Tuesday 5 January 2016

Pink Bottles SOS

Another dream, in this dream I was in the lounge and it had been decorated, it was lovely, clean, and fresh, I was very pleased with it and was showing someone. It looked just like it did when I arrived, no coincidence then that the first SOS was sent out to humanity in 2004 about the environment, it wasn't long after that when the Asian disaster happened on Boxing Day. Then this recent Boxing Day in the UK, it was flooded. Are people prepared and ready to listen and do as recommended?

To dream of decorating anything, inside or out, is a prediction of celebrations to come.


Then in the news thousands of pink bottles have washed up on Cornwall beaches. National trust volunteers think they may have come from a container that had gone overboard. Bright pink bottles is certainly a message to Cornwall and England.


On the menu 

Do you like Morello Cherries? The morello cherry ripens in mid to late summer in Southern England. Morello cherries are self fertile and self-pollenizing. The colour of my raincoat in the magenta energy. They are lovely in the wintertime on a sponge flan covered in whipped cream. Cornwall is certainly known for its beautiful cream by the English and its lovely countryside. This fruit is also very healthy for certain health conditions, particularly for conditions of the feet, and as we know, the feet impact upon the brain, and everything else in the body. Everything is connected together, who would've thought of cherries being a health supplement, fruit for healing. 


'Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he, I will sustain you, I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you, and I will rescue you'. Isaiah 46:4

And in London, Jeremy Corbyn shows the Labour Party who its leader is. A man that is prepared to make tough decisions, loyalty is essential when in such a leadership position with huge responsibility in his hands. Chazak indeed, be strong. When others follow what their members do, its important that people are being led in the correct manner. Otherwise, younger members think its OK to  'attack' the leader that has done his utmost to hold the party together, and come forth in integrity, with honesty.

Party members cannot disagree with the fact that Labour have enjoyed a surge in popularity with young people since the teacher took up the reins. Yes, the head master is he, so best that party members remember that he is in charge and it is his boat to be captain of. Yoshofar.

Its clearly time for politicians to comprehend harmonious respect for those that gave you the job in the first place. For he that gave it - can also take it away - and Jesus warned people about that, when he said what you think you have, will be taken from you.

So take nothing for granted in this timeline, as heads can roll as quick as lightening that strikes a boat with one man on it. If one man stands against Corbyn in the media, that encourages other party members to stand against him, then you can be sure that Jeremy Corbyn will show you the strength of his heart, for he is prepared and he as very strong support from those that know. Do you remember the story of Judas and Jesus? Did Jesus also remove Judas from being one of his closest companions?

Most likely, as Jesus did not suffer anyone that stood against him in public, and nor do I.
Remember what Jesus said, you cannot have two masters, Jesus was teaching his companions discipline, and so is Jeremy Corbyn. For the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline is true.

It reminds me of the Jesus Christ Superstar dream that I had, in that dream I was at a show and all the characters came in. The woman that was with me at that time walked off into the rain, she didn't wish to see the showing of Jesus Christ Superstar.

Also outside in the rain of the historic building, there was Russell Brand and friends, and Boy George and friend with an umbrella. Interesting that Boy George as also been in the news in the last week. At that time they were waiting for the doors to open so that they could enter where the show was being held.


Maybe its time for some of the Labour party members to learn what trustful loyalty means when a teacher has been given to care for them. If you are in my office, if you are in my healing room, you better listen and take note of what is said on board from the elder with a life of experience, otherwise, leave and don't ask wisdom for help again due to the sheer importance of the timeline.

As Jesus said, wisdom will be proven right by her deeds, and what did he say to Judas?

'Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it. The star that leads the way is your star'. It makes you wonder what star sign he was, also interesting that the EU put stars on their flag to represent the European members. Stars and stripes on the American flag as well, although there are no stars on England's flag or on other flags in the UK.

Michael Dugher was born on the 26th April, he is Taurus the bull and what did Jesus say to Peter?

Do you love me Peter?

Dugher was also born in the Chinese year of the Wood Rabbit, so you can be sure he has got what we call a wooden head and it takes a long time to get through to those people. 'Tap on wood'. big smiles and see what comes out it. We certainly saw what came out of Michael Dugher in the media, he didn't even give Jeremy a chance did he, as soon as Jeremy was elected, Dugher started on him. Funny that when I was shown the four directions, there was a rabbits head in the North, yea, and Dugher is a Yorkshire man.


So who is Michael Dugher? He's a man that lobbies for an American corporation, Michael Dugher that worked for Gordon Brown - and we all know what he did when he had the reigns, he sold the gold of this historic nation to prop up the Euro and the UK are not even in the Euro currency.


No to Michael Dugher, no, no, no to the American corporations.

However, you can continue to defend Israel.


Israel, Israel Dream 


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