Monday, 6 May 2024


Dr Taylor Marshall has reported on a YT live stream this evening that 17 Catholic leaders have published a document calling for Pope Francis to resign or to be declared deposed by the College of Cardinals. He also claims that he knows some of the cardinals.

The charge against Pope Francis is "tyranny" and "heresy" and "crimes". 

Do remember that it was Pope Francis that told Catholics to take the Covid injections and said it was an "act of love".

I didn't take the injections, I received a warning dream in September 2019, (the dream included China and America) has soon as news about Covid began, after we turned into 2020, I was given the word "nanotechnology", then I began research on it in-depth. I posted a blogpost on it when I received the message. 

Edward Dowd reported this year that excess deaths are running at 40% and the insurance industry know about it. Hence, Pope Francis has blood on his hands for telling people to take the injections.  Jesus Christ the miracle worker would never tell anyone to take Nanotechnology mRNA into their bodies. 

On the 3rd of April, 2024, it was reported that the Pope said "Some ask me if I'm planning to resign. It's possible, but for the moment I don't feel the need."

It was only a couple of days ago that I was compelled to write a response to someone on-line, "the Pope is on his last legs". 

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