30th of May, 2018
I was compelled to spread the paint last night for Tommy and his family, and all that are trying to help. I view the pink as all the love that surrounds them and the golden energy of the Christ energy.
Internationally the love is pouring in, the signatures to the petition to Free Tommy are pouring in.
Gerald Batten, the leader of UKIP said that after one Tweet he received a million responses, this case is certainly emotive for our people. Lord Pearson put his right forward and has issued a warning to the new Home Secretary. Geert Wilders in Holland has made a public statement, a German MP has offered Tommy and his family "political asylum" and many other other professional people from different countries have weighed in on the case in question.
All we ask for in our western countries is mercy for Tommy and his family, a fair trial, due process and justice be done. We too have considered the law of the land, and we the people consider that Tommy has serious grounds for appeal due to the excessiveness of the sentence.
We the people demand that everyone involved in the legal system and in government stand up to radical Islam and remove it from our country, towns and cities. All we ask for is that our people, our indigenous people are put first in our country and culture; that includes our families of colour that have lived in the UK far longer than the mosques that have been allowed to be built on our land.
What we demand is that our legal and government representatives live and work in integrity. Is that really too much to ask for? We demand justice for our youth of today, including the three boys, Josh, George, Harry, and their bereaved parents.
On the government website I read that there are two different sentences that the judges can give for "contempt of court", a month in prison, and a £2,500 fine, six months in prison and a £5,000 fine. So our people do know that the sentence given to Tommy by the Leeds judge was excessive.
Especially as we know that the case with pictures of the men involved in the trial in Leeds has been published in the Daily Mail. Have the Daily Mail publishers been sent to prison for 13 months, what is the judge doing about that!
If you judge Tommy to be more than an individual, if you judge Tommy to be the same as the media due to his readership, than why is it that the rest of the media do not receive the same fines and sentences as Tommy does. Where is the justice in that!
Really impressed with the lava of love that is sweeping the planet right now in support of Tommy, it makes decades of hard work worth it. Is this the lava of love that Jesus spoke about in 2007, let's wait and see shall we. Remember this a warning was received the day prior to the "Day of Freedom" event in London, and Jesus said, "Never leave me alone".
So let us remain positive, calm, and keep on sending the love, keep on taking action in whatever way that you can. There are now 543,000 people that have signed the petition and it is growing every single second. Another march is being planned in June in London. I'm sure that Tommy's barrister will do his utmost to get Tommy his freedom as soon as possible.
Our hearts of love go out to Tommy, his wife and children and all that love him and support him.
Tommy must be given his freedom, the people demand that he is released from prison at the earliest opportunity.