Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Wave of Life Numerics

A friend had a dream and she was shown nine chairs in a hall and each of the chairs had a number on it from one to nine. It reminded me of an exercise that Ian White of 'Australian Bush Flower Remedies' shared with us while I was in Australia. I have done a painting of it to show you and you can draw it with a simple line.

First of all you write down the year that it is: e.g. 2013 and you then right down the year that you were born. You subtract the year that you were born from the year that it is and that then gives the year of your age. From the year of your age you can compound it. So for instance if I subtract the year of birth from the year that it is, then add those two numbers together I get 14. I then add 1+4 = 5.

If I then add the date of 2013 to number 5 on the wave, and track back to 1 that gives me 2009. So what was happening in my life in 2009? In 2009 the first blog came to be over the Christmas 2008 period. So the New Year got off to a new start in a different reality. 2009 was also the year that I had the 'accident in the bath'; so it can relate to resolving health issues related to the nervous system/ back as well.

In 2013, year five on the wave, this new blog came to be. So blogging began in 2009, and blogging wave will come to completion 2017 when it reaches its peak in the nine year.

Nine being the number of completion and divine love. 9 is also the the date that the new covenant was delivered for the children on 999.

The numeric of five is a numeric of expansion, and that fits in with my Jupiter return, it also relates to the senses. In the numeric alphabet it relates to the letter E for ELI, ELIAKIM and ELOHIM, the letter N for Now and New, and the letter W for When, Woman, WOW and Way!

Hence, my healing affirmation is 'Extraordinary women do extraordinary things'.

When? Now, new woman, ELIAKIM.

Elohim's new way now.


The numeric of five is ruled by Jupiter, it is about learning and its astrological sign is my ascendent sign Sagittarius - The Archer that shoots the arrows of truth at the target! Five is a masculine number, so it will be next year when my energies soften again. The key word of five is 'Tolerance', and I am learning more about the tolerances of my body. Its a time for my body to be more flexible and have more movement, and it includes receiving body treatments.

If and when you are in a five wave people can be very 'self-critical', and hard on themselves, so it is a time to go really easy on the self, during rapid periods of expansion and change.

It is a time when things happen rapidly, and with my second saturn return it will have an extra push to do what is right for the homebody. In a five year of your wave, it is a year of wandering urges and a wish to holiday or travel if and when finances allows.

It is a year for the nervous system so a time to take special care of the self and plenty of self-nurturing and good food, fresh air and gentle exercise. Writing and publishing is well placed when you are in a five wave so a good time for blogging, writing papers, script or a book. The flexibility in viewing life conditions in a positive manner is highlighted in a five wave, it enables people to release any memories from the cellular that might be required to be released. So it is very positive for the expansion of healing of consciousness. Insomnia is a health issue in the five wave as well, and this can hinder the teaching and paid employment possibilities as a teacher due to having to sleep to catch up when one can do so.

It is definitely a year for doing what one can to help the self and others, in a way that is not detrimental to the self. A year of being truly compassionate to self to ease the way forward during the year, so that one can ride the wave in a good way of the way of life.

Now after you have reached the peak of what you have been involved in, it then means that the wave of your life will take you in a different direction and the wave indicates that will happen for me towards the end of 2017.

I hope that helps you to look at your life in a different way, so that you can comprehend the waves in your life.

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