Wednesday 19 June 2024


Christian Concern review the Reform UK "Contract with the People". Overall, it has more to offer the Christian community than any of the other parties pledges. Reform UK would certainly be taking us in the right direction. 



A 37-year old, whose parents came to Britain legally from Sri Lanka in the 1980s forged careers in the NHS. He claims that the "vast majority of Muslims" in our country are patriots who believe net migration is too high. And those that came legally are affronted by the amount of illegals that are entering the UK. 

The Daily Telegraph report that Zia Yusuf makes a big donation to Reform UK.

Tuesday 18 June 2024


I received this message whilst thinking about the elections. "They're dumping the Labour Party". 

If people didn't sign up to register to vote by today, they won't be able to vote. Reports are coming in that the vote registrations is down since the 2019 general election. 

Then this article was published. Support for Labour in Wales has fallen by 20%. Keir Starmer's support has collapsed.  In the referendum, the Welsh chose to leave the EU, so a lot of Brexiteers in Wales. From May to the 13th June, YouGov found that Labour had plunged from 51% to 31%. 

They've had a recent change of Labour leaders in Wales, and the leader that became First Minister received a "vote of no confidence", yet, he remains in office. 57% of the Welsh public think that Vaughan Gething should go and the way that they can get rid of him is to vote on mass for a different party.

In Manchester it also looks like Angela Rayner could also lose her seat. 


A good article about Reform UK's plan to reform the NHS. Dr David Bull, a fully qualified medical doctor, a surgeon, wrote the plan for the NHS. He is one of the deputy leaders of Reform UK.


Do you remember the dream that I received of Zelenskky, he was told to make friends with Russia.  I received that dream on the 17th February, 2024.

In recent days Putin has been speaking about the potential of a peace deal with Kyiv, yet NATO has rejected it. It is nothing to do with NATO, Ukraine are not members of NATO. Although Ukraine was promised membership if they did what the west told them to do e.g.make war against Russia. 

Nigel Farage has said that Zelenskyy will have to make a peace deal with the Kremlin. I agree.


Monday 17 June 2024


A journalist at the Telegraph says this should have been the plan that the Conservatives campaigned on for this election.

Reform chose to launch their "Contract with the People" in Wales. The Welsh voted to leave the EU when we did and there are a lot of very dissatisfied Welsh voters due them having a Labour Welsh government. There was even a "vote of no confidence" in the Welsh Labour leader in Wales recently. 

Are there enough Welsh people that are willing to vote for Reform? They have some great policies, including agricultural policies. It certainly is time for some trouble-shooters because nothing is working properly in the UK. I haven't received my postal vote yet, while others in my area have received theirs. 

1 hour 


Prof Mary Hickson from the dietetics department at Plymouth says that appetite can diminish in our 70s and 80s partly because of our sense of taste and smell is less sensitive. From personal experience, I'd say it actually begins in the 60s. 

A study by the University of Sheffield found that more than half of older adults do not eat sufficient protein. 

Hickson says that the proportion of water in the body is less for older people so it's easy to become dehydrated. Bone health calcium is important and guidelines from the British Dietetic Association recommend three portions of mil-based products a day.

I've been having three portions of Greek yogurt a day, (sometimes six) although I have put on weight due to it. I have to reduce my intake of yoghurt and eat more cheese and eggs. 

I don't agree with Hickson's dietary recommendations because some of those foods are high in oxalates. It sounds like she hasn't read Sally K Norton's book on oxalates, titled, "Toxic Superfoods". 

A lot of people stopped eating dairy due to all the medical scaremongering, I've never stopped having real butter, cheese, eggs and yogurt in my diet. Dairy also helps to eliminate oxalates from the body. Fresh lemon juice is good for doing that too. 

Now that is good for our dairy farmers, Jeremy Clarkson is even selling raw milk. 

I eat a lot of protein, steaks, lamb shanks, homemade burgers, meatballs, meat sauce, kebabs etc. Plus chicken and fish. Doc says I have a folate deficiency so taking a supplement and having more broccoli. I do eat a lot of Pak Choi for potassium.  

However, some days I just don't have an appetite, so I'll have some sardines on toast. I find I don't have an appetite if I've eaten a lot of protein the day before. It's like the body is saying, give me time to digest that, the tummy is full. So be body intuitive and listen to your body.