Saturday 5 March 2016

Sjogren's Soups

What's for dinner? I had some leap day soup in the fridge to finish up for a small starter and I still have some chives.

So for people with any teeth cavities or Sjogren's, for the extra manganese, we have the leap day soup, when warmed through. You can cover your soup with fresh cut chives. Delicious.

Leap Day Soup with Chives


I will add more soups to this blog post as they are designed for the purpose of helping people that might have Sjogren's. The celery in the leap day soup is particularly important for your adrenals that impact on your kidney function. Celery is incredibly important and you can eat it fresh too, with cream cheese and chives.

Interesting that fresh celery strands is like flossing for the teeth. Coconut oil is also excellent for gently brushing your teeth with a very soft brush, it is excellent at removing plaque.

Its very important that you eat little and often, if you increase your manganese, and give your body a manganese booster, you will also find that your thirst decreases, and your energy increases in horsepower. Try to give your body a manganese body booster in the food that you eat, and the drinks that you drink at least two days a week for three months and see how you get on with it.

We also have some Sjogren's drinks for you.

This song is in memory of Michael.

Sjogren's Solar Eclipse Soup

A Barley Soup although for Sjogren's not so many chili's as this receipe will be hot.

Barley in some of your soups is an essential.

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