Monday, 6 May 2013

Fires and Flames America

First the paintings came to be, then when I woke up today, I was reminded of what we have shared before, all of the warnings, all of the care. 

Then I was shown a vision of what looked like Americans being swept away by mighty rivers. 

I asked my LORD, what is this LORD that are you showing me?. What would create such devastation? He replied, 'Fire and Flames.' It felt catastrophic like a fireball that was coming from outer space. 


Fire and flames I did hear, 
People being swept away by rivers I did see. 
They did not wish to be free or receive the keys. 
So that they could hear and see how to be free. 
Plenty of Chi for those that know, 
others will be thrown due to what they have sown.
Prayers cannot save them now, 
they did not take back their own power. 
America is like a flower, crushed in a moment. 
If only they had understood the impact of the spiritual law. 
How it can bring a nation to the ocean floor. 
America will be stripped to its core, 
due to what it has done before I saw its jaw. 
The carpenter was sent to Israel, 
the water carrier was sent to Israel and America. 
The LORD sent his helpers when the time was at hand,
the pain was seen in the desert and in the sand. 



  1. Only water can put out a fire.

    In America, a Bride and four others have died in a Limo fire on the San Francisco Bridge. [3] Nine people were in a white, 1999 Lincoln car late Saturday night when one of the women complained about smoke.

    May those that have passed over rest in peace. Those in hospital recover quickly.


  2. Tanzania, Roman Catholic Church explosion.
