Sunday, 5 May 2013

Burning Times

At the end of the last post I shared with you that I could smell burning. It reminded me of the time when the Church burnt innocent women at the stake. As I am writing this there are small golden orbs appearing on my screen in front of me, the golden energy of Christ consciousness.

There is a documentary called 'Burning Times' and it is about what they did to women in the middle ages due to orthodoxy. It includes what they did to the French mystic Joan of Arc. I once had a visit from Joan of Arc and she urged me to continue with listening to God. That was many years ago now.

Innocent women tell the story of what happened across Europe to the people that lived upon the land. Millions of people died due to Rome and its Church, just because they had a different culture, different traditions, way of life of healing themselves, each other and the land on which they lived.

Burning Times, Part 1

Part 2 

Part 3 

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6 

As I have shared with people in the past, we had this opportunity a 1,000 years ago to be in the right place at the right time. What you see in this documentary was only able to take place because the spiritual did not unite when asked to do so. My own experience of that time was also tragic, drowned for simply reading tea leaves for pleasure. Leaving behind an orphaned child. 

A few years ago I was out with a friend, and a man began to rant and rave in a public place when he saw a friend of mine who is a healer. It came to light that the reason that he had triggered so much is because he had been heavily involved in the inquisition, she had been burnt at the stake due to what he did to her. Its interesting to see that take place when the light shows up. Its like when two healers work together on one person. The outcome can be miraculous. 

The force of two from the light of divine love is so incredibly powerful. Hence, it is time for men and its Church to leave. For as long as Rome exists, the memories of what they have done will remain part of the reality of the women that they murdered. We can heal those memories with past life healing work. However, it really is time for the deeds of the men to be called to account for what they have done. Judgement is upon the Church of Rome, and as Prophet Isaiah predicted for this timeline. The 'covenant of death is annulled'. 


1 comment:

  1. Well these are karmic times.

    In America, a Bride and four others have died in a Limo fire on the San Francisco Bridge. [3] Nine people were in a white, 1999 Lincoln car late Saturday night when one of the women complained about smoke.

    May those that have passed over rest in peace. Those in hospital recover quickly.
