Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Honorable Apostle

Muslims have arrived on the forums giving everyone a last warning. They say that a line has been drawn. They speak of the 'Earthquake', 'The Inevitable', 'The Disaster' and 'Friday'. They also give the month of May. Some lovely paintings also came to be last night, and I will upload them on this post.

Our response to them is this; there is a prophecy in the Qu'ran that mentions Obama. In Surah 44 first it mentions the honorable Apostle that comes in this timeline of the night time. As we know the word Apostle is associated with Jesus and in the ancient didache Jesus also referred to himself as an Apostle.

However, the surah is also giving humanity a clue to the person that was sent having the name of one of the Apostles of Jesus. Little did I know when I married Adam, (age 25) that the name of the Apostle that had been given to me and the implications of said name on my life and the life of humanity.


After the Apostle appears in the Surah it then mentions a different person. The Pharaoh and in 2008, the LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, referred to Obama as the Pharaoh.

Then I asked them to ask the Muslims who is the wrinkled woman, the palm leaf that they have appointed the mansions for in Surah 36? Nostradamus also gave a prophecy about the palm branch.

Here is an example of one of the mansions that they built. It was built by those that were involved in theosophy. Yes, the Avatar of Synthesis did come exactly as predicted by Alice Bailey, she is the sun of righteousness mentioned by Prophet Malachi, the Spiritual Alchemist, she has the key of David and the keys of the kingdom for healing consciousness.


Is the Qu'ran referring to the wondrous woman from heaven that arrived in the Rev 12 timeline? She arrived prior to Obama who is mentioned in Rev 13. Obama is the Leo the Leopard from Africa. Is the Palm leaf mentioned in the Qu'ran daughter Zion mention in Micah 4? Is it any coincidence that a woman's face wrinkles and ages during menopause? Is it a coincidence that daughter Zion is now 59 years old?


This painting reminds me of the sign of Jonah that arrived in Israel in 2010, in the ancient texts, Jesus shared with the Israeli's that the only sign the orthodox would be given would be the sign of Jonah. When that sign was seen, then the 'Queen of the South' would come with the people and the judgement would begin. Following the arrive of the whale, there was the flotilla disaster.

It was followed by 5 million trees burning down on Mount Carmel at Jewish New Year, as we know that was the fire sign of Elijah and I have been blessed to walk on Mount Carmel twice. The first time was the time of the atonement (2006) and the second time, the LORD chose a humble man to play the shofar for me outside Elijah's cave. What a blessed day that was. Three of us went that day, myself, an Israeli, and an American.

Isaiah 66 also said 'Where is the house you will be build for me?'.

Yes they did build mansions, but is it the house that the LORD asked for? The LORD asked for an ecological self-sustainable healing city, a centre of creative and scientific excellence. The Angelic Architects did come as described in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The divine plan was given, design, layout everything, even the specific location was given for where it must be built. The location is pre-ordained to come to be as the LORD planned for the new holy city of Jerusalem. It shall not be in Israel or the USA. Although Israel will always be a sacred heritage site for it is the birthplace of the Israeli known as Jesus Christ. The Israeli's, his brothers and sisters shall defend it always. Israel was re-created to fulfill the biblical prophecies, they had to be ready to receive the helper that the LORD sent, which they did in 2006 and 2007.

Did he also ask for a specific house? Yes, he did he asked for a house for his blessed one, and he also asked for a housekeeper so that she could dedicate all of her time to the will of the LORD.

Prophet Isaiah gave the location of the great earthquake as Damascus do the Muslims know that?

The book of Genesis informed that when shiloh come the scepter would leave Judah. Prophet Isaiah shared that when the gentle waters of shiloh were refused then the children would come. She holds the scepter that was given to her by the holy Spirit of Jesus himself. Prophecy tells us that the children shall hold the kingship, well the children certainly held me. May the LORD bless all of the children and what they have come to do. They received their divine plan in 2007, when the everlasting covenant for the children was delivered for them.

So turn your hearts to the children.

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