Friday 1 January 2016

Tel Aviv Shooting

On the 20th September, 2015, Ha'Shem said 'NATE', and I wrote how it is a short-form for Nathan. I had just bought my dinner, and sat with a coffee, I was looking at the news and then he spoke the name.

New Year's Eve I was crying, tears and I knew in my heart that something big was happening or about to happen. I couldn't sleep and was sitting on the edge of my seat, as in staying awake and alert.

Did not have a single drink on New Year's Eve, so I had a relaxing bath in candlelight, as my teeth were 'hurting', so had a warm milk, with cinnamon, fennel and cloves. Then the energy I was feeling empathically, had shifted from me. I lit a candle, and wore cream.

I also advised that mercury was going retrograde and to button down the hatches.

Afterwards a person came to the on-line social network, asking if there were any Jewish members on the forum. Asking if people should stay away from any locations. 'You would let us know right'? After I had responded to stay away from the cities, and entertainment venues the thread was 'deleted'.

Now there is news from Tel Aviv, and the owner of the bar was 'NATI'. Two people have been 'killed' by a 'smiling gunman', who 'calmly took out a machine gun out of his backpack.'

One of the young men who has passed over as been named as, 26 year-old Alon Bekel, he was the manager of the bar Simta on the city's Dizengoff Street.

Condolences to Israel, to Tel Aviv, to everyone that this as been impacted upon. Especially, to the friends and families of those that have passed over. My thoughts, my love is with you, and you are always in my heart.

And this happened on Tuesday, in North London.

Another dream in December, was about a succession of events. Since I had that dream there as been a major 'derailment' of a train in Queensland. It was carrying a huge amount of 'Sulphuric Acid'.

Also last night, a different person had posted about Israel, and Jewish people based upon the NT and I corrected him. I think he was probably American.

Then Ha'Shem spoke again and he said, 'Now their schat'.


Ha'shem said, 'Avalha, Avalha'. I don't speak Hebrew so you will have to translate it. I have written his message as it sounded. He spoke strongly, with great urgency in his voice.

In Hebrew we also find the spelling, 'Havilah'.

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