Monday, 20 May 2013


The 20th of May is the 'Day of Expression', and as we know this timeline is very intense. The LORD said to me 'Don't Worry'.

After that these paintings came in. While painting the first one I was feeling oil and America, and when it was finished I could see the face of a dog.

I've called the second painting 'EXPRESSION' because the 20th of May is the 'Day of Expression'.

I can also see an animal and an insect in the second painting.


  1. Tornado's 'ravaging' the USA and it includes Texas.

  2. Five people have died in an Israeli bank due to a Jewish man and a gun. With all that has been going on in the USA with guns, and the bankers worldwide. It was inevitable that this situation would happen in Israel for it is not immune from what is happening in the rest of the world. May those that have passed over rest in peace.

    Be'er Sheva is the largest city in the Negev desert of Southern Israel, and as we know recently there was a biblical plague in the Negev. Be'er Sheva is not far from the Dead Sea.

    It does have a connection with the Prophet Elijah and the forthcoming lunar eclipse is 'The Elijah' eclipse. It was where Elijah took refuge.

    In May 2006, I found myself surrounded by disabled children from Be'er Sheva who had come to the swimming pool at the Dead Sea. I also met people from Denmark at the Kibbutzim that had been sent there for a month to help improve their skin disease.
