culture. In their historic culture they can find their reason for being, born in New Zealand, to defend the ancient lands. To protect the nature of the land, its flora and wildlife.
I think it is wonderful when men step up to help the youth. Total respect for the help that they are giving to the youth.
Gerard Batten, Leader of UKIP, wrote a book on how to leave the EU in 2014. In this Sky News interview with Lucy Thomas they discuss the latest situation with Brexit. Lucy Thomas is from "Britain is Stronger in Europe", she mentions her concern about the sharing of information with the EU, as in she would like it to continue. I remember in the 80s when our guys at BT were not happy that BT gave away all of the latest technological innovation that our guys had developed.
All our telecommunication innovation that our people and families had paid for was just given away and the the rest of BT was sold off. People had invested their whole lives into BT, just to see it all swept away. Unhappy English innovators did the EU cause. Working people devastated by the destruction of everything that they had helped to build. How would Lucy Thomas feel if she had invested her whole life building her own home, then the EU bulldozer came along and got rid of it? What does Lucy think that did to the self-esteem of some of our greatest talent?
While industries were being destroyed, people's jobs went, then 20 years later the corporations were asking for education to provide more engineers. The audacity of the corporations that supported the EU destruction of our industries. No surprise then that Lucy Thomas is a former BBC journalist and we know how honest that they can be now don't we Tommy Robinson.
If you haven't watched the "Panodrama": documentary expose of the BBC journalist, John Sweeney and his colleagues, I recommend that you watch it.
Lucy Thomas was also Deputy Director of the Remain campaign, a David Cameron appointee too. The same David Cameron that took our country to war in Libya with Obama, as Lucy got any integrity or heart of conscience? Journalists don't know much about industry and working in manufacturing do they? What does Lucy know about health and "Dementia" David Cameron?
Her career has been in journalism, as a journalist, not as a health investigator. How many clients has Lucy Thomas given healing too? How many patients has she helped during her lifetime? How many people did she help with their health conditions? Enough of Lucy Thomas that works for the globalists.
Another dream, in the dream a spiritual business woman that I knew had grown really tall, she was like a giant and I had shrunk and was really small.
In dream interpretation if a woman has grown to be very tall, it can mean that "her problems are not as knotty as she thinks they are." Although the larger the wealth, the bigger the financial investment, the greater the risk there is involved in business.
With my life experience in marketing, wisdom more precious than rubies, knows that markets can change very quickly. Just look at what is happening to Vegans, some are returning to eating properly, and parents are being imprisoned due to their children being malnourished.
In biblical symbology sometimes people are described as being trees. For instance in Ezekiel 17, there are two different trees, a tall tree, and a low tree. Then in the book of Samuel it mentions being small in one's own eyes, and that person is anointed.
In the Proverbs that which is small is extremely wise. In the biblical prophecies height relates to the different clans and Bethlehem Ephrathah are the smallest of the clans of Judah. Micah 5:2 Then in Zechariah, "Who dares to despise the day of small things?". Zech 4:10
A Canadian anthropologist wrote "the dangers of our spiritual welfare from success are far greater than the dangers of failure". Author, Arthur C. Custance
An Israeli dancer shares his view on the "Fleeting Nature of Achievement" from the Athena Stevens interviews on the "Day of Small Things". This humble hearted Israeli is very similar to some of the Israeli's that I was fortunate to meet whilst in Israel in 2006 and 2007.
There has been much discussion about the different birds in the bible and some liken the eagle to the mother eagle that feeds her offspring, some even go so far as to say that it is a symbol of the holy Spirit. Although in Ancient Greece, the prophetesses were named doves and the dove is often symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
However, this quote from this article made me smile today, and it mentions how G-d had to time the Exodus perfectly. Indeed, the timing of arrival can be very important in the bigger scheme of things and the bible prophecies also mention an appointed time in Hab 2. An appointed time, the perfect timing.
A talmudic passage is cited, "If my timing was off, argues G-d, 'the goat would die'." An analogy is given of an eagle saving the baby goat that the mother goat was throwing off of the cliff. In the analogy the eagle returns the baby goat to its mother.
Why is it translated as eagle, maybe because the eagle has the physical power to pick up a baby goat, although have you ever seen an eagle return a baby goat to its mother? Not a suitable analogy then is it?
The men in some cultures have historically exalted their mothers and stayed close to their mothers, as scripture warned the son of wisdom to stay close to his mother. For how can a young man truly understand what motivates a woman, unless he has the life experience, guidance, intuition and insight of his mother?
My dad, the Son of Joseph was always around to help his mother, although they did have their differences. He also loved his disabled mother-in-law very much, and would do absolutely anything for Sophia. When you have grown up with a dad, who loved the women in his family incredibly, it does impact upon your worldview.
I remember the day twenty years ago when my integrity was questioned by two women, that day the Holy Mother appeared before me, she wiped away the tears, lifted up my face, and stroked my hair. When she spoke, she explained why they could not appreciate what motivated yours truly to help the children, she said, "their only motivation was self".
Yesterday, Tommy Robinson shared that he was talking to a taxi driver in Westminster and he was told by the taxi driver that the politicians refer to the people in our country as "children". No coincidence then that I had a dream recently of JRM holding a babies bottle.
Last night I watched a film of Amy being removed from the Houses of Parliament, outside Amy called out to JRM for help, he just walked away, in the opposite direction. JRM did not help the disabled woman or even speak to her. How many disabled people have you helped during your lifetime, and if a person called out to you for help, would you help, or could you just walk away like JRM?
If a person has a heart of conscience, a true Christian heart, a heart of integrity, how could anyone turn their back on anyone that is disabled? Could you, I could not. However, if a disabled person refuses your help, that is an entirely different matter. Then you have to honour what they have decided for their lives.
Gerard Batten and Lord Pearson certainly have a great Christian heart for all that they've done to help Tommy Robinson. Today, I watched most of the proceedings in London with the Brexit speeches, I managed to see and or listen to the first speeches on Ruptly.
Alan, Tommy, Gerard, PJW (on video), and Lord Pearson. A great crowd outside the parliament today with their flags flying and the band playing. The police were anticipating 400,000, although I don't think that there were that many. I think there was more people for the Freedom Day in May, last year. Of course a lot of people have to work on a weekday, so that does stop a lot of people being able to attend.
There has been some great news from the Netherlands, the "anti-EU party" is winning in the elections.
The police say that they are anticipating 400,000 people in London for the Brexit march in London tomorrow.
The truckers have said that if we don't leave on the 29th of March, 2019, they're going to block the motorways, there is also talk of closing train stations and airports to bring parliament to it's knees. Although the truckers haven't said when they plan to do that.
I'm sure there will be plenty of flags flying tomorrow in London and I wish everyone a wonderful and peaceful march. The 29th of March is the "Day of Observation", now that was a great discourse received from Archangel Michael during the Rev 12 timeline that was completed in December 2008.
Sad news today, there have been another six stabbings in London, and a 14 year old youngster was mowed down by a speeding car that was driven by a Muslim. The youngster was crossing the road in Luton, when he was hit by the car, Luton, Tommy's home town.
Put country and people above politics, it is a "Life or Death" situation for our country and culture. How many more young people have to die before the parliamentarians will be voted out? Parliament where all they do is talk, all talk and no action. Actions speak louder than words.
It has got to the point now whereby parliament has to be replaced, as it no longer serves the will of the people. A tiny minority of people making decisions for the majority of us.
MPs that were elected on the basis of leave, and in three years they've achieved nothing that helps young people climb out of the environments that they find themselves in.
For three years the increase due to knife crime as increased hugely. Turn your hearts to the children and their future, there is only a future for our children if we leave the EU, no deal, just leave.
In 2016, there was a blog post on "Signs of Psoriatic Arthritis", in the blog post I mentioned podiatry for the feet. Since that time I found my own Podiatrist and the diagnosis was "psoriatic arthritis" in my toes. Although I mainly get pain in the big toe on the right foot and the nail is lifting up.
One of the medical issues with psoriatic arthritis is that it isn't picked up with a blood test. Although it can be clearly seen if you look at a person's skin and nails. In Reflexology, the big toe connects to the brain. Having reflexology treatments certainly help your body, I also have full body massages on a regular basis with a Sports Massage Therapist.
If you find yourself a professional Podiatrist, they will give you a foot bath, some chiropody, make sure that you have the right fittings for your shoes to support the arches in your feet. They will also give you some feet exercises to do.
With the hands, the golden sultanas soaked in gin worked to eliminate pain from those, my hands were made stronger, and it solved the carpel tunnel syndrome. However, arthritis doesn't like being in water for any length of time. So when bathing wash and then get out of the bath immediately.
If you stay in the bath for too long, you will feel the pain coming back. If you are a Reiki practitioner then it is imperative that you keep your joints flexible so that you can give healing to your feet and toes. Otherwise you are unable to reach them with hands on.
Aromatherapy oils are great for the feet, after having a bath put on some tea tree oil or some aniseed oil. Then put on clean socks to keep the aroma in, during a bath the pores of the skin are open, so that is the best time to put the oil on.
Aniseed is also a great aroma for your feet and shoes. Aniseed is one of the aromatherapy oils from Tibetan Medicine and is recommended for the soles of your feet. It's also great for reducing lymphodema.
Holy Grail
Psoriasis is due to mutated genetics, it is a condition that can be inherited, although it can also be caused by cuts in childhood, because cuts in childhood mutates genetics. The science in that regard was published in New Scientist in May, 2006. Cuts in childhood can cause allergies too.
I stood on a broken glass in the Medway river age 7, and I still have the scar under my left foot. The wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet. I received a dog bite to my left hand whilst at junior school, another cut to the body. It was fashionable when my generation were teenagers for doctors to remove the tonsils, the body was cut again. Did you know that when the body experiences physical trauma it changes DNA?
An American contraceptive device was put inside my body by family planning, that caused "abnormal cells" and operative procedure was required. Then my left hand was cut again when a nail went deeply into the left hand while looking for a home to purchase. A plank of wood came straight up at me with a nail in it.
After the second injury to the left hand, the bone in that hand swelled, and I have two scars in the left hand, one from the corgi, and one from the nail. Interesting that the scars create the initials YW.
It is written that only 15% of people that experience Psoriasis during their lives, also develop Psoriatic Arthritis. The external skin does like receiving the milk from oats, so if you have Psoriatic Arthritis you could try a foot bath at home with milk from the oats. You put the oats in some muslin, make a bag of it, then soak the bag in the water and squeeze out the milk from it onto your skin.
Of course you might like to eat oats too, I enjoy them in the wintertime. Although I do like my sprouts roasted in honey and oats. Sometimes I put in some sesame seeds too. Sesame seeds and oil are great for skin.
As far as solutions are concerned it's best not to take any medication for it, because the pharmaceuticals will not cure the mutated genetics that is the root cause of it.
Sleep and rest is crucial, so make sure that you get plenty of rest and rest when your body is asking you to rest. If and when you don't feel like doing anything, then don't, listen to your body and nurture the self with the appropriate nutrients. Don't ever force yourself or your body.
Some people will try to tell you that it is an autoimmune condition, it isn't. The medics still don't know everything about the body and how the body works.
Concentrate on helping your skin, because if you help your skin internally and externally, you are also helping your muscles and ligaments that support the joints.
What did Jesus ask for? He asked for olives for the skin, and for an elderly man he asked for Reiki and fish oils for his joints. The great thing about Reiki is that it increases the oxygen in the blood, by least 30% and oxygen is essential for the cells of your body.
In recent years he also showed me the small fish, a plate of whitebait. I also eat marinated herrings and anchovies and last week I bought haddock to have for breakfast with a poached egg. Sometimes I have Scottish smoked salmon with scrambled eggs as a treat. That was Diana's favourite breakfast.
Also get as much sunshine to your body as possible. I found that when I was living in the sunshine, in Australia, the Psoriasis cleared up at least 95%. Of course I was also swimming regularly in the sea water too and I was 20 years younger.
While I was in Israel in 2006, I met people that had been sent to Israel from Denmark, the Danish with Psoriasis were sent to Israel every year for a month, paid for by the Danish government. The Danish shared that it was the sunshine that improved their skin condition.
This health condition does impede upon your quality of life, so do your utmost to live your life as easy as you can for your body. Don't allow the medical profession to push you around, don't take their pharmaceuticals, and develop your own menus that are most suitable for the health condition's that you are encountering. There are different systems in the body that can and do impact upon each other.
If you can afford holidays in the sunshine, then save up for your essential holidays for your health and make sure you make your life as stress free as it can possibly be. Make health your number one priority. Do everything that you can to make your life easier and pleasant for you, and listen to some great music.
Also do something that takes your mind off of your health condition too. For some people that can be gardening, and painting that I enjoy very much. Do whatever you enjoy to do and keep your bodies moving. I've developed some body stretches that I like to do daily at home easily. So what can you do to help yourself?
Walking doesn't get enough oxygen to the brain, so I have an inversion table for increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain. I do partial inversion and that stops sciatica and it stretches the back and limbs too.
This video is a film of presentations to the European Parliament that was brought forth by Nathan Gill, MEP. After his short introduction about his own health he introduces Dr Aseem Malhotra who has been a doctor for 17 years. He specialises in Cardiology and he is a surgeon.
He has come to the conclusion that "has it stands now, honest doctors, can no longer practice honest medicine. We have a complete healthcare system failure, and an epidemic of misinformed doctors, and misinformed and harmed patients based upon a number of factors".
During his presentation he also speaks about the American health care system. The presentation is called "Big Food & Big Pharma, Killing For Profit". It's a long presentation, during his presentation he also talks about the "Statin Controversy". 2 hours and it includes a nutritionist.
People involved in the arts have campaigned against accepting donations from the American Sackler family that acquired its wealth from the sale of the Oxycontin.
The artists also campaigned against accepting donations from BP. Donations have to come from an ethical source, and I agree with the artists, hence this video is called "Clean Money Only". I wouldn't accept any monies from Islamic countries either if I was in charge of the universities. We have to protect our countries in the UK, and our cultures.
The British parliament is now "defunct" due to it refusing the will of the people and the BREXIT vote to leave the EU on the 29th of March, 2019. Our people will respond, the truckers have said that they will close the motorways, I've also read about the possibility of closing train stations and airports too.
The British people have had enough of the "Defunct" parliament. Time for the people to take action and bring parliament to its knees. To think that some MPs were elected on the basis that they supported Brexit, I hope that they are removed in the next elections. Also don't forget the county council elections and local elections on the 4th of May, 2019.
When all elected politicians do is talk, all they've done for three years is talk, it's time to get rid of it of the biggest parliament in the history of the country.
A young teenager was kidnapped from her family that did not agree with the medical diagnosis. A young American heard about the case went to report on it. In this RT video it shares about the case, and how the young man saved her from the medical facility.
However, now the young man is facing a ten year prison term for hacking the hospital files to gain the young girl her freedom to be with her family.
In this video the young girl Justine Pelletier is featured with her dad. The journalist Martin Gottesfeld that exposed the Boston Children's hospital and his wife speaks for him against the US officials.
As we know the medical profession take an oath to do no harm. Yet, innocent people and children in western countries are harmed daily by big pharma and their psychiatrists. In America medicine operates on profit, the business model of profit, and there is no profit in a cure.
Although many Americans are happy with the way their highly expensive medical profession operates. Many Americans are happy to keep the status quo of paying high premiums to insurance companies. The same medical profession that co-creates cases like this one. It is a crime against humanity when a child is kidnapped from their parents, it is a crime against humanity when the medical profession are involved in it.
The young man that saved the girl from the Boston Children's Hospital must be given amnesty on humanitarian grounds. He must be released from prison and charge.
Serbia remembers what NATO did to Yugoslavia 20 years ago. In this television report they share what happened and how the NATO forces with the EU destroyed schools and hospitals and a lot more with their bombing spree, NATO's crimes against humanity.
As Jesus said, "Last Days". In fact, the last days of the end times began in the mid 70s when Arafat and his men attacked the Christians in southern Lebanon. I wrote an article about that and distributed it. As we know NATO forces go under the UN banner that has been completely taken over by Islam.
The Son of Hamas said that everyone should stand against the Islamic ideology, and I agree with him. Humanity should not have to suffer mothers that send their children to war against an adult army, so that they can gain respect in their Muslim communities. Parents that bring up their children properly do not send their children to war, they bring up their children in the power of love.
The Duran discussion is about the "demoralisation" of Greece and the Greek people, what the EU did to Greece. They have an election in October in Greece in 2019.
As I shared prior to Greece becoming members of the EU, WW2 never ended it just went underground to rear its head again with Germany at the helm of it. We only have to look at history to see what the Germans in hand with Islam and the Vatican did to Europeans.
Greece forced to sell off its assets including a port to China, yet with everything that they sold, that didn't reduce any of the Greek debt.
1. Greece should never have been allowed to join the EU, Goldman Sachs shouldn't have been allowed to massage the books to make EU membership possible. There should be a class action lawsuit against Goldman Sachs and the EU.
2. Greece should've held on to its public assets, as it is not the government of the day's right to sell off any assets without the approval of the people.
3. Greece should not have taken on the EURO, it's economy isn't strong enough to withstand it. They should have followed the UK and kept their own currency.
4. If Turkey manages to obtain membership of the EU as planned by the EU, Greece is then in the position whereby the Turks will be able to invade Greece. Opening old wounds between the Greeks and the Turks. Bearing in mind that it was the Turks that took Greek children during WW2 and those children were never returned to the Greeks. 800,000 Greeks died during WW2, and the Turks also destroyed Armenia. The fight for freedom continues.
5. I tried to respond to The Duran and each time my comments were removed. Whether I've been blocked from responding to The Duran we will have to wait and see. UPDATE my comments are appearing now.
In this video about Greece, it mentions that the lawyers in Greece are only accepting cash due to the high taxes that have been imposed.
So what's the answer to the situation that Greece finds itself in? Leave the EU, create your own currency again. I suppose there could be military intervention, as there has been previously in Greek history. In 2010, a Greek man did share with me that the military were ready to take action to take their country back. The question is when will they make their move?
When is enough, enough Greece? When will the military say, no more, EU, you shall not destroy our historic culture. EU you do not own Greece and the Greek people. As Jesus said, "Last Days".
I think the Greeks and friends of Greece should come together around the world to help the Greek people. There is no time like the present for "Philotimo".
I've watched this case from the beginning when an Irish mother took on the lefties and told them to leave Rooskey. The lefties that were pushing the migrant agenda weren't even from Rooskey. Rooskey residents stood with the Irish mum and now they've won their case.
There shall be no migrant centre in Rooskey. The Irish are fighting back they're standing against cultural genocide. Rooskey is on the map, if you visit Ireland go and have a drink with the local hero's that say that they drove out the 'snakes". Congratulations Rooskey, I'd like to visit Ireland one day.
Film makers have been investigating mortages in the UK and have made a film on it. This is a 27 minute interview with the film makers, in it, they discuss the facts of the case against the mortgage system that the justice system is involved in.
The text with the video states that the literal old French translation of the word mortgage is "death pledge". In Britain the mortgage market is worth more than £1.3 trillion. The film makers are saying that the mortgages are "fatally flawed through the complicity of the legal professionals".
Janice Atkinson, MEP reports back from the EU on the Turkish membership of the EU. The fact is that the EU are determined to take Turkey into the EU. The EU are intent on removing borders in European countries and even spreading to north Africa.
Whatever European country you live in, it is essential that you defend your country and culture from the Islamic invasion of your countries and cultures. Remember this that Turkey was once a Christian nation with the great Hagia Sophia, not anymore. The book of revelations also calls out Turkey.
This purim I had lentils in my chicken dhansak, and I also had roast chicken and chick peas. I was first introduced to chickpeas by an Israeli in my 20s, also in Greek restaurants eating humous in London. After that more when I went on holiday to Greece and I have eaten chick peas ever since that time.
The Israeli dish that I was introduced to was chicken cooked with spinach and chickpeas.
However, my roasted chicken this recent Purim was cooked in garlic, tomatoes, capsicum, red onion, olive oil, a glass of red wine, and when the chicken was cooked I included some spinach and of course a tin of chick peas.
In this video Dr Greger from Nutrition Facts shares some research on lentils and chickpeas.
I must admit that I also like red kidney beans, butter beans, borlotti beans and baked beans very much. In fact when I was little beans were one of my favourite foods to eat. So make sure that you have beans on your menu every week and don't forget to eat some red lentils. In America they found that Latino's were living longer than Americans because they eat three times the amount of beans that Americans eat.
As far as germinating my seeds are concerned, the broccoli seeds that I put in last weekend have already sprouted and are quite leggy, so I am going to have to repot them. The cucumber and courgette seeds are also doing great and within days they will have to be potted too.
Tomato seeds have sprouted although growing slower than the other seedlings. Once potted, I will be able to put in some different seeds, and I think it shall be some pak choi and lettuce. New capsicum seeds are also ready to go in.
I am going to try the lemon seeds again this year, and also the melon seeds, as I started the melon seeds to late last year.
The herbs were quite dry as we have had quite a lot of sun in the UK, so I've given them a good watering today to help them along. Moved the lavender and blueberry bush now in their third year so that they can get more sunshine.
The patio apple tree is showing signs of Spring time, the Goji berries have green leaves. Nice weather we are having in my location today, it's lovely being able to open the windows and door to let in the fresh air. I hope to put the sunflower seeds into the ground this week, as they were so lovely last year.
Cooking today, making my almond cake that was mentioned in a dream last night. I've started putting ginger syrup into my almond cake to replace sugar, it goes great just a large spoonful.
What's on the menu today, finish up the chick peas in their sauce, and have it with an avocado salad with humous. I shall also have some marinated fish, marinated herring, and anchovies with egg mayo. Make sure you eat plenty of oily fish. A healer asked me if I eat bread with that, I responded that I eat as little bread as possible, as I have an allergy related to it.
Bread has too much yeast and if I have too much of it I have an allergic reaction to it from my body. So I usually limit the bread to an occasional sandwich, or to have with soup or when I have an English breakfast. Of course I do eat flat breads when appropriate and enjoy them, I also make my own flat breads, no yeast. I think a lot of people are told that they are allergic to wheat when in fact they are allergic to yeast.
Yeast can also cause candida for people that eat too much bread, those are the people that often have a reaction to a Dr Atkins keto diet. It's only when they try a keto diet that they discover that they have a candida health issue because when they stop eating bread their bodies respond.
I was fine on a Keto diet when I tried it nearly twenty years ago, although I went through a huge sugar detox in the first two weeks, even had the shakes while detoxing from sugar. The Keto diet is great if you adapt it to suit your taste buds.
It also changes the way that you view the food that you eat and it does change your food habits if you take it seriously. What I liked about the Keto diet was that I could still have a couple of glasses of white wine, and I was shedding weight. I shed between 6-7lbs as soon as I went into ketosis, after that I was shedding 2lbs a week. I felt so energetic, so healthy, it was so powerful.
So I am detoxing from sugar again, only this time I am doing it slowly, by not including sugar in what I cook. Although I do like my sprouts roasted in honey and oats, so lovely.
The Son of Hamas, aka as the Green Prince at the anti-BDS conference. He explains that the politicians don't have the answers and he explains why. Politicians are leading his people to slaughter he says. I have to agree with him as the LORD Almighty said, "Politicians are the bane of your life".
In a different speech given at the Jerusalem Post conference in 2016, he also said that it is the mothers that send their children against the Israeli army to die, he says that they do it to gain respect in their Muslim community.
My response to that and to Labour party members in the UK that stand against Israel, is this. Parents that bring their children up properly do not send their children to stand against an adult army. Great parents bring up their children in the power of love.
In this 11 minute speech he offers some solutions to the Islamic issue in Gaza etc. Remember this that Gaza was once 70% Christian and the Christians were forcefully driven out, just like they are driven out everywhere Islam goes. In his 2016 speech he said everyone must stand against the Islamic belief system, not Muslims, but the ideology that pervades their community. I agree with him, we have to put an end to cultural genocide.
I went to rest and while sleeping I had a dream. In the dream I saw loads of politicians from different countries including Theresa May and Putin. They were in some type of competition. I left them all to it, I was intent on going home to make my almond cake.
As I was leaving I heard a rabbi say to the politicians, "She's not bothered with him, she's returning".
This is my almond painting from years ago, I called the painting hope.
Returning to make my almond cake, big smiles.
In dream interpretation if you are discussing politics it is considered to be a sign of success. Although if there is a man in the dream it can indicate that politics is a "futile effort."
In the dream I wasn't interested in their competition, and men and women competing against each other, women competing against women, men competing against men. I was far more interested in my own health.
I was the same in my 20s once I arrived at a particular point in my career, and then people started getting political, e.g. "back stabbing", I left the company, I had enough of people playing politics and trying to bring me down.
I wasn't willing to fight other people to get to the top of my profession or continue my career in London. I had no ambition to tread on any one else, I stood in the heart of integrity. I was doing a job that I loved, and was great at it, although I had to walk away and leave it behind. I carved out my own future and prosperity based upon my own talents, work ethic, and sheer effort.
Wisdom more precious than rubies came to be beyond any comparison. When she started her own businesses, she had no financial backer, no bank loans, or academic qualifications. She did it all herself, with her own skills, and with her own money, intuition and insight. Although little did I know at that time; that I was fulfilling biblical prophecy, because in my 20s I didn't read the bible.
When she walks away she does so for an important reason. In my 20s I was given a physical reality check related to health, from that day on, health was a crucial aspect of my life. I never forgot what the humble Greek elders shared on my visits to the Greek Islands.
It impacted upon how I viewed life with a humble and sincere heart and there are times in life when you have to say, 'no, my health is more important, and so is my integrity that I will not compromise on".
Sometimes history repeats itself in families, as the Son of Joseph, my dad also had a physical health reality check in his 20s. His daughter took after her dad and he had a tremendous work ethic and loved to be in nature and just be his fun loving self. A charitable humanitarian, he loved to dance, to sing, and make people and children laugh. He would be the clown at the children's birthday parties, and Santa for the children at the orphanages. His heart compelled him and he adored children.
When there is a rabbi in your dream it has the following meaning: "Whatever your faith, a rabbi in your dream is a symbol of favourable influences around you. If you are Jewish this dream signifies prosperity through fruitful efforts; if you are not Jewish, it indicates friends who will demonstrate their regard by helping you to achieve your ambitions". (1)
If there is food in your dream it is auspicious especially if it was fresh and sufficient and I do like almonds very much, my body likes almonds. I'm going to make an almond cake this Sunday for my body.
Almonds were always my favourite nut, mum used to make these for me when I was little. She did her best to get the nutrition into my growing body. The 23rd is also the anniversary of dad's birthday, a man that chose to put his country and people above politics. So happy Spring Equinox dad, health is your daughter's priority.
You will find the almond and it's tree mentioned in the bible, the healthy almonds that are great for nutrition. The lovely ground almond. No surprise then that my eyes are called almond shaped, and Jesus had almond shaped eyes too.
The last time that I arrived at Athens airport, in the evening, as I walked into the arrivals lounge, I could hear the classic Greek composition "Returning in the Evening". It was such a wonderful welcome that touched my heart and soul deeply.
1. The Dreamers Dictionary, Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett
This song reminded me of the Dovid dream with a cottage in it, as the film with the song also has a cottage in it. It's a Michael Bolton song, with scenes from the movie called "The Holiday".
Now I'm going to have to watch the movie. Can't remember the last time that I watched a movie.
There are big changes coming into my life this year especially in July, 2019. Although my physical is not happy this weekend. Looking at the biorhythm my physical is at minus 73% today, so not feeling great, although my emotional energy is up 100%. It's going to be at least 3-4 days before I feel the physical improvement.
So what can you do on those days? Rest, go for a walk and get some fresh air, take your supplements, stretches when you feel like it, only do what your body will allow you to do. Eat the best that you can with food that you really enjoy. Get plenty of nutrients inside of you. Just relax and go with your body, relax as much as you can. Stay away from anything that is negative, be as positive as you can be.
I was responding to an American tarot reader explaining the cards to her, as in the 90s I used to teach tarot. She was doing a public reading for all Aquarians from July-December 2019 on-line. After wisdom corrected the American, the golden energy was dancing on my right hand.
The Christ energy confirming what I had written was correct. There are going to be changes coming this year in politics, the church and also in the monarchy. Financial improvements are definitely confirmed, news that I already knew about. Young people require help at this time to make a success of their lives, they will turn to their spiritual elders for help. Wisdom more precious than rubies.
Young Christian that makes these videos to keep us up to date with environmental and farming issues around the world, is now a dad. He will make a great dad, bless him and his family.
1 Million cows gone they say on television - it's a catastrophe in Nebraska. More pictures on this news bulletin. As soon as I receive a ban from an American forum, there is usually an American catastrophe. Coincidence? I don't think so. It's costing the Americans a lot more than if they had paid up.
News bulletins have announced that President Trump has recognised Israel's right to the Golan Heights and his announcement during Purim was bound to spark controversy. The fact is that there was a Jewish settlement in the area of land known as the Golan Heights and it is written that it was conquered by the Arabs in 636CE. The Ottoman Empire also took it over in the 16th century.
The area is strategic because it is an area where Israel defends itself. This link also shares with you that Jewish people bought land in the Golan in the late 19th century and early 20th century. This link mentions some of the purchases.
On the first mission to Israel (in 2006) I was on the beach on the Galilee sending healing to the other side of the lake, the Israeli healer that was with yours truly asked me what I could see. I replied, "an elephant", she asked "what does the elephant mean to you?" I replied "it is the overcomer of obstacles".
Col Richard Kemp speaks out against the Islamic UN and it's agenda against Israel, an agenda that has been continuous. Richard Kemp spoke on the 18th of March, 2019.
You seriously wouldn't believe what the UN has become unless you have watched what has being going on there for decades. It makes you wonder why any country would choose to fund what has become the Islamic UN. At least Col Richard Kemp speaks the truth to those have perpetuated and inflicted the political persecution of Israel.
I put my first seeds in this week for my third season. I've put them in trays and covered the two trays. In the two trays I've put in three different types tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes and broccoli. The next to go in is some capsicum seeds, I find that seeds directly from the fruit do the best.
This is a great video on the geminating of seeds.
What's on the menu this weekend in my home for the Spring Equinox.
Carrot soup, Asparagus soup. Leek and potato soup.
Main meal of the day
Lamb shanks, roasted sprouts in honey and oats, buttered mash and carrots. (last nights dinner)
Roast chicken cooked with capsicum, tomatoes, red onion, and chick peas. Served with wild rice.
Roast chicken with leeks, carrots, spinach and peas. Roast potatoes and red cabbage.
Avocado salad with iceberg lettuce, fresh spinach and olives. Served with humous, marinated herring and marinated anchovies.
Haddock with poached eggs.
A selection from European countries.
Almond cake
Apple crumble
Clotted cream ice cream with kiwi fruit.
Date pudding
Bananas and ice cream
My menus change weekly, never two weeks the same. That's the Aquarian for you, we don't like repetitiveness, it's just the way that we are made. Although we do like lots of nutrients and home cooked food.
As it is PURIM, it is appropriate to share this passage from the book of Deutronomy.
It is written in the Torah that Moses gave this request for the tribe of Judah, Judah, just one of many Jewish tribes.
"Hear, O LORD the voice of Judah and restore him to his people. Through his hands strive for him, help him, against his foes". Deu 33:7.
It is written that Ester and Mordecai were from the tribe of Benjamin, and both the tribe of Judah and Benjamin were in the south of Israel. No coincidence then that Yeshua spoke of the Queen of the South. In Latin, "Regina austri".
No coincidence then that the Son of Joseph that was born in London, England, was given the name Reginald Alexander by his Jewish dad.
He was a man that was not afraid of anyone, when the life of his family, his home and his wife was threatened, when his family were being persecuted, when he started to receive "death threats" he bought a very large dog to protect his home, his wife and his family. After he passed over he said, "Forget-me-not".
Judah one of the son's of Jacob in the biblical legends, remember the biblical prophecy Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame.
Vinny Eastwood in New Zealand has provided a great video on the globalist Jacinda Ardern and her connections.
In this video that is 7.21 minutes in length he exposes the Labour party in New Zealand and their actions. Labour introduced genetically modified crops into New Zealand. although there is a lot more facts shared in the video about the globalists in New Zealand.
You might well ask what was Jacinda Ardern doing working in the UK, and with the British police force? The globalist career politician is also been in a relationship with a broadcaster, that's not surprising either when you see how the media have been co-ordinated to close down freedom of speech in New Zealand over the recent incidents at the mosques.
The media didn't tell you did they that Al Noor mosque was the breeding ground for jihad's that went to Yemen to fight and that is where they died due to an American drone. Those men weren't born into the Islamic religion, they were converts to it. Jacinda Ardern used to be a Mormon, did she convert to Islam?
The latest news about the mosque case in New Zealand is that the woman that was named to charge the so-called gunman has been found to be alive. How embarrassing for the New Zealand PM, their police force and the judge.
In another case a man that said that he had been shot in the back, was out of hospital within 24 hours, driving around and speaking to broadcasters, do you honestly think that is possible? No way, would that man be out of hospital in 24 hours, if what he said happened was true.
The investigations are continuing as after two different films were looked at we know that they were both drama drills to impact on the psyche of the people of New Zealand. Military forensics have also shown that in the first film the bullets disappeared into thin air. It's easy to see if you've seen the film slowed down and you've looked at it frame by frame.
So whatever went down in New Zealand it certainly isn't what the MSM have fed to the people. In one of the Australian TV news bulletins they even went so far as to say there had been an incident at the hospital in Christchurch, then in the same bulletin they changed their minds.
I've also heard that the other news from the MSM is that the Australian that had been living in New Zealand for four months had a psychiatrist that has left the country. Now that's very convenient isn't it? Be careful what you believe about this case, and keep on asking for the evidence. The people of New Zealand should demand a public inquest so that all the facts and evidence is presented to the people.
Did the man in the film travel to as many countries as the MSM are saying, how do you know? Have the journalists seen his passport? Even Reuters said that they couldn't authenticate the film that was removed from every platform. So let's take a look at Jacinda Ardern.
It's no coincidence that the gematria for Christchurch is the same as "Obama is terror". Did you know that the American Podesta has been in New Zealand just days prior to the happening.
Professor Jordan Peterson's book has been removed from the bookshelves in New Zealand.
"Mr Salvini, the interior minister and head of the anti-immigration League party, asked why a person with a criminal record was allowed to drive a school bus. Interior minister officials said they were studying the possibility of revoking the driver's Italian citizenship. The driver is likely to face charges of kidnapping, attempted mass murder, causing a fire and resisting arrest".
The 47-year-old man of Senegalese descent was the bus driver and there were 50 children on board.
In 2014, the people of Crimea voted in an historic referendum to be with Russia forever. The text with the video shares that their decision has protected its residents from the events taking place in neighbouring Ukraine.This decision made quiet, peaceful, and robust development possible. Whether it's the bridge or the modern airport, the new vineyards and the highways - it is a source of delight and a realisation of what else has to be done.
So much has been achieved in just four years, congratulations Crimea. We are together again, welcome home.
In the video with English translations, Putin says to one of the veterans, "We'll restore everything, be sure of it".
I'd just written a post on-line responding to people that had been discussing the Spirit of Elijah, and then he said, HaShem. When he speaks he's calling for attention, it is the Jewish holiday of Purim.
I remember when he said, "Tell Israel, HaShem sent me to you".
Do you remember in March 2010, when the whale turned up in Israeli waters fulfilling biblical prophecy? Do you remember the same year there was a biblical plague of frogs in Greece? We did smile when we saw prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes.