Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Harmonic Concordance 10th Anniversary

In November this year, it will be the 10th Anniversary of the Harmonic Concordance. The first day of the golden age that began in 2003.  Biblical prophecies were fulfilled at that time when the planetary configuration created the sign of the 'Son of Man' in the heavens, the 'Star of David'. King David also shared about the 'Harp of Faithfulness' that would arrive at night time and it can be found in Psalm 92.

Spiritual people are aware that the last days of the end times are described as the night time.

And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Matthew 24:31 

That was the harmonic concordance celebration that was celebrated globally by spiritual people. The angels were sending out emails for a couple of months to call the spiritually elect. At that time I was also on the Harmonic Concordance forum, it was an exciting time for all of us because the sign of David heralded that great change was coming for humanity. This sign had not been configured planetary wise for thousands of years, it was epic! I was sent to Florence for the celebration, and it was celebrated with Italians and an Israeli author that also flew in to join us. 

As we know since that time two new popes arrived, and Obama who Americans referred to as Messiah can be found in Rev 13. As we know Matthew chapter 24 warned about that as well. Surah 44 also predicted that a couple of people would come, it mentions the honorable Apostle, wisdom was indeed called in perfect timing. It then mentions the Pharaoh = Obama. 

“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." Matthew 24:22

Its being shared on a forum that Nostradamus gave a prophecy mentioning ten years. How in the sky a second light will arise and how across the earth shall come the great flame. Nostradamus was fully aware of the biblical prophecies predicted that Joseph is the flame. Obadiah 1:18. Moses asked for the blessing of the bush to be placed upon the head of Joseph. Funny how hairdressers always used to say that I had natural red highlights in my hair, I also have a double crown. 

It does make one wonder whether the ISON comet will arrive to commemorate the 10th Anniversary this November, although some are predicting that it will come earlier. We will just have to wait and see what the LORD has planned for us all, although we do know that it is a special year especially for the Jewish people and it is about the marriage with Yahweh. The Harmonic Concordance in 2003 was the first engagement.

'The LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwellings of Jacob.' Psalm 87:2

'declare your praises in the gates of Daughter Zion, and there rejoice in your salvation.' Psalm 9:14

When I was painting this picture, as I was finishing it,  I could smell an aroma like putty, just now I could smell burning. In the biblical prophecy of Obadiah,  it is Esau that becomes stubble due to fire; and the USA is the land of Esau and the men of Edom.

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