Friday 7 August 2015


When I woke today I saw a native man and he was wearing full ceremonial military uniform. He was wearing a red jacket and black trousers, he had long black hair to his chin and he looked native, mayan looking.

Interesting that there was a native american chief with the name of RED JACKET and he gave a speech to the US Senate. In his youth he was known as Otetiana and Sagoyewtha (Keeper Awake) Sa-go-ye-wa-tha because of his oratorical skills. He lived 1750-1830.

Red Jacket said 'They do not understand the American mission to eradicate the Indians based on religion, but Red Jacket sees the Americans as divided in their beliefs. The Great Spirit is not one that can tear the two people apart but ultimately united them in their ability to peacefully co-exist'. 

As many native Americans did - he spoke of the injustice of what had been done to their land and country by what were the invaders in that timeline.

In the book of Chronicles the military staff were called and they blocked off the water from the springs outside of the city. 2 Chronicles 32:3. Military officers were appointed and they assembled at the city gate. 2 Chron 32:6

As we know California is in its 4th year of drought, and fires have been blazing in California due to the landscape being so dry. I asked them will you wait until the whole country burns down? The biblical prophecies speak of the land of Esau and the men of Edom, the red and hairy, how the land of Esau will become stubble.

In the Gospel of Peace, teachings of the elect, Jesus says, 'May the dark vision of the future not come to pass'. He spoke of the divine intervention that would come, with the Son of Man, and if that were not so, then all the nations would be destroyed and none would survive it. The term 'Son of Man' is a term of endearment for a prophet in Judaism. That is why Daniel, and Ezekiel were both called 'Son of Man'. 150 biblical scholars agreed with Geza Vermes, that when Jesus spoke of the 'Son of Man' to come, he wasn't speaking about himself.

In fact, the native Americans are closer in the heart to the original desert Hebrews than the American church members. Its clear to healers that are shamanic, that in the words of Jesus that are written he wasn't only a healer, he was also a shaman and yogi. This can be found to be true for he was trustfully loyal to his desert hebrew ancestors and their spirituality with the pure intention of healing humanity.

The Lakota were given some advance warning by spiritual Americans, that there would be a volcanic eruption in America, and that some of their people would have to leave to survive, they were told to go to the healing mountain, and that they would be able to return after it was all over.

The prophecies also speak of four horns and four craftsmen that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem. In the book of Solomon the craftsmen are to do with Solomon, they work in gold, silver, bronze and iron. In the book of Ezekiel its to do with the sailors and ships. In the book of Acts the craftsmen are to do with Greece, and humanity is witnessing what is happening in and to Greece. It was interesting to see Native Americans in Greece, surely, a scattered people.

The scattering of people isn't just about scattering people to different lands, its also about a state of being, and its about the energy of the people involved. Red Jacket came to me as a military man, and many military men have 'scattered' energies. So it was no coincidence to find that someone had posted a comment on my blog today. My response to that person is how wise are you, to stand against this holy Spirit that has always supported the cause of the native Indians?

'The wise bring calm in the end'. Proverbs 29:11 'The wise have declared, hiding nothing received from their ancestors' Job 15:18 'Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning'. Proverbs 9:9 'The wise in heart accept (divine) commands'. Proverbs 10:8 NIV translations. The New International Version. The old heaven and earth is passing away, everything is being made anew. Why is that translation one of the better ones? Scholars have cross referenced with the Aramaic,  the Dead Sea Scrolls and many other ancient texts.

However, you can still look at the origins of words and the roots of them, and word studies are interesting to do, if you have the time to invest in doing so. The same with the native Americans that are doing their utmost to retain and sustain the languages of their ancestors. My advice, get the children to do word studies to help them to retain their language. Then the best of those word studies can be retained and shared with other children.

Its not just about the word and its different layers of meaning, its the unfolding of the word and how it unfolds for you in your life and spiritual journey. Its about the emphasis that you put upon those words, how you speak those words, and what emphasis you put upon the sound.

Native American, Russell Means was very good at emphasis, a wonderful orator, although he would be - as he did many voice overs with producers in the recording studio. Producers that have worked with sound, instruct the voice overs on the sound of their voices to get the best and most effective delivery.

Can you teach your children emphasis with their voice, as my dad taught me? The power of the word is in the emphasis of that word. Once upon a time, a female author asked me if I would be willing to do a talking book for her, as she was impressed with the sound of my voice on the meditation of the heart that was delivered. Again, its all about the emphasis and the vibration of the voice, that can be very powerful for healing.

Like Russell Means, the Son of Joseph would've been brilliant at doing voice-overs. There was so many opportunities, its sad that he had to leave the planet the way that he did, at such a young age.

Always in my heart - sometimes life is a parable and it can even be a proverb, although he never mentioned it, he lived it, and it was left to his daughter to share it. I suppose he knew in his heart that someday I would share it, and after he passed over he said, 'Forget me not'. Its only recently that I've found a song with the title. He was the original peaceful warrior that marched to ban the bomb!

I haven't forgotten the native Indians either, always in my heart, their cause is a cause that is dear to my heart. The greater the love that you become, the greater the causes that you are given.

Teach the children the right way to go and they will always remember it. So for instance when I gave the child coconut oil to eat, that child will always remember the coconut oil, and the power of it for healing him. He will remember the flute that I blew to clear his auric fields. He will remember the day that I put my healing hands upon him, and he could feel it, and he said, 'Its hot'.

He will remember the flower essences that he was given to take, he will remember the aromatherapy oils that he was given to smell. He will remember that he was blessed that day we walked together and had a cuddle. He will remember the teddy bear that I gave him to take home with him. He will remember that he is loved beyond measure.

Interesting that the Indian man, wearing the Red Jacket appeared today on the 7th August, 2014. Why today? The 7th of August is the 'Day of Double Agent' in numerics and that is what HaShem said previously about Obama. What has been going on at Planned Parenthood in America, clearly also happened in the genocide of the native Indians.

As I have written, if you are involved in genocide of a culture or nation of others, you then find yourself in the situation whereby your culture also experiences genocide. That is another reason why HaShem commanded the Americans to work with the first nation's peoples in 2009. Did they listen? Did they do what he commanded them to do? Only the wise in heart follow divine commands.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that Prophet Jeremiah spoke of 'MOAB, and America have developed a bomb with that name. In the MOAB prophecy it mentions how the woman would break her arm. And in 2009, Hilary Clinton fractured her arm. The same year, Elizabeth Claire Prophet passed over.
