Friday 3 May 2013

Energy Exchange

There appears to be a few people promoting the 'Urantia' book at the moment. One of its promoters said that he has 'no respect' for people who start businesses over God, it is free, should be free, respectfully'. 

First let me say that people that respect themselves also respect others and the person concerned also stated that he felt 'ashamed' at his peers due to what they have done. However, he is still holding tightly to what the issue was over e.g. the book. Well at least they can feel their soul.

As far as a financial exchange is concerned this is a summary of what the ancient texts disclose to us.


Do you know what Jesus taught? What did Jesus live on thin air?

The NT mentions the community purse, and how the aromatherapy oils were purchased from it. It also mentions how Jesus sent the healers out to work in the community and he told them they would be paid for doing so. Not only were they to receive money, but clothes, food, and a roof over their heads. Clearly, Jesus was running a business and all the profits were going into help and sustain his spiritual community.

To cover their overheads for the oils, essences, candles, and anything else that was required for them to live. When he sent them out two at a time, he asked them to find a person that was worthy of them to sponsor their work in the community; so that they could give freely to the poor.

In the didache he speaks of the support that the [healing] Apostles must receive. He also states that every Apostle is a Lord, and Jesus is referred to as an Apostle.

Now what does the Dead Sea Scrolls say about payment?

In the time of Qumrun, the spiritual community were counseled to charge people who were living in an earthly, material reality. They were also counseled to give freely to the spiritual community. Of course healers and mystics do help each other and support each other if and when it is required.

In olden days some of the mystics took refuge in the Church because they knew that they would be cared for while they were anchoring the light into the earth.

What does the OT say about it ?

Prophet Malachi gave a prophecy for this timeline, and it tells the people that they are 'robbing elohiym'. It states that if the wages of elohiym are paid then the blessings will come from heaven upon the nations.

That is another reason why Jesus predicted that the Angels are the harvesters at the end of the age. In mystical Judaism, the healing Angels are called the 'Angels of Elohiym'.

At the end of the day what is money? It is simply an energy exchange.

How else would the servants of God support themselves otherwise?

Also Jesus asked people to sell everything and give it to his spiritual community otherwise they could not follow him. Sometimes he told them to give it to the poor. Its easy to see that when he told them to give it to the poor, it was because his spiritual community had plenty to see it through.

Basically, Jesus was running what we call an NGO modern day.

As we know many other people did the same. Especially in the USA and India. Many charities were set up to fund the work of spiritual communities like Findhorn in Scotland where over 600 people live.

So that is an all round look at the energy exchange as far as the biblical ancient texts are concerned.

So to summarize: a person that could afford to pay the spiritually elect and its healing angels for their help were asked to do so in ancient times, and they still do today. 

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