Monday 12 March 2018

Kurds -v- Turks

Now we've got Kurdish and pro-Kurdish protestors against the Turks protesting on our soil.

They've closed down our train stations, in London and Manchester, and they gave no thought to the fact, that some of those travellers and their children had to get to their destinations to catch their flights for their holidays etc.

British travellers were in tears, while the Kurdish protestors ran amok. It's not just happening in the UK either it has happened in other European locations.

Those immigrants have no appreciation for the fact that it was Sunday, or the fact, that it was a national day to honour mothers in our culture. I would deport all of of those protestors for the disruption that they caused to our culture day, that is Sunday, mother's day!

Are we not even allowed one peaceful day in the UK. It's no wonder that I was weeping yesterday. Helicopter crash in New York with photographers, plane crash in Nepal, and now this, protestors impacting upon the lives of innocent people just on their travels.



