Saturday, 25 May 2013


There have been a lot of paintings with fish in them in recent days, and as we know it is 'The Elijah' eclipse. [1] While painting yesterday I was also given 'Jonah' and prior to that was given a painting that showed that there is a gift coming from Mary.

NEWS: San Antonio in Texas is underwater, and one of the articles says that they have had 10 inches of rain in 12 hours in San Antonia Airport. There certainly seems to be a lot going on with airports at the moment. The area have received 30.3% of a year's worth of rain in half a day. Some news reports also say that the water is four feet high in some homes. When I wrote about this eclipse in the middle of May, I did write that King Canute could not stop the waves. [1] No surprise then that rain is also to do with Elijah. [2]

So were there any other gifts on this eclipse? Jordan visited me, a friend phoned, and another friend gave me some food.



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