This article appeared in The Guardian, written by our British comedian, author and actor, Russell Brand. Clearly, the 'conspiracy' movement has had a powerful impact on him. However, as I shared with someone on the net, only the liberated can liberate others. Many are still on their spiritual journey as Russell Brand portrays.
Russell Brand shows us all his 'trigger points', in the words that he writes. It shows us much about him and where he is on his spiritual journey.
BRAND - Nouveau Riche
Its ironic that Brand makes a living by speaking about people as he does. Remember this; gracious words are pure to the LORD. Russell speaks about karma and then in the next breathe he refers to the 'bible of domination', is he even aware that his embracing of karma is in the bible that he stands against? He speaks of ascension is he not aware that ascension is in the teachings of Jewish prophets and the true meaning of salvation was imparted by Jewish mystics including myself? Is he aware that Carl Jung worked with the soul because Jesus worked with the soul and spoke about it?
How does Russell Brand plan on being a life giving Spirit? By teaching yoga? How will he help the Christians in the UK, or in the USA? How does he feel about these wonderful choirs that sing praise to those that are doing their utmost to liberate others?
Who has had the largest impact on Brand? The internet, his friends, the spiritual books he has read? Or his own self-development and self-healing? Its comical isn't it to work with world events and the politicians involved in them; and get paid at the same time. Truly what is the difference? Isn't Brand being just as political as the politicians? Aren't they all doing the same, don't they all receive a financial reward for what they do and the way that they do it? How is Brand serving the community, or better still how is he serving the LORD in being a life giving Spirit?
Can he heal disease? Can he help the people to identify the root causes of it?
While I was writing about Russell Brand, the heavenly Father spoke and he referred to Brand, as 'Nouveau riche', that just about sums it up, the celebrity culture. That follow trends, instead of developing their own. The 'Nouveau riche' are 'complaining', that the divine operation that the LORD predicted is too 'sterile'. Fancy that! Is the operation room too bright for them? As I shared years ago, 'The light triggers the darkness and the darkness triggers the light, until there is no more darkness left.'
The sober decade is rather 'sterile' isn't it Brand, I wonder why! Does it have something to do with your life and the way that you lived it? How about some of the other celebrities that spent their lives on drugs and died due to them. What great role models you have all been.
Seek within Russell Brand, seek within.
LOL, the LORD said ‘He’s going up the pole’, that reminded me of the 'lap dancers' and what the Welsh have recommended to the unemployed. The Brits say 'they're going round the bend', well that's a new one, 'Going up the pole'. In other words, the nouveau riche are no different to 'pole dancers'.
Is Brand going to the Arctic? Oh I see the heavenly Father's humor, Russell Brand is going 'Cold'. Years ago, he spoke about the Muslims and that if they did not join human race, they would get left out in the cold. Interesting that Russell had to cancel his tour to the Middle East, that was a reality check!
Well those ice caps are going to melt, so what will the nouveau riche do then?