Friday 15 February 2019


Hearts in Flight 

13th February, 2019 

I had a great birthday celebration. However, walked further than usual, and my left side thigh is not happy with me, it feels like a 'trapped nerve', and the left thigh muscles are very painful. I will try to solve it myself, otherwise I will have to have some chiropractic treatment. 

Doctors recommend pain killers for anything painful to relax the muscles to give them a rest. Clearly the muscles are tensed up and it has made it difficult to move. When the muscles are tensed up, the Tendonitis expert says that it eats up the nutrition in your body. This guy is great and he does respond to comments.

Last night I had some avocado with olive oil and dill. I've had plenty of green vegetables so it's not that. Today, I got on my inversion table and that has helped, so will continue with minutes of inversion all day and evening to help the muscles and nerves. 

It's the left side that first began to encounter sciatica, and that was the main reason that I acquired the inversion table that was bought for me by a lovely spiritual Dutch friend. Having the inversion table in my home changed my life for the better, when the sciatica stopped after six weeks of doing inversion, I was overjoyed and felt victorious that the inversion table helped me to overcome it. However, I have to get on it every day to keep the sciatica away! 

Last night I also had some date and almond cake, as last week Jesus asked for dates. So I made a date and almond cake, no flour or sugar in it. The dates that are slightly boiled to soften the dates prior to making the cake with eggs and ground almond. 

For leg cramps previously, he gave 'LEMON CURD", and home made lemon curd does work, although I don't eat it often enough, I should eat it more often.  A lemon curd cake with ground almond would be great.

What else can I have today to help my body, to increase the potassium, a nutrient drink that includes goats milk (great for the back) and a banana. 

Some egg mayonnaise with fresh cress, chives, and dill, with herring marinated in dill. I don't have a big appetite at this time, and the body is asking for little and often again. So at those times, I tend to snack on what is nutritional to do so. 

Take my supplements that includes COQ10 for extra oxygen for my muscles, I can also put some marine collagen in my banana drink. A collagen booster, remember everything inside and outside of your body has skin that has to be fed with what it lacks the older that you get. As your body ages, it starts to reduce what it produces to keep you healthy. So you have to continually supplement your body with extra nutrition. 

The nervous system likes pineapple, so I can have a pineapple and goats milk drink this evening. I can also have some pineapple with my egg mayonnaise and marinated herring with a little salad. I have red onion, tomatoes, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, olives, and some asparagus if I have room for it. With some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. 

I also have some Greek feta cheese, cream cheese, and dutch cheese to choose from. So it's a salad day today.  

The heavenly Father likes me to eat salads, he calls it "Live food" it was then I stopped eating cereal for breakfast, as he asked me to stop eating what he called "Dry food" and replace it with live food.   

Although I did used to enjoy my Greek yogurt with seeds and fruit for breakfast with the oats, when I had an appetite for it. I never liked breakfast early in the morning, I'm usually ready for breakfast about 11.O'clock. I can still have the yoghurt with seeds and fruit.  

Soup wise I could make some broccoli soup with coconut milk that's gentle for the body. The more gentle and tender you are with your body, the more tender it is to you! Another soup that I really like is carrot and coriander. 

Make health a priority and be aware of what you are eating and why! 


February, 2019


The inversion table and muscles stretches have definitely helped, it is much less painful now. Synchronicity, my reflexologist has just phoned to make an appointment for the 18th and that is the "Day of Truth".  I've been thinking about her today!

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