At 20:20 I received this message, "What a shot", indeed, a "Master shot", it takes a film maker to take a master shot.
Big smiles!
Lotus Feet the enlightened nature of this soul entwined with the Spirit of divine wisdom. Nutrients, healing oils, sound for health. Life time of experience, length of days. Eyes, voice and heart of the mystical healer, the Sacred Path. Divine intervention Aramatheopist.
Tuesday, 31 December 2019
The lunar eclipse on the 10th of January, 2020 is in the sign of Cancer and it is in the series of 144 eclipses. Those that know their bibles know that the 144 numeric is biblical. In Hebrew gematria it is "Light", "Time" and "Finder". Hence, it is an opportunity and time for people to find a person of spiritually filled light to lead them forward. My affirmation for this eclipse, "I have a life to lead".
The eclipse itself comes on the "Day of Realistic Assessment" and people have the opportunity to make a realistic assessment of their lives, where they've been previously and where they're going in 2020. Did you enjoy digging to find what you had to find, was it the right time for you, was the timing perfect for you previously or is it now, this year in 2020? Another motto of your's truly for this year, "Its now or never".
What did you find on your travels through life, did it please you, did it serve you, did it help you and others? Are you ready to move into the new energies of 2020 or are you stuck in the past?
What did you manifest and what help did you require on the journey, did you receive divine help to assist you to manifest what was appropriate for your divine purpose on the planet? Ponder upon it, was your journey light or heavy going? How is your heart, does it weigh heavy upon you or is it as light as feather? What do you see in front of you and where do you plan to go in 2020, what do you plan to do to improve your health and your quality of life? What did you find, who did you find, where did you look and have you been satisfied with what you found?
Message received at 20:20 GMT, "What a shot", indeed a "Master shot".
The eclipse itself comes on the "Day of Realistic Assessment" and people have the opportunity to make a realistic assessment of their lives, where they've been previously and where they're going in 2020. Did you enjoy digging to find what you had to find, was it the right time for you, was the timing perfect for you previously or is it now, this year in 2020? Another motto of your's truly for this year, "Its now or never".
What did you find on your travels through life, did it please you, did it serve you, did it help you and others? Are you ready to move into the new energies of 2020 or are you stuck in the past?
What did you manifest and what help did you require on the journey, did you receive divine help to assist you to manifest what was appropriate for your divine purpose on the planet? Ponder upon it, was your journey light or heavy going? How is your heart, does it weigh heavy upon you or is it as light as feather? What do you see in front of you and where do you plan to go in 2020, what do you plan to do to improve your health and your quality of life? What did you find, who did you find, where did you look and have you been satisfied with what you found?
Message received at 20:20 GMT, "What a shot", indeed a "Master shot".
In the 90s I used to teach tarot in addition to other spiritual subjects so it makes me smile when I see students of it discussing its meaning.
In the Morgan Greer pack, in the four of wands, the background of the sky is golden yellow and that is a colour of creativity, the ground is also yellow and that can relate to yellow crops e.g. mustard crops. It indicates a Christian city, an ancient Christian city.
Wands are work cards and there is also a castle in the symbology. Who built castles? The Romans they were also very creative and into construction of our roads in the UK. Many of those roads still exist today with the ancient castles.
The castle is high up, being high up, it is elevated for protection of it's inhabitants, and due to its elevation it can be seen at a distance. As we know castles have a watchtower, and that is also symbolic as bible prophecy mentions a woman that is the watchtower for the flock. Micah 4.
The four of wands are at the entrance to the city, and you can clearly see that they are oak trees on the card with green leaves. Biblically the oak trees are symbolic of the righteous and the prayers of the righteous are effective. Upon the wood from the trees hangs a garland with greenery and red and white roses, symbolic of the flourishing entrance to the ancient city. Roses and the sisters of the Rose, the roses being feminine in nature and they have a healing fragrance. The fertile garland also has grapes and grapes are symbolic of mystics in spiritual symbology.
Wands are sometimes referred to as rods or batons, and a specific ancient city is being symbolised in this card for divine purpose on a work level. The numeric of four is also important as it is the numeric of the material realm and what has been created during the history of the culture in which the castle stands.
It is clearly an historic location with an important purpose.
If you are intent on studying tarot you must study spiritual symbology as many messages were included in the graphics. Also always remember that the suit of wands/rods/batons relates to work and the work life.
I will take this opportunity to congratulate team UK, we did it! This is a 4 minute recap from Carl and the team; all that hard work was worth it. Big smiles. In my case it has been 20 years of defending freedom of speech on-line, so it was really great when our guys turned up to carry the baton to the next phase.
In the Morgan Greer pack, in the four of wands, the background of the sky is golden yellow and that is a colour of creativity, the ground is also yellow and that can relate to yellow crops e.g. mustard crops. It indicates a Christian city, an ancient Christian city.
Wands are work cards and there is also a castle in the symbology. Who built castles? The Romans they were also very creative and into construction of our roads in the UK. Many of those roads still exist today with the ancient castles.
The castle is high up, being high up, it is elevated for protection of it's inhabitants, and due to its elevation it can be seen at a distance. As we know castles have a watchtower, and that is also symbolic as bible prophecy mentions a woman that is the watchtower for the flock. Micah 4.
The four of wands are at the entrance to the city, and you can clearly see that they are oak trees on the card with green leaves. Biblically the oak trees are symbolic of the righteous and the prayers of the righteous are effective. Upon the wood from the trees hangs a garland with greenery and red and white roses, symbolic of the flourishing entrance to the ancient city. Roses and the sisters of the Rose, the roses being feminine in nature and they have a healing fragrance. The fertile garland also has grapes and grapes are symbolic of mystics in spiritual symbology.
Wands are sometimes referred to as rods or batons, and a specific ancient city is being symbolised in this card for divine purpose on a work level. The numeric of four is also important as it is the numeric of the material realm and what has been created during the history of the culture in which the castle stands.
It is clearly an historic location with an important purpose.
If you are intent on studying tarot you must study spiritual symbology as many messages were included in the graphics. Also always remember that the suit of wands/rods/batons relates to work and the work life.
I will take this opportunity to congratulate team UK, we did it! This is a 4 minute recap from Carl and the team; all that hard work was worth it. Big smiles. In my case it has been 20 years of defending freedom of speech on-line, so it was really great when our guys turned up to carry the baton to the next phase.
I was woken up in the night by a nightmare and Based Amy was in it. Based Amy is a patriot that was sent to prison in December for 28 days. Based Amy stood as a candidate for the English Democrats in the recent general election, see her website for updates on the case.
We were in a hotel and I asked her whether we were going to her room or mine. Amy said "Yours".
When we arrived at my hotel room with hot drinks in our hands there were four single beds in the room and we found that there was a woman sleeping in each of the four beds, so we asked those women to leave the room.
Then we were in a large room and some gangsters were ripping a white dress off of a patriot who had been speaking. Amy and I couldn't get to the woman to help her because we were being blocked by the gangsters.
Then one of the gangsters started burning the back of my healing hands with lit cigarettes. I stayed strong and stared him out, then the pain of it woke me up from the dream. The gangsters wore black suits and they sounded English.
In dream interpretation to dream of a hotel can relate to business or financial interests. A bed in a dream is also associated with business interests; if it was your own bed it is about security. Making a bed can indicate unexpected visitors and in the dream there were four women, the numeric of four is about the material world and its aspects. Four women had taken our security in my hotel room and that is why they had to leave my room.
In the dream it was men that were standing against the female patriots. If a person is assaulted in a dream it can indicate there will be an assault on your character. We are fully aware that the characters of female patriots have been assaulted including the character of Based Amy.
In dream interpretation cigarettes can be to do with prosperity, burns of hands or feet in dream interpretation indicate it is a time for a little financial speculation, but stay well within your means. Amy does have on-going legal costs on various legal cases that she is involved in.
It looks like there are gangsters that have business interests with women in hotels and they view female patriots as a threat to their business interests. Remember Amy and I were telling the women in my hotel room to leave and we both support BREXIT and leaving the EU.
The female patriot that was having the white dress ripped off of her indicates the purity of the English female patriot, as white is symbolic of purity and it is also biblical as wearing white is mentioned in the revelations.
Have a great New Year everyone and stay safe.
We were in a hotel and I asked her whether we were going to her room or mine. Amy said "Yours".
When we arrived at my hotel room with hot drinks in our hands there were four single beds in the room and we found that there was a woman sleeping in each of the four beds, so we asked those women to leave the room.
Then we were in a large room and some gangsters were ripping a white dress off of a patriot who had been speaking. Amy and I couldn't get to the woman to help her because we were being blocked by the gangsters.
Then one of the gangsters started burning the back of my healing hands with lit cigarettes. I stayed strong and stared him out, then the pain of it woke me up from the dream. The gangsters wore black suits and they sounded English.
In dream interpretation to dream of a hotel can relate to business or financial interests. A bed in a dream is also associated with business interests; if it was your own bed it is about security. Making a bed can indicate unexpected visitors and in the dream there were four women, the numeric of four is about the material world and its aspects. Four women had taken our security in my hotel room and that is why they had to leave my room.
In the dream it was men that were standing against the female patriots. If a person is assaulted in a dream it can indicate there will be an assault on your character. We are fully aware that the characters of female patriots have been assaulted including the character of Based Amy.
In dream interpretation cigarettes can be to do with prosperity, burns of hands or feet in dream interpretation indicate it is a time for a little financial speculation, but stay well within your means. Amy does have on-going legal costs on various legal cases that she is involved in.
It looks like there are gangsters that have business interests with women in hotels and they view female patriots as a threat to their business interests. Remember Amy and I were telling the women in my hotel room to leave and we both support BREXIT and leaving the EU.
The female patriot that was having the white dress ripped off of her indicates the purity of the English female patriot, as white is symbolic of purity and it is also biblical as wearing white is mentioned in the revelations.
Have a great New Year everyone and stay safe.
Monday, 30 December 2019
It's amazing how many guys won't or don't eat humous that has tahini in it. Of course you can make your own tahini butter from sesame seeds. In this video Dr Eric Berg shares the different essential nutrients that are in tahini and why it is important for the functionality of your body. I've eaten humous since the 70s since I first began eating in Greek restaurants. Although I also cook with sesame seeds and roasted sesame seed oil too.
NYC State of Emergency
The testimony of warning was issued to Americans long before Hanukkah, so what did they do about it? Now "Jewish leaders call for state of emergency in New York following a wave of Antisemitic Hate Crimes".
In Black Liberation Theology they've been teaching for decades that Jesus was black, when in fact Jesus the Jew wasn't black. This depiction of him was excavated in an ancient Greco-Buddhist city on the borders of what is now Afghanistan. It is the most perfect depiction of him that I have ever seen.
In Black Liberation Theology they've been teaching for decades that Jesus was black, when in fact Jesus the Jew wasn't black. This depiction of him was excavated in an ancient Greco-Buddhist city on the borders of what is now Afghanistan. It is the most perfect depiction of him that I have ever seen.
As we know Venus is still in Aquarius until the 13th of January, Aquarius the inspirer and Venus rules Libra.
What's great about this week is that Mars will be moving into my ascendent sign of Sagittarius and out of Scorpio so things won't be so intense for yours truly. I must admit I'm pleased to see the end of 2019 that is coming to completion; as so many people were on emotional rollercoasters and to be able to help those people I had to join with them on their rollercoaster when I don't like emotional rollercoasters.
So a time of letting go, and letting others just get on with the lives that they have chosen for themselves, it's their journey to integrate.
For some of you, you might find it is time to have a clear out of your lives, clearing out of wardrobes, clearing out of friends or places that you have visited on a regular basis in 2019, or anything else that is not serving you and your life in the best possible way.
We're moving into the new year of new possibilities and opportunities. So for instance I've got clothes in my wardrobe that I've had since my 40s, they still look brand new. Some of those clothes don't suit my new style and age now, so they have to go to a younger member of our spiritual community that is in her 40s because I know that she will appreciate them and make use of them.
Sometimes you just have to move on and stop being so nostalgic about the past, I sure am ready for the new that is coming in and space has to be made in my life for it. We have to let go of those people that refuse to listen and integrate the help offered to them too. Give your help to those that do listen and integrate, they are the people that are ready and will appreciate what you have to offer to help them. They are the ones that deserve our help.
So you can understand why I am so happy that 2o2o is arriving this week, it's a great numeric too with it being associated with the Jewish prophets. 20+20 = 40. Nostradamus also understood the numeric of 40 and he associated it with the age of Iris.
Remember he said that for 40 years it wouldn't be seen and after 40 years it could be seen everyday, he knew it was significant and that it related to biblical prophecies. Nostradamus was a healer and he was into flower essences and essential oils all part of his Christian mystical healing journey with his Jewish heritage.
So let's listen to what else is happening this week as we move through into 2o2o with hope and optimism for a better year ahead. Last week I was asked divinely to wait one more week, I have been very patient and did as I was asked to do.
Will you be involved in music in 2o2o? I've got my Ukukele and my tongue drum with my other healing musical instruments, I'm all ready to go, have passport will travel. I asked Spirit if I could go away for New Year and I was told, I have to stay at home. When I travel and where I travel too has to be in divine timing, on a mission, big smiles.
What's great about this week is that Mars will be moving into my ascendent sign of Sagittarius and out of Scorpio so things won't be so intense for yours truly. I must admit I'm pleased to see the end of 2019 that is coming to completion; as so many people were on emotional rollercoasters and to be able to help those people I had to join with them on their rollercoaster when I don't like emotional rollercoasters.
So a time of letting go, and letting others just get on with the lives that they have chosen for themselves, it's their journey to integrate.
For some of you, you might find it is time to have a clear out of your lives, clearing out of wardrobes, clearing out of friends or places that you have visited on a regular basis in 2019, or anything else that is not serving you and your life in the best possible way.
We're moving into the new year of new possibilities and opportunities. So for instance I've got clothes in my wardrobe that I've had since my 40s, they still look brand new. Some of those clothes don't suit my new style and age now, so they have to go to a younger member of our spiritual community that is in her 40s because I know that she will appreciate them and make use of them.
Sometimes you just have to move on and stop being so nostalgic about the past, I sure am ready for the new that is coming in and space has to be made in my life for it. We have to let go of those people that refuse to listen and integrate the help offered to them too. Give your help to those that do listen and integrate, they are the people that are ready and will appreciate what you have to offer to help them. They are the ones that deserve our help.
So you can understand why I am so happy that 2o2o is arriving this week, it's a great numeric too with it being associated with the Jewish prophets. 20+20 = 40. Nostradamus also understood the numeric of 40 and he associated it with the age of Iris.
Remember he said that for 40 years it wouldn't be seen and after 40 years it could be seen everyday, he knew it was significant and that it related to biblical prophecies. Nostradamus was a healer and he was into flower essences and essential oils all part of his Christian mystical healing journey with his Jewish heritage.
So let's listen to what else is happening this week as we move through into 2o2o with hope and optimism for a better year ahead. Last week I was asked divinely to wait one more week, I have been very patient and did as I was asked to do.
Will you be involved in music in 2o2o? I've got my Ukukele and my tongue drum with my other healing musical instruments, I'm all ready to go, have passport will travel. I asked Spirit if I could go away for New Year and I was told, I have to stay at home. When I travel and where I travel too has to be in divine timing, on a mission, big smiles.
At dawn I was woken up by the presence of a buddy, a funky friend. He brought a cosmic present and put it in my hands. It was Sapphire blue and ball shaped in size too. It was all sparkly, cosmic sparkles. I was really pleased to see him and to receive the gift as it is the last day of Hanukkah, it was one of those special spiritual experiences. I will try to paint an impression of it today.
In spiritual symbology a ball can be related to either solar or lunar energies, and it can relate to festivals or rites. J.C. Cooper wrote in her symbology book that balls are symbolic of the power of the gods in hurling globes, meteorites and stars across the skies.
The ball is also an emblem of St Nicholas of Myra. He was known as Nicholas the Wonderworker and he was a Greek Christian from a wealthy Greek family. The cupola is also associated with St Nicholas.
The presence and the present, as scripture states Joseph the dreamer is gifted, the flame of Joseph. In Aaron's prayer, Yahweh comes bringing gifts and a hedge of protection. Divine love in manifestation on a cosmic level of existence.
In spiritual symbology a ball can be related to either solar or lunar energies, and it can relate to festivals or rites. J.C. Cooper wrote in her symbology book that balls are symbolic of the power of the gods in hurling globes, meteorites and stars across the skies.
The ball is also an emblem of St Nicholas of Myra. He was known as Nicholas the Wonderworker and he was a Greek Christian from a wealthy Greek family. The cupola is also associated with St Nicholas.
28th December, 2019
The presence and the present, as scripture states Joseph the dreamer is gifted, the flame of Joseph. In Aaron's prayer, Yahweh comes bringing gifts and a hedge of protection. Divine love in manifestation on a cosmic level of existence.
Sunday, 29 December 2019
On the 26th of December I could smell "Thyme" and I do grow it and cook with it. Thyme is great for fighting infections, pathogens and any bacteria in the body.
This evening I had just written about the coming Lunar eclipse full moon on the 10th of January, and then straight afterwards I could smell lemon. Lemons are great for detoxing when you put lemon in hot water to drink in the morning, and lemon juice is also great for Vit K, it helps Vit C to assimilate in the body.
As an aromatherapy oil, the zesty lemon is great for the lymphatic system and its great for making a homemade deodorant cream to rub into your armpits. Don't put lemon or lemon oil directly on the skin, it must be in a carrier oil or non-fragrant cream.
In 2014, a study was carried out with lemon essential oil and they found that it changed the way that animals brains responded to pain, it stopped the panic and how they responded to painful stimuli. Hence, it is a "de-stressor" due to it being an 'anti-inflammatory".
It is still the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah and lemon is utilised in the holiday recipes for Hanukkah.
In Judaism Hanukkah is a time of miracles and the prayers of the righteous are effective.
So what lemon recipes will you have this evening and tomorrow?
I like potatoes cooked in lemon in the oven the way that the Greeks cook their chicken and potatoes in lemon. My mum cooked her roast chicken with lemon and I do sometimes. I like home made lemon curd and that is great to stop any leg cramps. I like pancakes with lemon juice and golden syrup. Sometimes I also make an almond cake with lemon juice in it and a lemon cream topping.
Of course lemon is great on fish, on asparagus and in salad dressings.
Hanukkah ends on the 30th of December, and I have a therapeutic massage booked for the 2nd of January, 2020. So it sounds like it's going to be thyme and lemon on my menu's until the new year or until I receive further divine request.
This evening I had just written about the coming Lunar eclipse full moon on the 10th of January, and then straight afterwards I could smell lemon. Lemons are great for detoxing when you put lemon in hot water to drink in the morning, and lemon juice is also great for Vit K, it helps Vit C to assimilate in the body.
As an aromatherapy oil, the zesty lemon is great for the lymphatic system and its great for making a homemade deodorant cream to rub into your armpits. Don't put lemon or lemon oil directly on the skin, it must be in a carrier oil or non-fragrant cream.
In 2014, a study was carried out with lemon essential oil and they found that it changed the way that animals brains responded to pain, it stopped the panic and how they responded to painful stimuli. Hence, it is a "de-stressor" due to it being an 'anti-inflammatory".
It is still the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah and lemon is utilised in the holiday recipes for Hanukkah.
In Judaism Hanukkah is a time of miracles and the prayers of the righteous are effective.
So what lemon recipes will you have this evening and tomorrow?
I like potatoes cooked in lemon in the oven the way that the Greeks cook their chicken and potatoes in lemon. My mum cooked her roast chicken with lemon and I do sometimes. I like home made lemon curd and that is great to stop any leg cramps. I like pancakes with lemon juice and golden syrup. Sometimes I also make an almond cake with lemon juice in it and a lemon cream topping.
Of course lemon is great on fish, on asparagus and in salad dressings.
28th December 2019
Hanukkah ends on the 30th of December, and I have a therapeutic massage booked for the 2nd of January, 2020. So it sounds like it's going to be thyme and lemon on my menu's until the new year or until I receive further divine request.
LUNAR ECLIPSE 10th January
On the 10th of January, we have a full moon Lunar eclipse at 20 degrees in 2020 in the sign of Cancer, with five planets in Capricorn. The 10th of January in numerics is the "Day of Realistic Assessment", and Aquarians are known for making accurate and realistic assessments due to their analytical brains.
The sign of Cancer, hard shell soft hearts, the shell created due to them being very sensitive as children. With a lunar eclipse in Cancer you have to look beyond the surface, you have to go beyond appearances, you have to look deeply inside a person, deeply into their hearts.
In my chart this full moon eclipse is in my 7th house and that is all about how people relate in what they have to offer the world, whether it is friendships, or relationships, what is your reason for being together, as it is to be fully appreciated. You may find that it is time to make a realistic assessment and move on from different friends that may have crept back into your life. Cancer likes friendships and family, although they can stand alone too when they have to do.
The 7th house is ruled by Venus and Libra, Libra can be master builders in relationships and friendships, they definitely like being in charge and control.
Being a full moon it can indicate completion of something in our lives so that you can move on into the energies that the new year has brought to you.
Robert Currey indicated in my chart that there will be meetings around the time of this full moon, meetings, agreements, some might have financial implications. I do have a hospital appointment in that timeline for a realistic spinal assessment, they're now going to examine my neck.
This eclipse is one of four penumbral eclipse in 2020, and this first eclipse of the season is in the saros 144 series, there's a biblical numeric for you. So I am not surprised that I've been shown the "Spiritual Marriage" as being important in this timeline.
In Hebrew gematria 144 is the gematria of "Light" "Time" and "Finder", the light reminds me of the light in this painting.
So wherever you are and whatever you are doing have a great lunar eclipse and always remember love drives fear out! It has come to light that Greta's family are involved in nuclear energy, it was also found that she had loads of plastics in her car. So little Greta doesn't have what is required for a "Spiritual Marriage", of our land, as written in Isaiah 62.
Greta doesn't have olive skin either, I'll be very surprised if her parents see her grow up and have children, Greta is seriously in the danger zone with the globalists and the American Obama supporters. Those in the know, know what biblical prophecy says about them!
2020 is also an important numeric as 20+20 = 40 and that is the numeric of the Jewish prophets. Nostradamus also gave a prophecy about the numeric of 40, his work was like a velvet glove upon the biblical prophecies.
I treated myself to a tongue drum this Christmas, and I've been playing little tunes on it. It's very sweet and has a lovely sound. Music is still in my life in 2020, I also have a Ukulele to embrace.
I'm sure there will be more paintings coming in prior to this eclipse, I called this painting Mama Mia.
The sign of Cancer, hard shell soft hearts, the shell created due to them being very sensitive as children. With a lunar eclipse in Cancer you have to look beyond the surface, you have to go beyond appearances, you have to look deeply inside a person, deeply into their hearts.
In my chart this full moon eclipse is in my 7th house and that is all about how people relate in what they have to offer the world, whether it is friendships, or relationships, what is your reason for being together, as it is to be fully appreciated. You may find that it is time to make a realistic assessment and move on from different friends that may have crept back into your life. Cancer likes friendships and family, although they can stand alone too when they have to do.
The 7th house is ruled by Venus and Libra, Libra can be master builders in relationships and friendships, they definitely like being in charge and control.
Being a full moon it can indicate completion of something in our lives so that you can move on into the energies that the new year has brought to you.
Robert Currey indicated in my chart that there will be meetings around the time of this full moon, meetings, agreements, some might have financial implications. I do have a hospital appointment in that timeline for a realistic spinal assessment, they're now going to examine my neck.
This eclipse is one of four penumbral eclipse in 2020, and this first eclipse of the season is in the saros 144 series, there's a biblical numeric for you. So I am not surprised that I've been shown the "Spiritual Marriage" as being important in this timeline.
In Hebrew gematria 144 is the gematria of "Light" "Time" and "Finder", the light reminds me of the light in this painting.
So wherever you are and whatever you are doing have a great lunar eclipse and always remember love drives fear out! It has come to light that Greta's family are involved in nuclear energy, it was also found that she had loads of plastics in her car. So little Greta doesn't have what is required for a "Spiritual Marriage", of our land, as written in Isaiah 62.
Greta doesn't have olive skin either, I'll be very surprised if her parents see her grow up and have children, Greta is seriously in the danger zone with the globalists and the American Obama supporters. Those in the know, know what biblical prophecy says about them!
2020 is also an important numeric as 20+20 = 40 and that is the numeric of the Jewish prophets. Nostradamus also gave a prophecy about the numeric of 40, his work was like a velvet glove upon the biblical prophecies.
I treated myself to a tongue drum this Christmas, and I've been playing little tunes on it. It's very sweet and has a lovely sound. Music is still in my life in 2020, I also have a Ukulele to embrace.
I'm sure there will be more paintings coming in prior to this eclipse, I called this painting Mama Mia.
On the 7th of December, 2019, I made a post on the science of oats and how good they are for the heart and arteries.
I've had a series of dog paintings coming in recently, so shall feature them on this blogpost.

It seems that there has been a fashion and fad to stop giving dogs grains. It comes to something when a veterinary specialist finds that her dog has severe heart damage. She had been feeding her dog grain-free dog food.
When in fact, the ancient Romans fed their dogs on pearl barley and bread. Pearl barley is great it has an "anti-cancer" component the same as coconut oil and palm oil does. Dogs like coconut oil too, a friend's dog would lick it off my fingers.
Oats also have essential manganese that the body requires for functionality. So can dogs have porridge? Indeed they can, it is brilliant for heart health, just don't include any sugar. You can also make oat milk for your pets and for you to drink. I think babies would like oat milk too and babies usually like porridge once they come off the breast.
What else do babies and dogs like? Yoghurt and cheese, although it is best to give dogs yeast free cheese.
In that vet report in the summer he's talking about just eight dogs, whereas if you look at the NBC news link that I've shared it is far more than that figure. There are now over 100 dogs in America alone, and it does include small dogs, it doesn't only apply to large dogs.
It has been shown that heart disease in dogs can be reversed when they eat the right food, I know it can be the same for humans too. Of course dogs require protein too and they like eggs but not to many, eggs are great for energy too. Raw carrots are great for their teeth, as are strong bones, give a dog a bone and he will love you forever.
At home my parents never gave our dogs chicken bones cooked or raw due to those bones splintering too easily and damaging their intestines. Mum always cooked meat for our dogs and then mixed it with dry dog food for fibre. Our dogs were always healthy, they had wonderful shiny coats and lived the full length of days. I think mum also gave our Ben a large spoonful of cod liver oil with his meals, she definitely used to supplement his great home cooked food.
I've had a series of dog paintings coming in recently, so shall feature them on this blogpost.

It seems that there has been a fashion and fad to stop giving dogs grains. It comes to something when a veterinary specialist finds that her dog has severe heart damage. She had been feeding her dog grain-free dog food.
When in fact, the ancient Romans fed their dogs on pearl barley and bread. Pearl barley is great it has an "anti-cancer" component the same as coconut oil and palm oil does. Dogs like coconut oil too, a friend's dog would lick it off my fingers.
Oats also have essential manganese that the body requires for functionality. So can dogs have porridge? Indeed they can, it is brilliant for heart health, just don't include any sugar. You can also make oat milk for your pets and for you to drink. I think babies would like oat milk too and babies usually like porridge once they come off the breast.
What else do babies and dogs like? Yoghurt and cheese, although it is best to give dogs yeast free cheese.
In that vet report in the summer he's talking about just eight dogs, whereas if you look at the NBC news link that I've shared it is far more than that figure. There are now over 100 dogs in America alone, and it does include small dogs, it doesn't only apply to large dogs.
It has been shown that heart disease in dogs can be reversed when they eat the right food, I know it can be the same for humans too. Of course dogs require protein too and they like eggs but not to many, eggs are great for energy too. Raw carrots are great for their teeth, as are strong bones, give a dog a bone and he will love you forever.
At home my parents never gave our dogs chicken bones cooked or raw due to those bones splintering too easily and damaging their intestines. Mum always cooked meat for our dogs and then mixed it with dry dog food for fibre. Our dogs were always healthy, they had wonderful shiny coats and lived the full length of days. I think mum also gave our Ben a large spoonful of cod liver oil with his meals, she definitely used to supplement his great home cooked food.
How different the paintings look in different light. I like texture in artwork. This painting is in two colours the burnt sienna and yellow ochre. Texture and colour in acrylics.
In 2019 a little 9 year old neighbour used to come and sit and paint with me, she has those lovely memories of us being together in her heart. She has those lovely days together to remember, days of creativity shared will always be in my heart too and songs that she would sing, including dancing Queen from Mama Mia.
9 is the numeric of divine love and completion, I had to stay where I live for the children, to greet the children and share the power of love in manifestation. Her little brother was just three years old when we met and that is the numeric of wisdom. He will remember our days in nature together growing food, he loved to be in the garden and with the soil just like I did with my gran Sophia.
The Capricorn boy child has the name of an Apostle and we got along great, it was a meeting of hearts and minds.
The recent Mama Mia solar eclipse has been a difficult one for many families, and individuals, oh Mama Mia. Has I wrote in 2016, when there is so much sadness in the world, can you find gladness in your heart? I can be glad that my Aquarian godson has been given the all clear, I knew in my heart that he would be fine.
28th December, 2019
Saturday, 28 December 2019
"The LORD will take delight in you, and your land will be married" Isaiah 62
This evening I am being shown "Spiritual Marriage", and that is different to other types of marriages that are wholly physical in nature for earthly reasons e.g. procreation. So for instance many years ago a woman asked me why her marriage split up after her children began secondary school.
The divine guidance that we received was it was due to the fact that her husband was to be a co-creator of the children with her and now she was ready for her mission and divine purpose.
Spirit usually wait until the youngest child starts secondary school prior to imparting a specific mission or ministry because Spirit are fully aware of the importance of sharing quality time with your children, especially when they are young.
Spiritual marriages are pre-destined, the connection, the meeting is pre-destined, the souls journey and mission is pre-destined. It was agreed upon pre-incarnation on the planet. Although it is a lot more than even that. You know each other, you know that you have known each other in past lives sometimes before you have even met or meet. Sometimes you are shown decades in advance that a spiritual marriage is coming into your life and it comes in on the love vibration.
You can communicate with each other via a different realm. You can be walking along the street, and suddenly you can hear the voice of the soul speaking to you. They can know instinctively on a soul level where you are, where you go and when, they are so aware of your reality that like a mother picks up on her child after leaving her womb, the specific pairing know of and when the other is under par physically.
It doesn't necessarily mean marriage in a way most people think of it. In fact, some people that are in a marriage of their souls and spirit sometimes do not have an actual physical relationship.
The connection is on a different and much higher plane of existence. In some cases some pairs do get it all on all planes of existence, it really depends on the circumstances. It just depends upon what has been agreed pre-destination for the spiritual marriage of two people and what has been ordained to happen.
When you connect you know what all the previous issues in your life have been about and how it connects to the two people, everything starts to make sense on a totally different level.

Sometimes the issues may have arisen in the workplace, in business, in friendships, or financially. Sometimes in relationships, sometimes in health. Why things didn't run as smoothly or exactly has you had hoped. The reason being that you wouldn't have met when you are meant to do so; if everything had gone to your plan. This is about the divine plan.
After your connection is made, you understand and appreciate it, as the story unfolds before you. You both change due to the spiritual connection that is beneficial to you both and you have no choice but to honour it.
Restrictions in your life start to be released because it is healthier for you both once the connection has been made to fulfil the will of God. It is a mission that you both share and you could not complete it without the two of you uniting as a united force. Divine guidance is continually given to help you both with the journey together.
It isn't something that most people could understand because it is an extraordinary spiritual experience that influences your life in profound ways.
The power of the Spirit that brings you both forward at the right time and in the right place. It is an eternal connection. It is not unusual to find that you live near to each other because that is where you were placed in close proximity to make it easier for the connection to be made in divine timing.
You will know it because it is the perfect match that has been lit in the heavenly realms, it is the perfect fit in so many different ways.
So don't be surprised if you see people talking about spiritual marriages in 2020 and their divine experiences of it. Divine love in manifestation is dynamic, charismatic, powerful and fulfilling.
This evening I am being shown "Spiritual Marriage", and that is different to other types of marriages that are wholly physical in nature for earthly reasons e.g. procreation. So for instance many years ago a woman asked me why her marriage split up after her children began secondary school.
The divine guidance that we received was it was due to the fact that her husband was to be a co-creator of the children with her and now she was ready for her mission and divine purpose.
Spirit usually wait until the youngest child starts secondary school prior to imparting a specific mission or ministry because Spirit are fully aware of the importance of sharing quality time with your children, especially when they are young.
Spiritual marriages are pre-destined, the connection, the meeting is pre-destined, the souls journey and mission is pre-destined. It was agreed upon pre-incarnation on the planet. Although it is a lot more than even that. You know each other, you know that you have known each other in past lives sometimes before you have even met or meet. Sometimes you are shown decades in advance that a spiritual marriage is coming into your life and it comes in on the love vibration.
You can communicate with each other via a different realm. You can be walking along the street, and suddenly you can hear the voice of the soul speaking to you. They can know instinctively on a soul level where you are, where you go and when, they are so aware of your reality that like a mother picks up on her child after leaving her womb, the specific pairing know of and when the other is under par physically.
It doesn't necessarily mean marriage in a way most people think of it. In fact, some people that are in a marriage of their souls and spirit sometimes do not have an actual physical relationship.
The connection is on a different and much higher plane of existence. In some cases some pairs do get it all on all planes of existence, it really depends on the circumstances. It just depends upon what has been agreed pre-destination for the spiritual marriage of two people and what has been ordained to happen.
When you connect you know what all the previous issues in your life have been about and how it connects to the two people, everything starts to make sense on a totally different level.

Sometimes the issues may have arisen in the workplace, in business, in friendships, or financially. Sometimes in relationships, sometimes in health. Why things didn't run as smoothly or exactly has you had hoped. The reason being that you wouldn't have met when you are meant to do so; if everything had gone to your plan. This is about the divine plan.
After your connection is made, you understand and appreciate it, as the story unfolds before you. You both change due to the spiritual connection that is beneficial to you both and you have no choice but to honour it.
Restrictions in your life start to be released because it is healthier for you both once the connection has been made to fulfil the will of God. It is a mission that you both share and you could not complete it without the two of you uniting as a united force. Divine guidance is continually given to help you both with the journey together.
It isn't something that most people could understand because it is an extraordinary spiritual experience that influences your life in profound ways.
The power of the Spirit that brings you both forward at the right time and in the right place. It is an eternal connection. It is not unusual to find that you live near to each other because that is where you were placed in close proximity to make it easier for the connection to be made in divine timing.
You will know it because it is the perfect match that has been lit in the heavenly realms, it is the perfect fit in so many different ways.
So don't be surprised if you see people talking about spiritual marriages in 2020 and their divine experiences of it. Divine love in manifestation is dynamic, charismatic, powerful and fulfilling.
26th December, 2019.
We've just had the annular Solar eclipse in Capricorn, and now we have a Lunar eclipse in Cancer on the 10th of January, 2020. My map for 2020 from Robert Currey says that the full moon eclipse will be in my 7th house, the 7th house is ruled by Libra and planet Venus. Venus is also in Aquarius until the 13th of January, 2020.
The 7th house is all about partnerships and relationships and what contribution they make to the world. It is all about the agreement that the two people made or make to each other, what they bring to each other also determines what they bring to their homeland. With the eclipse being in Cancer, it can indicate strong people on the outside and soft hearts inside. The outer shell is for protection of the heart and the hearts and souls of our people.
My chart mentions meetings around the time of this eclipse that will impact upon the next year.
Friday, 27 December 2019
Melanie Panayiotou RIP
Devastating news for the family that one of George Michael's sisters passed over on Christmas Day, aged 59. She was found by her sister Yioda. The police say that there were no suspicious circumstances and there will be a coroner's report.
In one of the news reports it mentions that Melanie travelled with her brother George as his hairdresser and make up artist, they were incredibly close and adored each other. Together once again.
It is certainly not incidental as it was the third anniversary of George's passing.
Condolences and loving thoughts to their family and friends at this time of bereavement, fans everywhere send you their loving thoughts.
In one of the news reports it mentions that Melanie travelled with her brother George as his hairdresser and make up artist, they were incredibly close and adored each other. Together once again.
It is certainly not incidental as it was the third anniversary of George's passing.
Condolences and loving thoughts to their family and friends at this time of bereavement, fans everywhere send you their loving thoughts.
EMF Meter Sale
John Kitson from 5g Awareness posted this video on a sale that a British company have offered and the products include EMF meter's. Are you aware of EMF's and the damage that they can cause you and your families health? If you aren't aware best you catch up with the current reality.
EMF's don't just impact upon people, children and the elderly, they also impact upon animals and wildlife.
EMF's don't just impact upon people, children and the elderly, they also impact upon animals and wildlife.
Boxing night painting, as the new moon in Capricorn solar eclipse energies moved in fully. This painting has photographed very bright indeed, although the colours on the painting are much softer and pastel, it has a gentleness with it and Capricorns can be very gentle.
My grandmother Sophia was a Capricorn and she loved her dog, when she had a dog she also had a rented house in London with a garden for it. Capricorn can be fixed, and they like to fix things and help people to fix themselves. Usually they're very organised and don't ask for much, as they are quite self-sufficient. I've worked with a young Capricorn male, and once he understood the divine plan, he was all systems go with it.
When the painting was finished I could see the honey badger in it, once photographed by the computer I can see another dog, a very hairy dog, like a Spanish water dog or the Tibetan.
To me it looks like a show dog, due to the way that it is standing, it is ready to show the world what it can do, it is ready for action. The colours of the painting, are lavender, pastel pink, burnt sienna and yellow ochre.
My grandmother Sophia was a Capricorn and she loved her dog, when she had a dog she also had a rented house in London with a garden for it. Capricorn can be fixed, and they like to fix things and help people to fix themselves. Usually they're very organised and don't ask for much, as they are quite self-sufficient. I've worked with a young Capricorn male, and once he understood the divine plan, he was all systems go with it.
When the painting was finished I could see the honey badger in it, once photographed by the computer I can see another dog, a very hairy dog, like a Spanish water dog or the Tibetan.
To me it looks like a show dog, due to the way that it is standing, it is ready to show the world what it can do, it is ready for action. The colours of the painting, are lavender, pastel pink, burnt sienna and yellow ochre.
26th of December, 2019
More on the solar eclipse energies.
My tongue drum arrived today, interesting that the ukulele came in before Christmas, and the tongue drum arrived this morning. I've reviewed 2019, and 2020 is go time for yours truly, right on to complete projects, before new projects can begin. I also consider that there will be some travelling in 2020 for yours truly, the time of staying put has been completed. Have passport will travel, have car will travel, although the energy is very grounded in reality of what is possible to achieve in 2020.
I will certainly continue with health and nutrition in the foreseeable future, as so many people require help with their different health conditions and systems in their bodies. Designing recipes as I go along with each health case that is brought to me. You can't just give everyone the same recipes, because people have different taste buds and like different foods. So it is important to give people healthy recipes for their health conditions, that include some foods that they like.
One of the serious issues is that the medical profession in the UK is 20 years behind the latest cutting edge science in nutrition. So we have to carry on regardless, and relentlessly, we can't be held back by the academics that take so long to shift.
Mystical healers do have the staying power to continue with the divine plan. We master any challenge and reality that is presented to us healers that have done our homework and research based upon the divine guidance that we have been given. Divine providence it certainly is for us.
It is still Hanukkah festival of lights until the 30th of December, and there is a lovely verse in the book of Hebrews about the first born.
My grandfather Joseph on dad's side was a first born, and I was also the first born in my family, the eldest.
In Judaism the first born was given to God for God's work to be done, hence, their names were carefully chosen.
That is one of the reasons that my mother embraced my name that dad chose, and also introduced yours truly to the healing path chosen by Jesus. Of course Jesus was also the first born of Mary and Mary made a better choice than Martha.
Scripture tells you that the names of the first born are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect. To Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of abel. Hebrews 12:23-24.
So refuse not those that deliver heavenly warnings because it could save your life. Always remember that love drives out fear and as Jesus said, "Never be afraid".
Thursday, 26 December 2019
I had just written an email to a friend about one of her friends that is in hospital and another person that is having health difficulties of a different type.
Straight afterwards I began smelling Thyme.
Thyme healing oil is great for fighting pathogens and balancing hormones. Like Oregano it is one of the oils used to help fight infections. It's also great for skin when mixed with geranium.
Straight afterwards I began smelling Thyme.
Thyme healing oil is great for fighting pathogens and balancing hormones. Like Oregano it is one of the oils used to help fight infections. It's also great for skin when mixed with geranium.
News of the birth of a child is such infectious joy, the baby a bundle of joy.
As Jesus said to yours truly, "Children are the supreme joy of human life".
No coincidence as circumstances would have it; that on Christmas day it was his will to bring a mother to visit my home to discuss the precious children.
With this Mama Mia solar eclipse, he has certainly brought it home to me again, on how much work there is still to do with the children and their parents that require all the help they can get to defend their children in our country.
What he has shown me this morning is that he is inspiring heartfelt communications, between people, couples, pairs, friends, relatives. Moving communications that can move people's hearts. There are lovers in this world that love to love like Jesus does.
It was not a coincidence that a Christian healer rang me on Christmas morning either. Sometimes when you begin a journey, you are not necessarily looking for anyone that is specific to your life. Yet, while on the journey something or someone very important to your life is shown to you.
That is how I can describe how I met the Christian healer that I hold dearly in my heart, I wasn't looking for her when we first met. That is also how we can describe the meeting with the mum on Christmas day, Sarah hadn't planned on meeting me for a discussion, it was just meant to be, destiny, some might say pre-destination.
As he said, "It is serendipity".
Jesus, or Yeshua if you prefer, was Mary's first born. In ancient Judaism, the first born is gifted to God because they are the eldest. In the book of Hebrews it mentions the community of the first born, although the word is often translated as church.
My great-grandmother was Jewish and she married a Christian, she only brought up her firstborn in the Jewish tradition. My Christian mother brought up her first born, her only daughter in the way that her life had been influenced by Jewish friends. She introduced her daughter to the path of healing that Jesus had chosen and was pre-destined for.
"You have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to myriads of angels in joyful assembly, to the congregation of the first born, enrolled in heaven. You have come to the God the judge of all men, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect. To Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel". Hebrews 12:23
Tuesday, 24 December 2019
So share that the planets are changing, and Ben mentions Venus and Saturn specifically in this seven minute video.
Text with the video: "Earth Catastrophe cycle goes galactic, and takes a closer look at the changes in our solar system. Unprecedented flaring at the stars in line to be hit right before the sun say the solar micronova is next. Earth's magnetic reversal is next, and it appears that it might just include every planet in our solar system".
Text with the video: "Earth Catastrophe cycle goes galactic, and takes a closer look at the changes in our solar system. Unprecedented flaring at the stars in line to be hit right before the sun say the solar micronova is next. Earth's magnetic reversal is next, and it appears that it might just include every planet in our solar system".
Monday, 23 December 2019
It is not unusual for Jesus to give a message to yours truly at this time of the year.
While I was posting on-line amongst Christians he spoke and he said:
"You've found the holy sound".
If there is anything else that he would like to say, I will update this blogpost.
While I was posting on-line amongst Christians he spoke and he said:
"You've found the holy sound".
If there is anything else that he would like to say, I will update this blogpost.
More from this funky guy on the week of the 23rd to the 30th including the solar eclipse on the 26th.
As we know Venus is still in Aquarius until the 13th of January, 2020. So what else is happening this week. Are you having a funky time this solar eclipse? Are you heading for a new future in 2020?
It's Christmas, it's Hanukkah, and an annular Solar Eclipse in an earth sign of Capricorn. Hence it is a grounding energy due to it being so earthy. It likes being organised and with everything arranged. We also have Jupiter in Capricorn, Capricorn likes structure, strategy, and plans. Mercury will be moving into Capricorn and that involves communications and how you communicate to a larger audience in a grounded way.
What are your intentions, and how do you plan to manifest your prosperity in 2020? What has to change so that you can move forward, best to review the last year and see what you have to leave behind, like the UK leaving the EU, taking our country back, means taking our power back from a federal Europe.
"2020 is a history defining year".
2020 = 40, is the numeric of the Jewish prophets so an interesting numeric.
In my annual forecast that Robert Currey (UK) did for yours truly, he wrote that the New Moon in Capricorn is in my first house for the solar eclipse and it is also the official start of my astrological year. It indicates the confidence to create a new identity with a greater sense of self-confidence. Although some people can find my self-confidence and self-assurance daunting.
It is a time for fresh beginnings, and a greater sense of certainty in my life. My chart indicates an encounter around the 10th of January, and that is the full moon in Cancer in my 7th house. I also have a hospital appointment around that time too.
It can mean that events will force me to take greater account of someone close and address an emotional issue that has to be raised with that person. An important meeting is on the horizon around the same time, an important contact, meeting or finalisation of a contract will affect the coming twelve months of my life. So it will be interesting to see what transpires in the planetary map laid in front of me.
I usually feel the solar eclipse energies coming in prior to it, and I must say I'm feeling incredibly positive, calm and refreshed with this solar eclipse and I hope that our readers do too.
The Hebrew gematria of the solar eclipse series is 132 and that is the gematria of "Mama Mia", "I Hope", and "Hidden Code" of course there are other words that relate to it too, I just picked out the ones that resonated and pinged out for me intuitively.
As Jesus said to his healers, "Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven" Like 10:20.

A beautiful song from Jack, "I'm yours", he has made some beautiful classics that I am sure will stand the test of time, lovely voice and a lovely song for Venus in Aquarius transit that continues until the 13th of January, 2020. It's all happening this Christmas with the solar eclipse on boxing day and Hanukkah until the 30th of December, 2019. Very romantic, and I'm an incurable romantic.
Giovanni was born on the 10th of October, 1983, another Libra sweetheart.
In 2019, he had his first number one album in the UK albums chart.
Congratulations, well deserved.
A recent healing painting for a Libra buddy!
We did it!
Sunday, 22 December 2019
"The LORD will take delight in you and your land will be married".
2011 was the year of perfected love, and perfect love continually drives out fear. Yet, some people still tried to make people afraid and the LORD knows who was doing that to keep people away from perfected love.
In 2012, I told people it was the end of the world as they had known it and now the lefties can see how everything is changing and it not to their liking, but they will recover in time when they truly realise that they supported a "fear based ideology", known as Islam with some of it's members terrorising our people. Anyone that supports the "Islamic fear ideology" is not living in perfected love of the righteous because perfected love drives out fear.
When I was a child my mum was afraid of the dark, so she would push me into the maisonette first because she knew I wasn't afraid. Big smiles. Once she could put the light on she was happy! Mum grew up in a war torn era of WWII while our land was being bombed.
I grew up differently, in dad's awesome power of love, courage, self-confidence and self-determination, the Son of Joseph.
Song of Ascents - Psalm 128
In 2019, I met a very happily married leave politician that lives in the area of World's End, in London, when we discussed where he and his family lived, I knew then it was a significant moment in the timeline. As we approached the train station, I thanked him for being so positive in the meeting.
After that Richard Braine became leader of UKIP, and he has recently won his court case that the party were bringing against him. The NEC were not allowing Richard to make his appointments and get on with his job of leading the party. So I am very pleased he won his defence case because he really did try his best to get things moving in the right direction.
Justice, life is changing for the better in the UK, it is improving, onwards and upwards with the ascent, although you have to stay on it and keep the politicians in check.
Although, let us all enjoy this lovely festival and we have a solar eclipse on the 26th.
Isaiah 62 is an interesting chapter and in numerics when a person reaches the age of 62 it is an eight year and a year of spiritual transformation. I certainly experienced a year of spiritual transformation when I reached 62 and it comes after the second Saturn return that can bring health issues to the fore to be overcome. If there is something that you haven't sorted on your first saturn return, it will certainly come back in some way in your second saturn return.
In your first return it is easy to sweep things under the carpet, you can't do that when you reach the age of 60, you have to deal with whatever is thrown at you and it can be very intense on every level.
As the LORD would have it, I began investigating foods for healing and nutrition in the 90s, although in recent years the work has gone much much deeper and much much further, into different health conditions and what nutrients are essential for different systems in the body.
You have to rise to the challenge or be defeated by a health situation, it is our own choice how we respond to it and what actions we decide to take. Did you listen to divine guidance or not?
We can either just give into it, like a lot of people do, or use the power of our strength of will to overcome it, and there is no greater power than love to empower you to make the right choices in life and for your lives to be as healthy as you can be.
England is a land of legends, the Holy Grail and it's knights, it is full of divine blessings, saints and wonderful healers. Did you know we have more healers than doctors and nurses in the UK? Truly, our healers and complimentary medicine therapists save the NHS vast sums. In the 80s it was found that more people go to see CM therapists and they go more often than they go to see their own doctors. People began to take their power back from the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.
When you truly live in the power of love, love is always standing by to help you with your spiritual transformation. So when you are offered a true healing hand of help don't refuse it, accept it graciously, because it is meant to be divinely guided.
Always remember that your strength of will is given to you by God, if you do right by him, he will do right for you. Divine intervention really does exist.
As scripture says, "Ask and you shall be given", ask with pure intention this hanukkah. I prayed for a friend the LORD replied, "He listens to your voice".
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" James 1:17
Another gift for hanukkah a special soup designed just for those that most require it.

Candles go on at sunset on the 22nd of December and the festival of lights continues until the 30th of December, 2019. 22nd of December is the "Day of Continuity".
We are also in the Venus in Aquarius transit until the 13th of January, 2019 and we have a solar eclipse on the 26th of December in the 132 series, the Hebrew gematria for that series is "Mamma Mia", "I hope", and "Hidden Code".
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows". James 1:17
The history of Hanukkah and different views of it, the 9th candle is called the "HELPER" as it lights the other eight candles.
We are also in the Venus in Aquarius transit until the 13th of January, 2019 and we have a solar eclipse on the 26th of December in the 132 series, the Hebrew gematria for that series is "Mamma Mia", "I hope", and "Hidden Code".
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows". James 1:17
Happy Hanukkah
"Banu choshekch legaresh"
"Light comes into the world and the darkness cannot overcome it".
Gospel of Thomas
Instrumental music
Lemongrass Winter Solstice
In October I began receiving the fragrance of Lemongrass, and I kept on receiving it. After that Lemongrass was featured on this blog in regards to it being a healing oil, drank has a tea, and also eaten in food. The research and scientific links were shared so see previous posts.
I'm now working on designing soups and menus that can include Lemongrass for health purposes, I am also hoping to grow it in 2020 too. I have some in water on the window sill hoping that they will root.
Now this evening's soup. The base of the soup is the same as you would make a potato and leek soup. I usually use chicken brine when I have it in stock, although today I put in a chicken stock cube.
4 freshly chopped cloves of garlic
Fresh fennel to suit your taste, I put in a couple of the small outer leaves chopped.
2 Lemongrass, it's important to take off the outer layer, cuts the end off and then smash the
lemongrass prior to cutting into small pieces.
Stilton cheese
Cook your potato and leek soup as you normally would including the chopped garlic. Once nearly cooked put in the fresh fennel and lemongrass. Once cooked, and cooled, into the blender, then back into the pan on a low heat and include a nice chunk of stilton cheese crumbled in your hand as you put it into the soup to melt.
Absolutely ideal, heartwarming soup for the wintertime, for this Winter Solstice and holiday season.
Enjoy as the planetary configuration in my chart indicates that this is an inventive time for your truly, and with Venus in Aquarius transit it is also time for the generator of new ideas and concepts that people will love because it is healthy for them. So be creative and design your own soup with lemongrass.
Lemongrass is a great purifier of the body and great for detoxing.
How to prepare Lemongrass.
I'm now working on designing soups and menus that can include Lemongrass for health purposes, I am also hoping to grow it in 2020 too. I have some in water on the window sill hoping that they will root.
Now this evening's soup. The base of the soup is the same as you would make a potato and leek soup. I usually use chicken brine when I have it in stock, although today I put in a chicken stock cube.
4 freshly chopped cloves of garlic
Fresh fennel to suit your taste, I put in a couple of the small outer leaves chopped.
2 Lemongrass, it's important to take off the outer layer, cuts the end off and then smash the
lemongrass prior to cutting into small pieces.
Stilton cheese
Cook your potato and leek soup as you normally would including the chopped garlic. Once nearly cooked put in the fresh fennel and lemongrass. Once cooked, and cooled, into the blender, then back into the pan on a low heat and include a nice chunk of stilton cheese crumbled in your hand as you put it into the soup to melt.
Absolutely ideal, heartwarming soup for the wintertime, for this Winter Solstice and holiday season.
Enjoy as the planetary configuration in my chart indicates that this is an inventive time for your truly, and with Venus in Aquarius transit it is also time for the generator of new ideas and concepts that people will love because it is healthy for them. So be creative and design your own soup with lemongrass.
Lemongrass is a great purifier of the body and great for detoxing.
How to prepare Lemongrass.
Happy Winter Solstice
Friday, 20 December 2019
I've been sending my gratitude to those that supported yours truly and a list of the achievements and results of 2019 that can help many people.
Good people like to hear about your positive progress and ascent. Never forget those that have helped you on the way up, always show your gratitude, not only to people, also to Spirit and the divine.
I think this is probably the best version of this song that we all remember the most, although it was recorded and released by many different artists due to the power of the song of gratitude.
In the 80s I used to sing this song to my son when he was little, I began singing to him when we were in the maternity ward together and I just kept on singing to him and dancing with him, and there was always music in our home with love beyond measure.
December 2019
Good people like to hear about your positive progress and ascent. Never forget those that have helped you on the way up, always show your gratitude, not only to people, also to Spirit and the divine.
I think this is probably the best version of this song that we all remember the most, although it was recorded and released by many different artists due to the power of the song of gratitude.
In the 80s I used to sing this song to my son when he was little, I began singing to him when we were in the maternity ward together and I just kept on singing to him and dancing with him, and there was always music in our home with love beyond measure.
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