Monday 4 January 2016

UN London - 50% Residents born abroad

United nations London is not a pretty sight to those like myself that grew up in London. Is it in any wonder that 67% of children in schools don't speak English in some London boroughs? Now you can see what the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats have done. Is it any wonder that it is mostly doctors that were trained abroad that were struck off by the General Medical Council? Is it any wonder that so many people are dying in hospitals in the care of the medical profession?

Is it a surprise that you get sent home from A&E without any after care? Is it a surprise that the poor and elderly can't afford to get home from hospitals due to local amenities and their closures? Is it a surprise that 8,000 British doctors were laid off in 2007 because Labour said there were no jobs for them? Is it any surprise that junior doctors are going on strike?

Is it any wonder, that true Londoners cannot find affordable homes in London? Immigrants pushed up the prices of properties due to the demand for it. Who gains from that? Successive governments that spend more than they take in taxes. Not very good housekeeping is it when you look at the borrowings of both governments and borough councils.

How would it be if a woman budgeted like that? Bringing in foreigners to live in your house to prop up the economy. Isn't that what David Cameron as been asking everyone to do? Your spare rooms have to house foreigners that he brought in during his reign. Hence, why they introduced the bedroom tax. Its like going back to the time when they taxed people on how many windows they had. That is why even after the WW2, some people still had their windows boarded up.

There is women that have been receiving pensions who did not work their whole lives to pay for it. There are immigrants receiving housing, council, and other welfare, while my generation were refused their pension that we worked hard to pay for. Why on earth did we work so hard, to find that others are getting what we paid for?

Did you start work at age 13 part-time and full-time at age 15, in London as I did? Goodness gracious me, our own people are suffering, families are at food banks, parents can't afford to feed their children with breakfast, put clothes on their backs, or shoes on their feet, because politicians spent the money on immigrants, non-tax payers, and making war against other nations. At the same time, accountants move the money around the world that should be paid in taxes in the UK.

Political leaders require a reality check, because they are responsible for the cultural genocide, that they have jointly co-created in our historical land and culture. Its cultural genocide that people were warned about in 2005, and then again in 2007. The first warning about cultural genocide came from Jesus himself in 2005, after Benedict was elected, he said, 'It will be genocide for the Church'.

Elijah's Fire -v- Vatican

Blonde Girl Dream

Time for UKIP and PEGIDA, if you seriously wish to save a remnant of this nation.

"The united nations of London: Map reveals the areas where 50% of residents are born abroad as capital's population hits record 8.6 million'.

'Analysis of official date released by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson reveals that in several areas more than half the population was born outside of the UK, with India being the main place of origin in eight of the capitals 32 boroughs. Residents originally from Nigeria, Poland, Turkey, and Bangladesh are the other main foreign-born populations, dominating in at least three boroughs each. London's inner boroughs have a far higher immigrant population than its outer boroughs, with the higher concentration marked in darker colours on the map'.

PEGIDA is arising throughout Europe.

A huge wave, 2016 as arrived.

1 comment:

  1. UKIP on the UP. Government figures show that UKIP is 17% UP on the party's performance in the general election.
