Saturday, 1 June 2013


In a recent post to do with health I mentioned the 'Palm Oil', and if there was ever a healing balm than 'Palm Oil' is definitely it. [1] This evening I had a lovely hot bath with healing oils and then put the palm oil cream that I have made on my face and head. It just feels wonderful and my arm is responding to it very well indeed. I gave some to a friend to try today, and to recommend it to her mum as well.


The healing balm is mentioned in the book of Chronicles, and also in the book of Jeremiah. The book of Genesis mentions the balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds. Genesis 43:11.

Today I recommended sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and almonds to a lady with cataract issues. In addition to the palm oil. Cataracts can be due to a deficiency in the kidney and liver meridians. It is written that the spleen meridian also has a role in the nourishment of the eyes. [2] [3]





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