Thursday 2 May 2013

Einstein's Equation of Life and Death

I have been doing my utmost to share with orthodox Christians what Jesus taught as far as the two different ways. The way of life -v- the way of death. Jesus also shared with his followers that if they did not heal their consciousness by seeking within, then they would taste death. e.g cancers and other diseases. He also asked his followers to never be afraid. Why did he ask his followers who were healers to never be afraid? He knew that the healers of light and love would always be led to a safe place, for they have redeemed the love and light within themselves. The holy healers and mystics a remnant of the people to help the people to heal consciousness. 

In this video documentary about Einstein and what happened. It mentions the scientists and how they 'reacted' to his letter due to their 'fear'. Even though 'Hitler' was 'no longer a threat to the USA', the American scientists continued to develop a nuclear bomb. In the letter of Einstein to the President at that time, he also mentions the word 'watchfulness'. In other words, he was giving a cryptic message about the timeline that is associated with the biblical prophecies. In my humble view, it was due to their comprehension of the biblical prophecies that relate to the USA, that the American scientists continued to build the nuclear bomb to defend themselves.

Of course, Jesus also understood the ancient prophecies and how it predicted that the deeds of men would come down upon their own heads. He knew that it was essential to teach the way of life in preference to the way of death that was predicted would come to be if people refused to change their ways.

The prophecies were a warning to humanity about its co-creation and what happens when man goes his own way, instead of the way of God. For the LORD God is the giver of life, and only he has the authority to take it away. 

The book of Genesis also warned them not to eat from the 'tree of knowledge', and one can view the scientists that co-created the nuclear plants as 'wizards', that created the 'way of death'. I state that because an orthodox Christian called me a 'wizard' today. That shows us how little the orthodox knows about mysticism and who the 'wizards' are. In fact, what orthodox Christians say about me, the Jewish orthodox said about Jesus, so I am in good company.

It is a well known fact in mystical Judaism that the 'wizards' are the 'angels of darkness'. Religious leaders in all denominations have supported the 'angels of darkness', their 'wars and their crimes against humanity.'  So what does that make them and exactly what side are they on? 

Of course, sometimes intent is innocent and the outcome unforeseen, just like Einstein was in remorse for what he had shared with the president after the fact. The intention of Einstein was to defend, it is clear that he was 'triggered' also by his own experience of what had happened in Europe with WW2. If Einstein had spent the time to heal himself, then for sure he would have handled the whole situation differently. 

He 'reacted' due to his own 'fear' that he held within and he was under tremendous pressure from others to do so.  How wonderful it would have been if Einstein had healed his consciousness once he knew about the energy. How wonderful it would have been if he imparted to the president at that time, how essential healing was and is to the consciousness and energy of the nations. How if America had walked the 'way of life and not the way of death'. 


So is it too late for America and the other nuclear nations due to what the nations have co-created? This is the question now, how quickly humanity can shift into the goodness of self-healing and wholeness. The root of the word Shalom is to 'be whole'. 

If religious leaders and its members that they lead continue to support the way of death, only death will be the reality for the people. As I explained to an orthodox Christian earlier today, the words of Jesus, 'religious men bury men in boxes.' Was the bones of Jesus buried in a box like some people claim? If Jesus was in India and ended his life there, wouldn't they have carried out a traditional Indian ceremony and set fire to his remains on the water? Wouldn't Jesus have left the planet the way that he lived on it and by the water? Fire and water!  When I was in Egypt I saw a king on a golden boat in the sky, and the boat was in flames. What a way to go, no bones to argue over thousands of years later. Is that why there are so many bones of the Jewish people missing from the Holocaust? 

The last vision that I was given of the White House in the USA, there was a coffin on the front lawn of the USA, and it had a US flag upon it. I viewed the vision that it meant that it was the end and death of the USA as America and the rest of the world have known it. 

It can be a good sign if we look at the vision in a good way, it can mean that it is the end of the way of death, and the beginning of the way of life that the healers of consciousness bring. The good Angels of Elohim and Jesus predicted that the Angels are the harvesters at the end of the age. 

How quickly humanity and the people of the USA adapt will be crucial now. As Jesus said in December 2008, 'The Time is Nigh'. 

Some American's know that time is short, and people have to move quickly. For the LORD sent me to shorten these last days of the end times for the spiritually elect. To be the watchtower for the flock, and warn them in advance of what is coming and how to defend themselves in a good way that is all about life and living it the right way. In harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of the prophets that relate to the physics of the cosmos. 

We know that judgement is coming upon the USA. However, there are two types of judgement also, there is judgement that brings life and there is judgement that brings death. There is the judgement of the LORD that brings life, and there is the judgement of man that brings death. Who are those that execute people in their prisons? Americans. Has every Christian in American campaigned against it? Did every Christian campaign against President Bush and or Obama? Or did their religious leaders and its members support those that would support them to keep their reality of the 'way of death' in existence? In so doing they have been supporting death, the same applies to Muslims and Jews as well. 

Just like the USA dropped the bomb on Japan and in other parts of the world. I did ask in the past, what was a bomb doing in the waters of Spain? 

In the Einstein video they mention a particular compound, it is a compound that they have found in outer space. The only reason that I know of this compound and where they are looking for it, is because the LORD gave me the word and I made a post on it at that time. 


As we know, we can take a horse to water, we cannot make them drink the gentle waters of Shiloh. The heavenly and holy streams that was poured out upon humanity so that they could walk in the way of life in this timeline. Prophet Isaiah also predicted that the 'covenant with death is annulled' in this timeline and I asked those that are bound in my heart, to sing 'We will live for you, and not die for you'. To write their 'Sonnets to God' and praise him for all that he has done to help humanity in this timeline. 

We know there has been divine intervention, so please let us rejoice in it, for salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion. Jesus knew that Joseph was entrusted, that the Spiritual Israeli's were entrusted, he also knew that when she came that she would have jewish blood running in her veins. 'Angels Healing Trust' was divinely given and at that time, I had no comprehension of where it was leading me. However, I am humbled by the great work of the way of life, its miracles and honored to comprehend it fully. 


This painting looks like a 'Rock' and in it I see an angelic figure, like David and Goliath, it is a mammoth task. However, it is worth it and we shall accomplish what the LORD as ordained to be accomplished in this timeline. For it is the will of the LORD for it to be so. While the rainbows still appear, the rain falls, and the sun continues to shine, there is always hope of a better day. A day when the righteous are truly understood, of why they do what they do to help humanity in this timeline; of the greatest historic change that humanity has ever witnessed. 

It is happening here and now before your very eyes. In goodness, love, light and life we shall prevail. 

Righteousness shall prevail

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