Tuesday 5 January 2016

Dental Crisis NHS

'British dental health is akin to that provided in Third World countries, according to hundreds of UK dentists. The lack of access to NHS treatment in many parts of England has led to a 'crisis' in care and a system that is 'unfit for purpose', they said. A coalition of dentistry professionals said millions of British people go for such long periods without seeing a dentist that charity groups who usually provide access to dental care in the Third Word now have to do so in England'. 


Is it true that British Dental Health is in crisis? A resounding YES!.

In August 2014, I was referred for an emergency appointment with the dental department of Barts hospital in London. To see the consultant prior to being booked into hospital. Still no response from London.

Truly its a blessing that truth can be disclosed about what the Cameron government as co-created, and the Brown and Blair governments prior to that. In that we have the human right and freedom to share the truth about what our people have paid for during their lives, and what they get in return in the UK.

You know what the bible says, do not rely on man.

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