Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Following on from the biblical plague of locusts in Egypt and Israel in March 2013. There is another larger influx due to eggs hatching in the Negev desert. The Negev has been going through a period of renewal due to irrigation technology that can make the desert blossom. In 2006, the Israeli's had grand schemes for creating a new residential area there in addition to the agriculture.

Israeli's are saying that this is the 'worst infestation in decades'. Scientists are saying that they most likely came from Sudan. [1]

You may remember the other day I could smell an aroma like putty and putty is usually put on windows to keep the glass in place. Today, I also smelt burning. I am wondering now whether the aroma like putty is like clay, because Isaiah 30 mentions the Negev and the pottery.

Do you remember this painting that was called ACTION. 




So what does the prophecies say?

The Psalms tell the Israeli's that the LORD loves the gates of daughter Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob. So that includes Israel. Prophet Malachi also warned them that they must 'turn their hearts to the children or the nations will be destroyed.' He also informed them that they are 'robbing elohiym' in this timeline; because our wages have not been paid.

We all know what happened with Moses, when the Pharaoh would not let the people go. Some of have said that it is passover in Israel, Obama the Pharaoh as been in Israel recently and as we know G8 is also taking place in this timeline. The Pharaoh is also mentioned in Surah 44.

Isaiah 30 also mentions the Negev and the Pharaoh.

Should Israel be entertaining Obama? We have all seen what has been going on at the Western wall as well with the women, and the other scenes that have taken place with the Jerusalem Mufti.

It will be interesting to see what happens next.

oh Israel, how long will it take for you to comprehend?

1. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/13/18233295-insect-invasion-israel-battles-plague-of-locusts?lite

1 comment:

  1. Five people have died in an Israeli bank due to a Jewish man and a gun. With all that has been going on in the USA with guns, and the bankers worldwide. It was inevitable that this situation would happen in Israel for it is not immune from what is happening in the rest of the world. May those that have passed over rest in peace.


    Be'er Sheva is the largest city in the Negev desert of Southern Israel, and as we know recently there was a biblical plague in the Negev. Be'er Sheva is not far from the Dead Sea.

    It does have a connection with the Prophet Elijah and the forthcoming lunar eclipse is 'The Elijah' eclipse. It was where Elijah took refuge.

    In May 2006, I found myself surrounded by disabled children from Be'er Sheva who had come to the swimming pool at the Dead Sea. I also met people from Denmark at the Kibbutzim that had been sent there for a month to help improve their skin disease.
