Saturday 5 March 2016

Horse Power

Just now I could smell horses clairvoyantly, like when you smell horses in the stable or when they are out in the field when you are close to the horses. The smell of horses brings forth happy memories of working and riding horses, also naming a foal, and healing with horses and their riders.

Yesterday, I had a powerful manganese booster all day. When I woke up today, all of my joints were really stiff and locking up - and I didn't think that the manganese had made any difference, in fact it felt like the body might have gone backwards.

Two steps forward, one step back in the healing process, or one step forward and two steps back. Like a horse and its healing process, sometimes the body of the horse can experience a healing crisis. Although people should continue and persevere with the healing remedies.

Within 24 hours my energy and body does feel more balanced. Its clear that the manganese requires at least 24 hours to get its work done, and the smelling of horses being a reminder of happy memories, is a sign that my body is happier than it was prior to having the manganese.

Horsepower is a unit of measurement of power. In the EU horsepower is only permitted as a supplementary unit. It is written that 'when considering human-powered equipment, a healthy human can produce about 1.2hp briefly, and sustain about 0.1hp indefinitely; trained athletes can manage up to about 2.5hp briefly, and 0.3hp for a period of several hours.'

At this point in time, I have to have two days a week that are manganese days, whereby most of what I eat and drink has mostly manganese and I have to do this for three months. So let us take note of it, that the manganese booster began on the 4th March. So at the end of three months we will review where we are.

What other connection do I have with horses? My great-grandmother, her first husband was a carriage driver and footman. My mother spoke of when her mother Sophia still remembered riding in the open carriages with her sisters when they were children. Its no coincidence that a carriage driver was also brought into my life - when I was providing clairvoyant readings and divine counsel in the 90's. And after my return to England, we moved forward together with the healing for people, horses and other animals. It was then that I reconnected with the Equestrian community, and people came to study from far and wide. They came from as far afield as America and New Zealand, and it was lovely to teach in the counties in the countryside.

Yesterday, I was looking at the ponies that people were giving away for free, lovely ponies. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a carriage and two lovely young ponies, I so love to be with the horses.

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