Friday 19 April 2024


American gospel singer, grammy awards winner, Mandisa has passed over age 47. The British media are reporting that there is a police investigation opened. 

Mandisa delivered some great music and songs. Many of her songs were inspired by biblical stories, like this "Born for this", song inspired by the story of Ester. For many of her listeners, her songs came into our lives at a pivotal point in our lives. We knew it was meant to be a blessing inspiring people to keep on going. 



Condolence to her family and friends, her music and songs will carry on in our hearts. 

Keep all of those wonderful memories of her like counting the blessings upon your lives.

Let her joy be your joy, and may she sing and dance in heaven now, for Jesus loves to dance. 


The cost of a wind farm on a local community that say that their community will be destroyed.

Say no to Net Zero! 

Thursday 18 April 2024


UAE are saying there was no cloud seeding prior to the rainfall, although some in the west claim there was. Pakistan and Afghanistan have also been flooded. 

If it was cloud seeding, then don't play with nature, it is God's creation. If it wasn't cloud seeding, then remember the book of Genesis. Didn't Jesus say, it would be like the days of Noah? He knew there would be floods in the last days of the end times. The last time Dubai was flooded was 75 years ago, that takes us to 1949. What happened in 1949? The Armistice Agreements signed between Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. 


This is the full speech that Andrew Bridgen MP gave in parliament today on "Excess Deaths". 

As you can see, not many of the MP's turned up to engage with the national health issue. It's not only a national issue, it's a global issue. 


Andrew said that excess deaths are 5%, whereas Edward Dowd says that the Insurance Industry knows it is running at 40%. 

Wednesday 17 April 2024


Most people have heard by now that the mayor stopped the conference by sending in the police to stop it in Brussels. The latest news is that the Judge decided that the conference must be allowed to go-ahead, that a conference must not be stopped for political reasons. 

Hungary's Viktor Orban takes questions at the conference today.  I agree with him on the Ukraine situation, they can't win the war. I received a dream of talking to Zelenskky and he was told twice that he must make friends with Russia. 

Professor Matthew Goodwin gives his speech at the conference on the issue of mass migration. You can watch all of the speeches on this channel.

Mick Hume, "Why Farmers are in the Front Line of the battle for Europe's Future." 13mins 



This video title: Warning! Name of God appears at Beit El, next to Jerusalem in Israel. 

I often see Hebrew letters in my home, I also have two scars on my left hand with the Hebrew letters YW. Yesterday a Hebrew letter appeared on my computer screen, the Resh. 

Tuesday 16 April 2024


Health Secretary, Victoria Atkin's statement in parliament on the independent Dr Cass Report on gender identity ideology. Whistleblowers came forward to defend the young ones, Victoria says that the gender identity ideology is is a myth. Plus a lot of the children were on the autism spectrum, some  had mental health issues. 

An important 11minute statement on the report. 

The British Medical Journal interview Dr Hilary Cass, Dr Cass has chaired the Independent Review into Gender Services for Children and Young People. The Cass review. Her recommendations will change how care for young people is carried out. She says that "Medication is binary, but gender expressions are often not". 


The fact is that a child's brain isn't fully developed until they are 25 years old, as such, IMHV, no life changing decision should be made prior to that age. It doesn't help that the gender identity ideology is being promoted in schools and on-line. 

Bear in mind that 12-13 year olds have been put on puberty blockers and that can arrest the development of their brains. In fact, all pharmaceuticals impact on the brain. 

Dr Cass says there is no evidence to support that the youngsters were feeling any better after taking the puberty blockers. 

Puberty blockers have been in use since the 80s and the FDA approved their use in the early 90s. It makes you wonder what evidence the FDA looked at prior to giving their approval. They're now banned in some states in the U.S.

The concerns of Dr Cass include the possibility that youngsters will turn to the private sector for puberty blockers etc. Whereas she would like to make sure that they receive holistic care that is monitored.