Thursday, 16 May 2013

Church of 'Frills' -v- Honest with God

This painting came to be last night and it reminds me of the Church and its 'Frills' and 'Thrills'. As we know the Romans that created the Vatican City also did their utmost to eradicate the spiritual down the ages due to the spiritual standing against what the Vatican created. A church with 'Frills' and 'Thrills'. 
The traditional Church still stand against the spiritual and it still wears its expensive robes and sits in its expensive buildings that Jesus and St Francis stood against. However, at the heart of the people is 'Jesus Christ', and I see a golden dolphin in the picture above.

I saw in the early hours of this morning a great post on the BBC website, and I liked its references and how it mentioned a book called 'Honest with God'. If the Vatican and its members cannot be honest with God, then how can the people it represents be so? If the Vatican does not open its library to the scholars, if the Vatican does not give away all of its wealth to the poor, how can the Christians possibly stand in integrity? I also saw that on the 6th of June 2013 it will be a '666' date that refers to Rev 13. At this time we have Obama in the White House, Jorge boy in Rome and Benedict by his side and under his protection.

At the same time wisdom was called to put a stop to what the men are co-creating for humanity. To enable those that truly love the Son of God to enable themselves to reclaim their spiritual inheritance and divine birthright.

If the Church had done its job properly down the ages, there would be no orphans or widows in any distress at all. There would be no women that were refused by the Church to baptize a child due to the mother and child not attending Church.

There would be no requirement to be baptized to be married in Church. Did you know that if your child was not baptized, they refuse your child a Church wedding? Do you know that if two children were not baptized, and they choose to have a white wedding and marry in Church what is required of them?

Did you know that in Austria baptized children are sent invoices for 10% of their salaries? Where does it say in the bible that the Church has any such entitlement?  More 'frills' that were added by the Vatican and the people/Churches that followed them.

Where does it say that the Church were entitled to put women and children in workhouses? Where does it say that the Church were entitled to murder the indigenous peoples and take their properties and lands?

Where does it say that the Church as it stands as any entitlement at all? Does the Church like Obama stand where it does not belong? Did Jesus Christ not warn his true followers of it? Did he not tell you that he would build his Church upon Peter? Peter did come in the 20th century and I was blessed to work with two people with the name of Peter. Both wonderful healers of humanity. Does Peter wear any 'frills'? No, neither of them wear any 'frills' that Jesus stood against. Nor do they sit in large 'religious' buildings that Jesus Christ stood against. Are you listening Mormons? The word for Church actually meant a community, a spiritual community of people living together as living in a commune of spiritual healers like Jesus did.

The true followers of Jesus Christ had 'No Frills', no large buildings of worship.

For those that truly stood in integrity of 'trustful loyalty' had no requirement for it.

Did a priest in the traditional Church save the widows son?

Can they truly save a child?

I know of at least two cases where a widow's son were saved by their healing sisters that cared so deeply for their siblings that they never gave up on them. Truly, that is what it means to walk with Jesus, to never give up. To always do your utmost to help a person that is being taken away either by the medical profession, pharmaceuticals, or by drugs that were consumed for recreational purposes.

Truly those that can save the widow's son, have 'No Frills', they seriously deal with the root causes of the core issues that are presented to them. Can the Pope or Obama do that? How many people have they taken out of the valley of death with their own hands? Do we know who murdered the two gay men in Obama's Church yet? Can Oprah or Michelle tell us?

I see the poverty in the USA and Latin America what did Christian America do about that? How many Christians are in the top 10%? Expose them for their hoarding, hoarding is a past life issue, like collecting is to do with past lives. The book of Exodus warned that the deeds of the fathers would impact on the next 3-4 generations. The men that 'hoard' like the Vatican has done down the ages is to do with past life situations. Can they make a breakthrough? Can they heal their past lives, are they willing to do so? Or will they continue to hold on to their 'frills'? Money can buy many 'frills', it can buy many woman as well. However, real love is not for sale and children are not a commodity. Did you get the message that we have been imparting for decades?

The Church is doing its utmost to follow daughter Zion, for they know that the LORD loves the gates of daughter Zion, more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

However, if they truly loved the children they would exalt them in equality, they would give the children the freedom to be who they were born to be. Free Spirits.

Only the wisdom of the celestial realms can correct the children and assist them to stay on track at the same time as honoring their celestial journey. Wisdom is feminine guys, did they get the memo? So are they aligned with the 'frills' or are they aligned with the true feminine that imparts the wisdom to assist humanity to save the widow's sons from that which religion and its politicians have co-created?

Can you save your own son and stop him going into the military? Do you comprehend the words 'motivation', 'intention' 'desire' and the 'emotive decisions' that it can co-create? Do you comprehend why a 'rebel' in Syria 'ate the heart of a soldier' that is defending its leader?

Do you understand why Prophet Isaiah predicted that Damascus would be destroyed by a great earthquake? It is known as the 'crossroads of religion',  originally it was also filled with Christians. The prophecy for this timeline from Prophet Isaiah tells them that the 'Covenant with death is annulled' and Paul spoke of baptism in terms of death. As such, I can see why the LORD chose that my son was not baptized. He shall not die for the Christians that are doing their utmost to hold onto their reality.

Jordan shall live for me and not die for me.

Do you comprehend?

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