Monday, 6 May 2013

Meteorites, Scientists and Discoveries

Following on from the 'Fire and Flames America' [1] The paintings are related. I was drawn to watch this video from the BBC and its called 'We are the Aliens'. I have a feeling that I have seen this documentary before. So what is the reason that I've had to watch it again? It clearly has a connection with the paintings received. [1]

During the documentary it is shared that a blue/green infrastructure is found in the meteorites and one of the paintings is blue/green.

During the documentary a couple of other points were made that are important to humanity. First the astrobiologist confirms that the oxygen that humanity is breathing is 'poisonous'. NASA discovered in their research that 'Chickens don't like Lunar dust'. As we know, animals prefer everything that is ecological. For instance offer a monkey a GM banana compared with an organic banana. The monkey will choose the organic banana. Give rabbits the choice between a GM field, a field sprayed with fertilizers and pesticides, or a field that is free of modern farming technology. And the rabbits will eat carrots and cabbages from the organic field in preference to the others.

So what does that tell you about the lunar dust?


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