Monday, 6 May 2013

Holy Spirit Comprehension

Christians are continually trying to comprehend the holy Spirit. To comprehend the holy Spirit first you have to understand holy and how one becomes holy. To experience the holy Spirit, to see the holy Spirit and hear the holy Spirit is mighty indeed. 


There are many Spirits that are holy, just like there are people that are holy when they are blessed with it. Jesus is a holy Spirit, Mary is and so is Melchizedek. Jesus and the Apostles passed on the holy Spirit to others, in the same way that I did. This enabled them to experience the holy Spirit when they were blessed with it.

The holy Spirit manifests in different ways. First the holy Spirit can be seen outside of the self, like seeing Jesus and Melchizedek. Secondly, the Spirit is born again in the holy temple that we become; as Jesus described it to Nicodemus. It does not happen due to baptism. Modern day baptism is a rite/ritual, a proclamation that the child is given into the care of Jesus. Paul spoke about baptism in terms of death and Prophet Isaiah predicted that the 'Covenant with death is annulled in this timeline'. This is why I ask the people to sing, 'I will live for you and not die for you'. 

So all Christians should seriously look at the rituals that they are involved in. We know scientifically that water holds memory; so ponder upon the water that you allow people to put upon the heads of your babies and the hands that are placing it there. Are they holy hands? Do Christian priests even know what holy hands are? There is much for Christians to learn from experience of the holy Spirit in all of its forms. 

Only through real experience of the divine do people know truth for themselves. Of course one has to be blessed with the holy Spirit; to be able to see the holy Spirit. Prior to becoming a holy Spirit. 

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