So let's have some facts shall we?
The lovely David was brought into my life in 2002, he came looking for me, and responded to my website. He came asking for healing, from that time forth we became spiritual friends as we both knew that we had shared many past lives together. David knew that I had the key to David, the key to his heart.
'One who speaks with a pure heart, will have a king for a friend'. Proverbs 22:11
David, a charitable man, he was a CEO of a charity, and afterwards, a leader of ecological self-sustainability passed over in 2013. As you can see they've been celebrating a different David on his Island this year. David Bowie is also mentioned in the biblical prophecies about the liver.
They found him on a tree due to what the police did to him. The coroner concluded that David was innocent. In Micah 4 it mentions the king, and the Rev 12 timeline overlapped with Micah 4 timeline and David had known me in this life since it began.
The Son of God, Jesus said that the Rev 12 timeline had been completed in December 2008. It was after that we began blogging, as he said that we were going into a higher gear, and he compelled yours truly to blog. Different views every day. Since that time there has been over a million and a quarter views. With blogging, no longer were we dependent on others publishing it, we were able to provide information for anyone that sought it.
At that point we went over the heads of the American publishers that were trying to censor what had to be shared with the people. You can be sure that Hay House censor what is given to the people, that is just one publisher example. I remember meeting the Americans in Sydney, when I begged them for help for 'Depressed and Suicidal Children'.
I witnessed how Louise Hay treated the Australian disabled with 'contempt'. The 'lame' couldn't stand up waiting in a line for her, so the elderly woman sat down, with members of her family
The LORD showed me what he wished for me to see, so I showed Louise Hay, that I would sit with the 'disabled' in trustful loyalty to the will of the heavenly Father.
No ads were put on any of the blogs, I designed the blogs to be add-free. Although there wasn't anything that I could do about the you tube videos, I had to accept, to be able to share.
I think there should be an option, whereby people can choose. In a democracy, a person has to give their consent to something being monetised. I heard that they are trying to think of ways to monetise Twitter, and Crowdfunding is all about monetising, that is another reason I do not approve of that business model.
I do not approve of people making money on the backs of the poor. Funding should be given freely by the worthy to the worthy, as written in the spiritual law of giving that Jesus delivered.
Sometimes it is necessary for expenses to be covered, I can accept that. Although how much is required to cover the expenses of a large social network platform? I'm sure that our technology guys know.
When Jesus sent out his healers, he told them that their expenses, accommodation, food, and clothes would be provided, and that they were to find a person that was worthy of them; to fund them so that they could give healing free to the poor.
When I was working with the healers on the circuit, one became a thousand healers, my investors in people, of money, time, and energy was worth it, and another prophecy had been fulfilled. With mutual respect they were provided for and what was ordained was fulfilled.
Today is the 'Day of Human Portrait' and 33 years ago a studio portrait was taken of the mother and baby cheek-to-cheek. It wasn't until 2010, that I was shown that Michelangelo had painted the mother and child check-to-cheek, the ELIAKIM fresco that sits in the Vatican, Sistine Chapel.
I was shown a series of frescos including the Salmon fresco of the seamstress, and the Jesse fresco that gave information about my life and heritage. After I was brought back from Australia, a photographer offered to take a portrait in his studio, when he was asked, he gave freely, and indeed he was blessed afterwards with a beautiful wife. Heavenly blessings came upon him.
Prior to that I had been shown a vision of Julie Andrews, in her character in the 'Sound of Music' and I was told that I must change my hair to be the same. So it was, I did the will of the heavenly Father prior to being photographed.
All the photographic evidence is available.
There is even photographic evidence of the two missions to Israel, in 2006, and in Jerusalem in 2007.
Its funny to me now that when I was young, I used to say that I would grow old gracefully, although I knew that I would be eccentric, and some say that about a recluse.
In my youth when I used to speak of growing old gracefully, it was before I knew about the biblical prophecies, or that my life was expressed in the ancient texts.
Maybe if I had known about it, I might have tried to change it, and the pre-destination of my life, so the LORD unveiled the prophecies about my life, when I would be ready to accept it.
I know that it is a lot for people to take on board, it is a lot for people to accept. How do you think it was for yours truly, that is why he unveiled it slowly. Scholars knew that when the teacher of righteousness came, these prophecies would be revealed to those that were ready to receive them.
Respecting, providing, fulfilling. Did you have the humility to beg? Did you become a holy beggar, what supplication did you make? Was your heart humble enough to accept it? How pure is your heart to accept this as David did, David was my friend, and I wish he was still on the planet with me. I see the grass green energy sometimes, I know when his light is close with me in Spirit.
Although yesterday while I was bathing, I saw the colour for creative forgiveness, the lime green. So I shall finish up my kiwi fruit in the fridge today. I like kiwi's do you? Yesterday, I could also smell household paint when posting about the event in 'Lockhart', Austin, Texas.
All people in countries that have signed up for the UN laws of Human Rights, are obligated to ensure that our people have the human right to food. It is no coincidence then that it also aligns with the ELIJAH timeline prophecy, and the LORD commanding Jacob, to bring food into this house.
Nor is it a coincidence that it aligns with the prophecies about those that are lame, and grand pa Joseph had been beaten in London, and his son, the Son of Joseph was 'killed', my dad the RAB. Jesus gave a parable of life about it, as he knew what was written in the prophecies.
Prophecy foretold that Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame.
'I will make the lame my remnant' Micah 4:7 'I will rescue the lame' Zephaniah 3:19
No coincidence then that when I returned from Australia, I was compelled to offer to accompany a woman that was 'lame' on her dream holiday on the cruise down the nile. My heart compelled yours truly to make her dream a reality, and she knew that she would be safe on my strong arm, if and when she required it.
We also gave a disabled child everything that she asked for, her mother brought her to me in a wheelchair in the first instance at an exhibition.
She had come for spiritual guidance and she was asking for development of spirituality and its spiritual gifts. She passed over while I was in Australia with my son, although the report via her mother was that she left in peace, and she spoke of how the angels had come to collect her.
How happy she was when she left her physical body, in the peacefulness and with the angels. Truly blessed she was, we laughed so much together, she loved to party with us. She was really into the symbology of the cards, as it was something that she could do easily in her wheelchair.
She loved the Reiki healing as that was something else that she could do with her hands, spirituality brought so much joyousness into her life; she loved being in the spiritual energy of the spiritual community.
People used to come to my home for a refuge in the 90's, when I had a house big enough for those that were brought to my door. It was a sanctuary of peace, for those that were working through different aspects of their lives. People used to leave my home refreshed and uplifted, ready for a new day, and a new beginning. Those that were fed, watered, and given what ever they required. The Spirit of Grace was poured out upon them.