Monday 4 January 2016

Bradford Shariah Chickens

Following on from the two chickens dream from October 2015.

Chickens are in the news and its a case in Bradford. Shariah Foods was raided by the Food Standards Agency, Bradford Council environmental officers and Home Office Immigration Enforcement. Majid Zaman, was 'found guilty of a dozen hygiene and food safety offences.'

The chicken that the Muslim was supplying was 'unfit for human consumption', are we surprised?

Did he vote for George Galloway by any chance? Bradford and Islam, cost this country such a lot of money in investigations. You do realise that it is the British tax-payer that is paying for these numerous investigations due to what immigrants do in this nation. Then people wonder why the English are not receiving their pensions when it was agreed that my generation would receive it.

Vote UKIP in Bradford in 2016.

'Who gives the ibis wisdom or the rooster understanding?'. Job 38:36

Snow in Turkey - don't get close to a mosque.

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