Monday, 13 May 2013


In this Horizon TV documentary, different scientists share their views and research on 'Decision' making. The video is called 'How to make better decisions'.

First scientists are looking at a formula in a mathematical way to impact on the purchasing decision in a retail situation.  They also look at it in terms of decisions made in relationships and careers. They highlight the difference of the impact when a person is given a hot drink compared with a cold drink, prior to them making a decision.

I found that aspect interesting because in scripture Jesus also spoke about the 'hot, the cold and the luke warm'. He clearly understood the precognitive, the cognitive and the in-between. Just like a qualified healer feels the energy of hot, cold and in-between when they are working with healing different people.

At the end of the video scientist Dean Radin (USA) also shares his views and experience based upon his research, and it made me smile when I saw the number plate on his car PRECOG! I do like him and his work, although I do not agree with him on everything.

Orthodox religionists and those that are still to comprehend spiritual symbology, are still to comprehend that card 15 in the major arcane is the 'decision' card. One could say it is the decision card that is based upon a motivation that is based upon 'materialism' and or a 'sexual' impulse that some might refer to as 'desire'.  'Materialism can lead to self-destruction'. So it is very important to comprehend on what do you base your life choices? Are they decided upon by subliminal messages that humanity are being fed by advertising, the internet and news reports all over the world? Or is your life pre-cognitive, intuitive, aligned that assists you on the way of life?

Did you choose that photograph or outfit to make you feel and look sexually attractive? Did you choose your life partner due to being sexually compatible or was it much more than that? What else does card 15 relate to and why is it important? If it is given with the 'death' card, then you know that there is a very serious disease that is being created that can be terminal. For instance I once saw those two cards in a spread together for a young couple. I asked them 'do you have a friend with AIDS? They replied 'How did you know?'. Humanity is in the 'Saturn in Scorpio' transit and it does have a sting in its tail. That which humanity thought was true is being turned upside down. Saturn is the teacher, there are teachers like some scientists that work for the corporations, then there other scientists that are doing their utmost to help humanity to comprehend itself and the cosmos in which it lives.

Just like there are different types of scientists there are also different types of diviners and scriptures tell us that Jesus took the Apostles to the mountain of divination.  There are diviners that are working cognitively to a particular written formula, and there are some that are working pre-cognitively. If the general public do not know themselves how can they know the difference? In my humble view this is one of the reasons that the bible spoke out against it, because it comes back to integrity again and where a person is coming from.

I had to go into divining to comprehend divining, so that we could call them out if and when required. Just like we call out some of the scientists that are working for the corporations. I had to look at the work of the scientists and meet some of them that decided to live in integrity and leave big pharma, they found their hearts.

If a person does not allow their pre-cognitive natural abilities to shine the light; then where would that leave the rest of humanity and their comprehension of the homebody, and the cosmos in which they live?

Through identification of the friend of that young couple, I was able to give them good health and well-being advice for their friend. I was able to share with them the way of life and make recommendations to help them and their friend to be successful in recovery. As such, the methodology that was being utilized was being done so for health reasons. In the same way that there are remote viewers that use their abilities for the military without divine permission, and there are remote viewers that only use that ability with permission for health purposes. Can you see the difference?

Isn't that what it is all about? Helping people? Giving? What is important is that people have a balanced view of life and in the case of the ancient texts and its teachings. People have often wondered why the Japanese and Jewish people are very good at business. It was shown to me that it is to do with a high level of pre-cognitive intuitive ability that many put into practice in their lives. We simply live it. However, that doesn't mean to say that all business people are doing it for the rights reasons. Do you comprehend? Is it to help others or is to only help the self? Are you hot or are you cold? Or are you luke warm? Do you truly know the difference and the reasons why?

If and when a person is truly hot, like the young French man that worked on the Rosetta Stone, it can bring up issues for the Church that are doing their utmost to defend their reality. Wasn't it the same for Galileo?

This is a wonderful documentary on the story of the Rosetta Stone.

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