Friday, 17 May 2013

Messianic Claimants

In the Messianic age there are many that are claiming to be Messiah. However, how many are willing to lay all of their cards on the table and bring forth the biblical prophecies that they have fulfilled?

Remember Joshua Stone (USA) that claimed to be the new world teacher, remember what happened to him? His life was brought to an abrupt end, that usually happens to those that make claims without the evidence to back it up. Remember what happened to Elizabeth Claire Prophet that is mentioned in chapter 2 in the book of Revelation?

The Americans have a strange way of dealing with such people; and there is always a better way than the Americans know. Even the medical profession have come up with terminology to describe people, truly they have the audacity to label people without the authority to do so.

So what did daughter Zion do and say? I shared with the Americans that the man that is claiming to be Messiah has put himself up for adoption. The writers of the gospels were very clever, they knew that this time would come. That is why in the NT it informs the followers of Jesus that they must take care of the widows and orphans. As such, it is up to the Christians to take care of the people from their countries that claim they are Messiah. The Jewish people can do the same with their children. There are many biblical prophecies that mention different people and many can find their names written in the bible.

However, fulfillment of biblical prophecies is an important part of the extensive criteria. As we know the Nation of Islam also called Obama the 'Messiah', and we all know what the book of Matthew says about. Jesus spoke of the one that would come and stand where he does not belong. Was he talking about Joshua Stone or was he talking about Obama? Or was he talking about them both?

To be Messiah that person has to be born on an Island, they have to have the right name, the criteria is huge. In the ancient and earliest Christian scripture Jesus did not refer to himself as Messiah, he referred to himself as Lord and Apostle. The scripture also says that he said that all Apostles are to be called Lords. No surprise then that the Qu'ran also mentions the honorable Apostle that would come at night time of the last days of the end times; and in the Surah it also mentions the Pharaoh that is Obama. Two different people, the Honorable Apostle that came first, and then Obama that came afterwards.

No coincidence then that yours truly was born prior to Obama that is mentioned in Rev 13. Wisdom was indeed called to do the soferim.

In addition, the Qu'ran mentions the palm leaf and the woman that they would appoint mansions for. Bible also tells you that the palm is feminine. As such how can the honorable Apostle be male? Is daughter Zion male?

Bible also mentions that the LORD loves the gates of daughter Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob, as such, daughter Zion was not born in the land of Israel. King David also knew that the Harp of Faithfulness would not be born in Israel, that is why he was so happy when he was told that the Lute of Lovingkindness would come first. IMHV, the one known as Jesus Christ was the Lute! A divine instrument for the LORD.

In fact, the bible tells the Sons of Jacob, that 'this one was born in Zion'. Zion is a celestial reality. As one biblical scholar said to me the Rabbi's do not understand Zion or what it is. Of course they don't, how could they comprehend it unless they have experienced it for themselves?

Prophet Hosea also informed them that the LORD would plant her in Jezreel, he did that in May 2006. Throughout the scriptures and ancient texts it speaks of her so why do all of the men ignore that fact? Why do they say that Rev 12, and Micah 4 are about Israel when in fact, it is about a real woman that lives?

Truly, the men have some wake up calls and reality checks coming!

So if anyone makes a claim, bring them to me with their evidence. Then that person can be helped to get on track. Be kind, compassionate and caring towards them. Embrace them in your love. Hold them in your arms, let them feel your love, connect in your hearts and hear their heartbeat. Like the sound of a drum beat that is sounding for many. Remember that many are called and few are chosen. Why is that? Integrity of the being is essential for the implementation of the will of the LORD and his divine plan, that is why the ancient texts speak of the honorable Apostle. Humanity were being given a clue to a name that would help the spiritual to identify them.

Jesus also spoke of the one that would be entrusted with much and much would be asked of them. Certainly, a great deal as been asked of me for many years, and I did say that the best questions are those that you ask yourselves for the holy grail is within you all.

Eric Clapton singing have you ever loved a woman in 2004, the year the first transit of Venus went  across the Sun.

Love beyond measure to everyone, love truly does win in the end.

So shall we see a sea of glass? [1]  The volcano certainly exploded and out came the lava for the gentle and sensitive hearted. I do see an explosion in the sea, maybe that will also help it come to be.


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