Lotus Feet the enlightened nature of this soul entwined with the Spirit of divine wisdom. Nutrients, healing oils, sound for health. Life time of experience, length of days. Eyes, voice and heart of the mystical healer, the Sacred Path. Divine intervention Aramatheopist.
While having a lay down today, I had a dream of mum's cut glass tumblers. There was only one of those cut glass tumblers left when she passed over, and it was the glass tumbler that she drank from, so I kept that tall glass tumbler in memory of her. Although in the dream they were numerous.
Originally she would have had at least eight of them as our dining table at home could seat eight, mum created a beautiful table for the family, and meal times that we shared were always important to her.
The cut glass tumbler has six pointed and eight pointed stars on them.
I had been looking for the last week for that tumbler, anyway, after I experienced the dream, I looked for it again, and it was behind the computer on the right side with some leaflets for 999 call for the NHS.
In dream interpretation to dream of a clean glass signifies general good luck. If your dream featured decorative glass it predicts a rise in status and or an increase in income.
After that I checked the lottery numbers, and I'd won £25 on Saturday evening, and I only bought one Saturday ticket, how amazing is that to win during Passover. Big smiles, a Passover Win! Cheers. The 31st of March, is the "Day of Tenacity".
Does it come even more crystal clear than that! In the book of Revelation the glass is before the throne.
This website asked for the blessing of abundance for Passover and shares a story about it.
On the website it mentions Elijah, and the man that writes that blog also wrote about the "Wheat Money", "the Wheat Fund", otherwise known as "kimcha d'pischa" = "Wheat Flour". The Jewish man wrote that post on the anniversary of my mum's birthday, the 14th of March.
On arrival to buy the food for passover, there was also a rainbow over the location, that is the first time I've seen a rainbow for a very long time, it is always a very positive sign when I am blessed to see a rainbow.
What is also interesting is that this is the first Passover that I have cooked with Matzo meal, I put some in my meat balls with sesame seeds, onions, garlic, thyme and sage. They were delicious with a honey and soya sauce.
On waking up from my dream I was also shown some soup that I have to cook.
Jonathan Pie on the Gender Pay Gap, does it really exist. Listen to the facts.
Great one, although economists have stated that salaries for both men and women haven't increased in real terms since the 80's, while the cost of living as soared in the last 40 years.
So although there isn't a pay gap between men and women, there is certainly a bigger pay gap between rich and poor.
In the last 40 years the rich have got richer and the poor have got poorer. No longer can the poor afford to purchase property, no longer can the poor afford to start their own businesses. Remembering that a lot of poor people were able to start their own businesses prior to the 80's recession and some went on to employ staff too.
In the 70's a mortgage repayment was just 10% of one person's salary. £90 a month for a mortgage, for a two bedroom flat in London, now compare that with today. Even rents in social housing are at least for times that amount for the smallest properties in Europe. Yet, property developers just keep on building them. There is a biblical prophecy that says that people will start saying, no, I am not living in that, it's too small.
It stands to reason that if people cannot afford to live, that jams up the economy. If people don't have any cashflow due to the high cost of living that rebounds upon the economy due to the little amount that people have to spend on purchases. Austerity brings an economy to a grinding halt. That's why Theresa May is being bought by foreigners, and looking for foreign investment. Instead of promoting investing in our own people like Maggie Thatcher did, austerity is not investing in our people.
Maggie Thatcher was correct when she warned the British people to buy British, and that the EU plan was to make the poor, poorer. The UN now plan to bring in another 100 million economic migrants with the excuse of climate change.
That is cultural genocide, is that subject matter too sensitive Jonathan Pie. As Prophet Isaiah said, "to loose the chains of injustice". Isaiah 58:6 and Hab 2:12 doesn't that relate to the story of the Exodus.
Interesting that America is viewed in the same way as Egypt by some and Obama was also viewed as it's Pharaoh. Yet, over 5 million Jewish people chose to live in America and some Jewish people left England to go to live in that country.
While in Israel I also met American Jewish people that were living in Israel, and some were on holiday in Israel, some were being educated in Israel.
Why anyone would wish to live in America, I'd like to know. Maybe it's because they live in bigger properties than ours in England, or perhaps because they have to pay huge amounts for healthcare and education, they must like paying a lot to live in America.
They even have to drive to get anywhere, if you go on holiday to a holiday complex, in America, there's no transport provided. You can't get anywhere without a car, America depends on cars, that's how they've built America.
You can see why Obama and Clinton took out the Libyan leader for Saudi and the Arab league, in Libya they had free education, free houses, free healthcare, free electricity and water. Now America can't compete with that can they, the American consumers that lived on credit cards and debt, instead of spending within their means and sharing their own natural resources.
Then you've got people like Billy Graham that hoarded $25M, and they all praised him, how crazy is that mentality. While homelessness increased by 43% in LA since 2013. Are the celebrities in LA opening their homes to these people, how about Obama and Michelle, are they in LA feeding these people. Hey Oprah are you feeding your people and giving them a home with your billions. You know what Jesus said to the rich man don't you.
The American "injustice", that can be found everywhere on the American owned social platforms, networks and forums. Some Americans don't like equality, and some don't like being called out, the women even change their reputation votes and have them removed, when they don't like them.
When I was sharing the truth on an American radio show, they stopped the interview. As God would have it, I could still hear them talking about me behind my back. He wished for me to find out what those American people were really like and it confirmed my feeling about those people that were running that show.
Those Americans, they didn't like to hear it, although there was one guy that agreed with me, although the others quickly silenced him.
They didn't pay my wages when the LORD told them too, they didn't pay for my flight to America, and they didn't pay for my dinner either. So I had to leave, I had no choice. The righteous live in a place of perpetual light, it's essential for the righteous to live in healthy environments, and America is definitely not a healthy place to be.
What they do during the American elections, they also do in the social networks. They don't like fairness do they, they don't like the fact that "the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping." Hilarious, we can see beyond appearances into their hearts, words and actions.
What I can say about the Israeli's, is that I liked their honesty. They were always straight with me, and they were very appreciative of the love that was showered upon them during my stay with them. Israel is a very different country to America, a completely different culture, Israel really is cultured.
One of the Israeli wives came to speak to me in May 2006, and she said to me, "my husband can't put you in a box". He was trying to work me out, as some people do, lovely man, a Yemenite Jew. I thought of that lovely couple this morning, how kind they were to gift yours truly, with a hamsa, and take me to a Jewish wedding in Tiberius on the waters edge. It was a beautiful wedding.
My matzo, sesame, meat balls are lovely. I shall make more next time and put some in the freezer.
Lord Alan Sugar left the Labour Party, Alan Sugar memes Jeremy Corbyn and the Socialists are furious. Alan Sugar on the side of freedom of speech. Alan has a sense of humour, he Tweeted, "Many a true word spoken in jest Corbyn". Corbyn supporters have reported Alan and his tweet to the "speech police".
71 year old business man, Jewish Londoner, Alan Sugar, his autobiography titled, "What you see, is what you get". I used to say that to people, London phrasing. He comes from Hackney mate, don't mess with the real east enders, they ain't sweet when they're on it.
At least Alan takes Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters on.
It's turned into a Twitter row between the business man -v- politicians. When Alan was told to remove the Tweet, Alan responded, "Dear Mr McDonnell I am sorry that you are offended by my retweet on the picture. First let me say that I was not the originator, it has been doing the rounds. You need to get Corbyn to make a firm statement about anti-semitism". Alan had shared his Tweet with 5.5. million of his Twitter followers.
This comes right after there was a "anti-semitism" conference in Israel last week.
Although it does remind me of a visit to Amnesty International, the first things that they asked me when I arrived was, "Are you clairvoyant", and "Are you Jewish", in that order. I responded, "Yes, to the first question, and Yes, I do have some Jewish blood in my veins. There are a lot of socialist "anti-semitists" involved in Amnesty International, although I was told that local Amnesty groups in the UK were disbanding when I met some of it's members.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and be courageous. Do not be afraid, and do not be discouraged. For the LORD your God will be with you, wherever you go". Book of Joshua
Jewish Passover, Alan had to do something, he's a big meatball of Jewish love really. I can see why I was making meat balls last night, Alan has definitely got balls. Funny that my sauce for the meatballs included some sugar, red wine vinegar, soya sauce and honey. They were delicious and the meat balls were made with thyme and sage, garlic, onions, sesame seeds and matzo meal.
A lot is happening in our region, hey Alan. First you and your tweets, after that the shuttle bus at Stansted airport. Hope you weren't flying from that airport this weekend.
I've just seen the news, Stansted airport shuttle bus on fire in airport bay. Buses don't just catch fire do they, it looks like "terrorism" again. 100's of flights cancelled causing chaos for passengers. All airports on alert!
When I typed this the typeface automatically turned into red. Amazing. Then when I posted it, it didn't show, LOL, let's try again. Shofchim Lev Kamayim, our hearts pour out like water. Beautifully sung by Motty Steinmetz and the choir.
Personally, I prefer to see the rainbows of hope, like I did when I was food shopping for passover.
I've just cooked some meat balls, delicious, with honey, soya sauce and red wine vinegar. I don't usually like meat balls, but these were lovely with the matzo and herbs.
I forgot to share with you that when I was on my way to get my passover food on Thursday, there was a huge rainbow above my location and the gateway of prosperity.
That's the first time I have seen a rainbow for such a long time, and it is always a very positive sign in my life. The rainbow, symbolic of the covenant with God, the will of God.
I've just seen this amazing sight that was seen in Israel, it was uploaded on the 23rd of March, 2018.
As you can see the clouds unfold, you can see an image of Jesus in the clouds, it looks like it is coming from the side where Syria is. That indicates to me, the freedom of Syria.
I was honoured to go to the galilee and bless the waters in May, 2006, and to look upon Syria with love in my heart. While there with an Israeli artist with our feet in the sea, sending our love to Syria.
After our prayers and ceremony, Rhea asked me what did you see, I responded I saw an elephant. She asked what does the elephant mean to you, I responded, the elephant is the animal with the most spiritual wisdom, it is the overcomer of obstacles. Ganesh. In Africa the elephant has right of way.
Following on from the dream of an American and the "Desist letter" being shared. Englishman Tommy Robinson was banned on Twitter, and prior to that Julian Assange had his internet connection blocked.
Now the news about another American platform that exposes even more Americans, Facebook.
A Facebook memo has found it's way to the media and 3,000 Facebook employees are "angry", exactly as the dream portrayed.
The memo describes how far Americans are prepared to go in order to become the world's most popular social media platform. The writer of the memo admits that the firm engages in "questionable contact importing practices" but claims "it is worth it even if it costs someone a life".
Indeed. That is true America, and the cost of life is priceless, worth so much more than any American platform. When people were first joining Facebook and Twitter, I looked at both American platforms, and I just didn't get a good feeling about either of them. I just didn't like the energy of those platforms.
When you have a moral compass, when you have a heart of integrity, connecting with people is not worth the cost of life. When you have come to completion within yourselves, when you have found the borders within yourselves, a person then respects the boundaries of others.
So what sort of people are you connecting with on Facebook, did they look after you, did they take care of you, your privacy, and your sanctity. Ponder upon it!
America will not silence us, as Jesus said, "Silence is compliance". Jesus knows about the American "injustice", and surely, America will pay the price for what has happened, that's karma for you.
America reaps what it has sown, and it does come back upon them like a boomerang. Every time an American banned me on an American platform, wherever I went, the repercussions were incredible. Yet, they still didn't learn or appreciate what Jesus said about the one he would send.
Prophet Isaiah stood against "injustice", and so did yours truly. The only reason that I am sharing this story is because I received the dream on the morning of the 29th of March, 2018. On receipt I viewed it as a warning dream about America. Be very aware, very aware indeed.
Americans have been consistent in trying to silence English people. Some Americans don't like it when we write the truth about America and call them out on it. Milo thinks that America is the greatest nation on earth, I don't agree with him on that at all.
Americans don't even put the effort in to come to meet you at the airport, I don't recommend their hospitality. They invite you out for dinner, then give you the bill to pay for it. Isn't that the same with Facebook, they invite you to connect, than get rich on the backs of the poor, exactly as the bible described.
They offer to pay for your flights begging and praying for you to go to America, then you end up paying for the flights yourself, there is no nation like it, and how it operates, and I have traveled to many different countries during my lifetime. Seriously, who would wish to live in that country, their culture is so different to our cultures in Europe.
In this report America birth rates are at an all time low, and divorces are at their highest ever, and Facebook think that they've helped relationships.
The fact is that romance has gone out of the window in America states this report. While America has been busy elevating women, it's men have been "desisting", it makes you wonder whatever happened to dignity, and integrity, did America ever have any. American's were offered healing and "rejected" it, and you know what Jesus said about that don't you, judgement would come upon every town and city that "refused" healing. That's why America is in the state that it is in!
Interesting that in a previous dream I had, Americans were coming to England for healing, some Americans were choosing to return to their original homeland to work with English healers. From what I have experienced on the land, and on-line, there is a lot more integrity amongst the people of England, than there is in America.
Milo's report on "Facebook bans admins". 22 people.
In this video it shares the story of how Queen Victoria raised the money and sent a man to Israel to find the ancient city of David. Queen Victoria so strong, so determined, she has a strong Spirit, and sometimes she would appear before me on healing training courses. I've seen Elizabeth 1 too, another very strong Spirit. Interesting that it is the Queens that come to help, just like Queen Victoria helped Israel and it's people.
London cabbie tells the story of the exodus in cockney slang, glad to see there is still Jewish cab drivers in London. This cockney tells the Passover story, current bun = son. I've got four current buns for this passover and my chicken liver pate with brandy and thyme and loads of garlic is made and in the fridge.
I might make an almond cake too, cheese pyramids in puff pastry, and some meat balls with honey and sesame covered sprouts.
My fresh herb salad includes dill, chives, coriander and watercress, my body does like fresh herbs and food that is easy to digest, little and often, the older that you get. Last night I cooked with Matzo flour for the first time, I liked it in the latkes. If I had some visitors I could share a feast this weekend.
Anyway, enjoy our London cabbie tell the story of the Passover.
The Ryan Review, announce the march with Tommy Robinson on the 6th of May in London to Speakers Corner. The American Platform Twitter has permanently banned Tommy Robinson after the tremendous weekend in Birmingham that gained millions of views. Now the next march is planned for May, Tan does like a march for freedom of speech. If I lived in London, I'd go to the march in a Rickshaw with Tan. Get all the Rickshaws on the march, all the London carriages, get your carriages on it. http://www.londonrickshawhire.co.uk/rickshaw-hire/
It was written that Jacob Rees-Mogg was David's Cameron's "worst nightmare", I think for Theresa May, it's the people marching for their human rights, for regeneration and against replacement, we say no to the cultural genocide of our nation and we say no to the Islamic ideology being imposed upon our people. We say no to Sharia finance compliant banks, we say no to sharia councils being in our country. We say close the borders now, don't we tan the man.
Where's my carriage, I don't mind if it's a horse drawn carriage. My ancestors drove a horse drawn carriage through London city.
That reminds me of the message that I received all of those years ago, in March, 2013, "Now comes Peter Pan and Ryan". In 2013, after the message was received, I discovered that "Peter Pan" linked in with horse racing in New York. Although the Ryan Review is very British, Boots are on.
While I was on a live stream today for Julian Assange, there was a Greek man in Greece on it, English people, Scots and who knows who else. Let's have some banners for the freedom of Julian Assange too guys. Maybe you can get Vivienne Westwood to bring her tribe and she can ride in a carriage too.
So what I am cooking today, I am going to make some potato salad, some chopped herring, and chicken liver pate for the weekend for passover. I made some latkes last night, to have with an avocado, egg mayonnaise, herb and watercress salad. So avocado is on the menu this week.
I'm still finishing up a delicious home made carrot cake, and I shall make an almond cake for the weekend. My body is asking for light food that has a lot of energy. Fresh food, fresh salads. Although I am going to make some meat balls too. What else do I have this time of year, some cheese puffs in pyramid shapes and I've got some hot cross buns too.
The latest news and Julian Assange has called out a politician in the houses of parliament, an MP who called Julian a "Miserable Little Worm". I like Julian's response to the Conservative MP.
A good point made that the houses of parliament don't allow the people to dissent, when dissent is an international human right. "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping".
In international law, in human rights, universal declaration article 19, houses of parliament are against freedom of expression.
Where's the evidence Alan Duncan, that is all that Julian is saying, provide the evidence. Julian Assange has the support of our people, Alan Duncan doesn't. Alan Duncan a "name caller", we know whose team he's on, and it isn't the British team of people. Alan Duncan won't be going to the world cup in Russia will he.
There is a live stream on outside the Ecuadorian embassy, now. Three cases were seen leaving, and some people were leaving the embassy, nothing else.
RT say that Julian's internet and phone line has been blocked.
What else has happened this week, Tommy Robinson has been permanently banned on Twitter, an American owned platform. I saw that news, after I had the dream of an American with a letter to "Desist".
The American's can't silence Tommy, and they won't silence the supporters of Julian Assange. Fashion designer, Vivienne Westwood outside the Ecuadorian embassy, she says that she and others are not being permitted to visit Julian inside the embassy.
As Jesus said, "Silence is compliance" and Vivienne and others are not being silent about this case, and freedom of speech.
I had a dream of an American man and I recognised him immediately, has I have seen a photograph of him. In the dream he was sending a typed letter, in what he had written he was "angry", and the last three words in the letter were "Desist", "Desist", Desist".
In dream interpretation, the interpretation of the dream depends upon the content of the letter. Clearly, the American man wasn't happy due to the circumstances he found himself in, and to receive a letter of this type, portends an approaching "struggle." In dream interpretation a letter delivered by a messenger rather than by post, can indicate "discord".
I view this as a warning dream, and that the American man, is symbolic of America, in a big "struggle", and in "discord", with itself. Internationally, things are not improving for America and the world's view of it.
Remember what Clinton said in 2010, "America is losing the information war". Remember what Bush did to Iraq, remember what Obama and Clinton did to Libya.
Donald Trump has made an agreement to provide more military equipment to Saudi, and in the last three years, Saudi has been bombing Yemen, creating the biggest humanitarian disaster since 1948, say the relief workers. However, Theresa May has also agreed to provide military equipment too.
How easily the western leaders are bought by Saudi, just has Nostradamus foretold.
Nikki Haley has been called out over Syria, America should keep out of Syria, the Syrian leader is a doctor, a qualified ophthalmic surgeon. He must have taken the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. How many Presidents are trained doctors and have the support of Putin and the Russians.
In America, the word "Desist", is generally used in their "cease and desist" legal letters.
In recent days there has been a lot of news about nations coming together and dropping the petrodollar, financial experts, and even Ron Paul as said, if and when that happens, America will experience great difficulties.
The word "Desist", can mean to stop doing something and the last time that I heard from an American was a week ago. Something has definitely happened that is impacting on America.
After the dream when I woke up, I was experiencing some physical pain, in the bone structure of my lower back, hip joints and in my right knee. I had to go out yesterday, to get some food, and when I go out, I suffer afterwards. I could do with a therapeutic body massage, Reiki healing, nurturing, and lots of tender loving care.
I can't be concerned about America and the Americans, I have to look after myself. America is on it's own journey, and as I wrote years ago, America will be humbled. We gave America and Americans all the help that we could. On a personal note, I am in a one year in my life cycle, new beginnings, in a new direction, so it will be interesting to see what manifests.
Englishman, Tommy Robinson has been banned by Twitter, an American owned platform.
RT report that the landline and internet connection of Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy has also been blocked. The American pressure to "desist", from sharing the truth. The English will not be silenced by Americans. International law of freedom of speech, universal declaration article 19. International law and the human right to dissent.
Do you know American women even change and remove their reputations, some American women don't like to see the truth. People shouldn't have reputation ratings on their platforms, if they don't like the response. Some people live in integrity with a heart of conscience, and some people don't. Some people have a moral compass and some people don't.
Just look at Donald Trump and all the other western leaders that have expelled Russian diplomats, and all Russia was asking for was evidence. Theresa May won't even let the Russians visit the Russian citizens that are in hospital in England. Western leaders bought by Saudi, at least the Russians stepped in to save Assad and Syria when the Arab league backed by America were intent on taking him out.
All Julian Assange was asking for was the evidence. Americans like to get their own way don't they, that's why they control the social networks and on-line platforms. Americans like to control the narrative. However, we already had an English owned platform long before Twitter came along, certainly the English and yours truly were able to impart the truth to people without America influencing and impacting upon it.
"Scientists have discovered a new "shock absorber" organ that spans the entire human body".
It's not really a new organ, it's just that the medical scientists are discovering new aspects of the body and how the body works.
"Researchers at New York University (NYU) say that the organ, which was initially believed to be a series of dense connective tissues, may be one of the largest in the body. They found that the organ, known as the interstitium, is a network of fluid-filled compartments beneath the top layer of skin that may act as "shock absorbers", in places where tissues are moved or subjected to force". "It lines the digestive tract, lungs and urinary systems, and surrounds the arteries, veins, and the fascia between muscle. The interstitium is made of strong and flexible connective tissue proteins, with interstitial fluid moving throughout". "The system drains into the lymphatic system, and is said to be the source of lymph-vital to the functioning of inflammation-causing immune cells".
To those that have been following the messages that I have been receiving and sharing in recent years connected with the health of the body and what is required, you may remember the importance of the collagen message.
Therapeutic massage therapists and Reiki healers also know that the tissues in the body holds onto anything that impacts upon it externally, and internally, and healers can feel where those blockages in the body are.
Heaven and earth is my witness, glory be to God. He always seems to give me some good news at passover. Great confirmation, of the divine guidance given, especially as for the last six months my main focus has been on health and nutrition, we had a great time sharing what had been given.
Last night another message was received, and he spoke of imparting what had to be imparted. In scripture, the imparting relates to giving people a spiritual gift to make them stronger, and Reiki healing certainly makes people stronger.
The message received last night. "You have the eloquence to impart what you have to impart".
When I cross-referenced the message with the text relating to the Jewish holiday e.g. in the reading of Exodus, it made a lot of sense. It is mentioned in chapter 4.
Another story of a couple being allergic to modern life, they own their own small holding, they built their own house to live in, and now the English council have told them to remove it. You can't even live naturally as God intended, because modern man doesn't allow it. In the 1950's some people in England were still living in caves.
Paint spread on the 26th March, 2018. I've called it "Passover", as the Jewish holiday begins on the 30th of March, 2018. A painting passover sounds great to me.
"Why is the UN defining Judaism as a war crime?"
The UN Persecution of Israel.
While the UN members continue to persecute Israel, and Judaism, the Saudi Arabs have been bombing Yemen for three years. Relief workers are saying that it is the biggest humanitarian disaster since 1948. In March 2016, some of the last Yemenite Jewish people left Yemen for Israel.
Why aren't the Muslim members of the UN calling for resolutions on Saudi and why is Theresa May diverting attention onto Russia and away from Saudi -v-Yemen, and what has happened due to Muslims in Telford. Is that what the UN call justice, is that what Theresa May calls justice. Is that what the MSM call justice.
This forthcoming weekend always reminds me of Kent as I spent most of this holiday time in Kent with family. The family time that was shared in nature, away from everything else that was going on.
In Israel they pour out a glass of wine for Elijah and open the door, it would be interesting to know who introduced that to the Seder. In 2006, Israeli's kept on asking for the gathering to be in Jerusalem in Israel, I said no, I have to follow divine instructions to go north.
After the mission to Israel in May, 2006, (three weeks) they kept on asking when are you coming back to Israel again, they had to wait and see what God had planned and so did I.
Funny, that I have just noticed that during the Seder, they say, "Next Year in Jerusalem". Divine intervention, in September 2007, I was sent back to Israel and to carry out ceremony in Jerusalem. Love beyond measure arrived again and I was in Israel for two weeks. There was big celebrations for the divine child and spiritual independence. Wonderful memories.
In the passover painting the colours are red, yellow, metallic pink, white, and orange-red.
Other paintings spread in this month of March 2018. There is some Jewish blood in my veins, the vine of Joseph that climbs over every wall. I have a grapevine in my healing room, although it will have to go in the garden.
I've been enjoying my homemade carrot cake this week. English people like their carrot cake.
The last time I held a little child in my hands, while scanning his body and giving him Reiki healing, he shouted, "It's HOT". Yea, the power of love beyond measure, bless him. He's so gorgeous, with his natural golden hair.
In the 80's Reiki arrived in Israel, how great is that, the power of healing love spread across the land. In the prophecies it foretold that when we came bearing signs and symbols, it would be a blessing for Israel.
In Jeff Benner's March newsletter he offers some translations, and he did a name word study.
Daniel Pipes has been providing updates on Charles and his involvement with Islam. It's clear that Pipes should give the British monarchy a thorough education on Islam.
2014, Charles in Saudi dressed for the sword dance.
Malaysia visit in 2017, due to immigration the Buddhist-Hindu Malaysia is now 70% Muslim, that is cultural genocide.
Charles is Patron of Oxford Centre of Islamic Studies, we know what has been going on in Oxford and other British towns cities don't we. He speaks of an Islamic world, Charles there is no Islamic world, anymore than there is a Christian world. The new building cost £60M and it was planned for 40 years, it was built in the Magdalene Gardens. Does 40 years ring a bell, how about what has been going on in Telford for 40 years.
Did you know that there is something called "ISIS Magazine Oxford".
In 2006, Charles went to a British state funded Islamic school in London, and while there he said the following:
"You are the ambassadors for a much misunderstood faith. I BELIEVE, that Islam has much to teach increasingly secular societies like ours in Britain".
He said that in 2006, that was the same year that Islam waged war against Israel. His own words and actions reveal him, he believes in Islam and is a patron of it. Remember 1,400 years ago the Jews rejected what Charles believes in, and that is why so many Jewish people were murdered in Saudi.
Saudi have been bombing Yemen for three years and relief teams say that it is the biggest humanitarian disaster since 1948. In the meantime in the UK, there has been atrocity, after atrocity, associated with Islam. I think if Charles becomes king, he will be driven into exile as Nostradamus foretold. Say no to cultural genocide, and defend our country.
Charles doesn't plan to live in Buck House, he plans to make it into a hotel and conference centre and just keep it for state occasions. Perhaps he would like to go and live in Saudi instead, he can have more than one wife in Saudi.
So much makes sense to me now and why my dad refused to leave London, he knew what the EU plan meant and that is why he was against going into the EU. The EU and Theresa May stand against Russia, why, Theresa May is selling military equipment to Saudi and the EU are planning to create an EU army.
First let me say, congratulations to Russia and the Russians on their re-election of Putin. He seems to be the only prominent sane leader that is honest enough to speak the truth. Like when he told everyone at the UN, "Do you realise what you have done". That was calling them all out!
This post is for the people that are showing up as coming from Russia to this blog.
My view is that there has been a systematic plan to impact upon the Russian election, and the rhetoric was building up to a crescendo. However, I think their plan backfired. From where I am sitting, most people don't agree with Theresa May, her siding with the EU against Russia and it's diplomats.
Theresa May talks about an explanation in the houses of parliament, yet, where is the evidence, Putin asked for evidence, where is it. As we know, the EU "war narrative" against Putin's Russia has been going on for a long time, although most intelligent people can see straight through it.
From my perspective, the real people in our country are pleased that Putin and the Russian's intervened in Syria with Syria's approval.
We also know that the American and British politicians are siding with Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia has been bombing Yemen for three years. As far as I am aware, the humanitarian relief teams have warned that "Yemen is the biggest humanitarian disaster since 1948." So I am not surprised that Yemen is now firing back at Saudi and it's airports.
Now what does Julian Assange have to say about the diplomatic row. He's made three tweets. "The manner of and timing of Russian diplomatic expulsions is poor diplomacy. The expulsions occurred 12 hours after one of the worst building fires in post Soviet history, which killed at least 64. Russians will see the timing as gratuitous". "That 21 US allies have expelled diplomats over an unresolved event in the UK, the alleged victim country, helps the Kremlin further a narrative that it is under conspiratory siege led by the US". "Further while it is reasonable for Theresa May to view the Russian state as the leading suspect, so far the evidence is circumstantial and the OCPW has not yet made any independent confirmation, permitting the Kremlin push the view that Russia is persecuted".
Condolences to Russia in respect of the fire at the shopping mall.
There are major issues at home in the UK to be resolved too, and my view is that Theresa May is trying to take the attention away from what really has to be discussed and actioned by putting the focus onto Russia. By putting the focus onto Russia, she is taking the attention away from much more important things that are very concerning to our people.
It comes to something when many real people in the UK support Putin instead of their PM, Theresa May. Working class people in the UK don't trust Theresa May, and we don't like her either. That's the truth of it.
Nor do we trust Jeremy Corbyn. Both of them are what we call "career politicians". Neither of them have any real achievements under their belt as far as making a real positive difference to our people and our country. We would like our borders closed, and no more immigration, as we are overpopulated, and we live in the smallest spaces in Europe. No more austerity upon our people, while the EU receive billions.
Hope you have a great world cup in Russia this summer.
On the 8-9th of November in 2003 spiritual people and healers were gathered all around the planet to celebrate an historical planetary event that was called the "Harmonic Concordance". The Star of David was formed by the planets.
People held spiritual gatherings in different locations, I was sent to Florence in Italy for our gathering. Healers everywhere united and came together, spiritual healers, reiki healers, shaman's, healers from all modalities and disciplines celebrated with joyousness in our hearts. The power of love with us all was incredible, I was so hot even prior to leaving the UK, and I was still hot on arrival in Florence. Love was pouring out from every crevice. http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/nov4/mirehiel.htm
The timing of the Harmonic Concordance had an amazing impact and it certainly helped miracles too come to be afterwards due to the sheer amount of spiritual healing energy of love that was pouring out upon the planet and it's people.
Within three days of the harmonic concordance in 2003, this man experienced a miracle, Reverend Lee Stoneking gives his testimony to the UN Assembly. Not only did he experience a miracle, he experienced a lot more, medical science says that his DNA was changed. Truly an amazing story, how the impossible became possible.
It's some years ago now when I was listening to Ann L. Baldwin Phd, from the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson. During her scientific research, she discovered that sound impacts on and changes DNA.
A beautiful song for the forthcoming Jewish holidays, sung by Eyal Golan in Hebrew. I'd like to return to Israel again before I leave the planet. As soon as I walk into the arrival area of Tel Aviv airport, and see the mosiac on the wall, it feels like I've come home.
What I have been cooking today, a carrot cake and I have put in two different types of sultanas.
What else has been cooking, a mix and match savoury dish that includes a chicken breast, hand full of mussels, four cloves of garlic, a chopped onion, cooked veg, carrots, peas, and leek and half a tin of tomatoes, also some of the vegetable stock that the veg was cooked in. I also included some butter beans and some of the fresh coriander that I had in the freezer, for spice I included a few cardamon.
Still eating up food that I have at home, although hope to have a fresh food delivery this week in time for the Jewish holiday of passover that begins on the 30th of March, 2018.
In this video Sargon of Akkad is speaking at Speaker's Corner. He's making fun of a recent judges decision to say that "the Quran can solve terrorism", plus a lot more including Jeremy Corbyn, and his Labour Party members. Freedom of Speech and, and, and.
Sargon has got a platform at Speaker's Corner now, give him a television show, he is clever, and funny. Britain's got talent.
I have a feeling that there is going to be one of our guys at Speakers Corner every weekend.
There is a woman's march being held in London on the 20th of August, 2018. It's being called the MARIAS, March, "Mothers Against Radical Islam and Sharia."
Baroness Cox will be attending the march and will be giving a speech at Speakers Corner.
In the 70's, white parents and Christian parents didn't tell their children about the dangers of Islam. In those days, parents didn't prepare their children for such matters, especially their daughters. In the 80's, the Sikh's were aware that it was happening to Sikh girls. The Sikh's also knew the history due to what happened in India.
I began warning people on-line over a decade ago, I also emailed people about it, and so many people didn't wish to hear it or see what happens when Islam arrives. I shared so much, so many videos, so many facts, so many reality checks were sent out internationally.
So many people asked to stop receiving the information and to be removed from my mailing list due to the information being shared about Islamic realities.
For decades people have been silencing as many people as they can when the issue of Islam is raised for discussion. Indeed, look at Theresa Shariah May, giving money to Saudi Arabia instead of standing for women and her own people in this country.
The silence about Telford and the other locations from the MSM is beyond belief, the silence from most of the clergy in the UK, makes you wonder why they earn a salary. Why aren't the clergy banging on Theresa May's door, and every other MP, I tell you why, most of them have been promoting and supporting inviting more immigrants into the UK.
If the clergy can't even protect women and children from what has happened in Telford, what use are they? Jesus protected and healed women and children, why don't they!
Yesterday, I was listening to a Sikh man that had received a telephone call from a Sikh girl and she was sharing with him that it is still happening to Sikh girls, and she said that it is happening to black girls too.
Remember what Jesus said "Silence is Compliance". Toni is not silent, thank you Toni for your speech, and organisation of the march in London.
I should make this point, that I've known Muslims and had platonic Muslim friends during my life, both male and female, I know that there are Muslim women that refuse to live in their own countries of birth, due to how those countries are run with radical Islam and it's Shariah.
I've known Muslim women that refuse to wear the hijab and burka. I've known Muslim men that have been protective of English women, as they had married English women during their lives.
However, not all Muslims are so friendly, as kind, or loving. I remember an Egyptian Muslim friend getting very cross with me in the 90's, when I was going to Egypt on my own. He swore at me, and he said "it is not fxxxxxx Europe". As a woman you can't travel around those countries on your own, in countries where radical Islam exists, you have to have a chaperone.
If you don't stand up to stop the Islamisation of the UK, that is what will happen, women and children won't be able to do anything or go anywhere without a chaperone to protect them. In the UK, we know what freedom is, it's not the same in countries that are Islamic.
We have to rid our country of "injustice", for justice to be real. We have to be intent on regeneration of our people, and against replacement of our people. We have to stop the cultural genocide of our country and renew our individual sovereignty.
We have to stand for freedom of speech, we have to keep on sharing the truth, we have to take our country back. We have to protect women and children, we have to respect our men that do so.