Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Color Me Blue Campaign

A few months ago I was compelled to buy some natural blue hair dye and its sitting in the kitchen.  Well yesterday that 'Blue Stone' painting came to be. I just took a look to see what we have on blue hair and there is a 'Color Me Blue' campaign to raise awareness for foster care and adoption.


There have been a few blue paintings this year.

I'm godmother to an adopted child, so the cause is close to my heart. It fits beautifully with the 'Adopt A Stranger' campaign launched at Christmas 2008 and it fits perfectly with what the NT says about the widows and orphans.


The book of Exodus mentions the lapis lazuli being bright blue as the sky. Exo 24:10 The tabernacle includes blue. 26:1 Royal garment of Blue and white, Ester 8:15. Dark blue is also mention in Rev 9:17 in regard to the horse and riders. That color blue is the color of the Iris; and that fits with the Nostradamus Iris prophecy about the one that would be seen.

Shall we go for it? Maybe somebody would adopt me if my hair was blue? Big smiles!

I'm up for it, and will have the courage to go blue for the children.

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