Tuesday, 21 May 2013


On the 14th May, 2013 Americans were given an urgent alert due to me receiving a painting of a 'Blue Bird', in it is a video about Obama, the school buses, children and schools. It is not the first time that I have warned Americans about the children and school. They have received many warnings in recent years.

In addition, there were the tears of daughter Zion and my eyes that were burning like fire.

In the video of the Church burning down in Windsor, Montreal, Canada at Pentecost, the yellow buses were also seen in the video footage, they are ridden in by firemen as well in the USA.

The Guardian newspaper UK, have given us an update on the current situation in the USA.

A mile-wide tornado has struck Oklahoma City and 75 children and staff were in a school at the time when the tornado swept through, the journalists inform us that the building has become 'rubble.' [2] Seriously, I cannot imagine why anyone would wish to live in such a country as the USA, and even John Lennon sang 'Imagine'.

I was watching this BBC documentary earlier about an ancient civilization that came to an end due to 'famine, civil war and fire.' They even built their palace on a hill for their king, like the White House in the USA. Windsor Castle in the UK is also built on a hill and Prince Charles has discussed the possibility of that being the royal residency when he becomes king of England. That would leave Buckingham Palace free to be converted to become a hotel and conference centre.

Prophet Obadiah predicted that Esau (USA) would become 'stubble'. It also tells you that the LORD sent daughter Zion to help them in the last days of the end times. Micah 4. Many sons of Jacob went to live in the USA, and the biblical prophecies tell them that the LORD loves the gates of daughter Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

So who lives in Oklahoma and what have they done to co-create such an event on the land?

This painting came to be tonight, and it reminds me of an Aquamarine birthstone.

There is a story of how Aquamarine blocks were 'dumped' in the country in Delaware, USA. [3]

Here we go coal mining was the industry of Eastern Oklahoma and the news is that they are planning to mine coal and ship it all the way to China and India. [4] The coal is too high in sulphur to burn in the USA. However, America being what it is, it doesn't mind letting others burn it into the atmosphere.

It reminds me of the American contraceptives that were banned in the USA, but are still sold to third world countries. Has America ever heard of the words 'integrity', 'honor', and 'spiritual law'?

Apparently, if it hadn't been for mining in Oklahoma, it wouldn't have existed at all as a residential area.

I am sure the Native Americans would have been very happy about that. Mining is not good for Oklahoma, or the inhabitants of the land e.g. the animals. People and lands certainly reap what they sow, and as the prophecies predict for this timeline, their deeds will come down upon their own heads. It is the nature of the spiritual law of cause and effect, the law of attraction can be 'fatal' and we warned them of that in 2008.

As the Son of God said 'Forgive them Father for they know not what they do'.

Oklahoma is Indian country, and it is a major oil producing state. It is the fifth largest producer of crude oil. [5] Its mammal symbol is the Bison. Remember this painting?

Its wild flower is the 'Indian Blanket', remember the 'Blanket Prophecy'? [6] At that time I said to them, 'make sure you have plenty of blankets'.

The numbers that have died are growing in yet another American 'tragedy'. [7]

May they rest in peace.

1. http://www.lotusfeet22.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/blue-bird-usa.html

2. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may/20/oklahoma-tornadoes-moore-flattened

3. http://www.thestarpress.com/article/20130516/NEWS01/130516010/City-debris-dumped-out-country

4. http://stateimpact.npr.org/oklahoma/2013/05/02/is-coal-mining-making-a-comeback-in-eastern-oklahoma/

5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma

6. http://lotusfeet22.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/blanket-prophecy.html

7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22604251

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