Sunday 6 March 2016

Rolling Stones Under Feet

On Thursday, 20th August, 2015 I posted on this blog that I had a dream and in the dream I was shown what looked the same as a small printed biblical passage and it was rocks coming. These rocks were coming upon England and there was some link with Poland.

Then when I woke up I thought of the 'Rolling Stones' and the message that they conveyed on their album cover poking the tongue out. The only passage that I could see with the rocks coming was in the book of Revelation 6:16. 'They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb".

In the post I also mentioned that the Polish and French are big lamb eaters.

Then last week I had a dream whereby I was in a gorge like the grand canyon, and I was walking on large boulders. In the dream a woman with the name of Amanda, asked me about relationships, and I responded to her that a relationship was the least of my concerns. After that we were on a bridge and some guys were coming towards us. A man's name was mentioned in the dream, his surname was FISHER and this forthcoming solar eclipse is in Pisces. I also found the name in photography, and in antiques in London.

Jerry Hall is American, it is written that prior to becoming a model, she was discovered sunbathing on a beach, St Tropez in France by a fashion agent, Claude Haddad. Jerry then moved to Paris.

Fast forward.


Now today in the media, the children of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall have attended her marriage to the media magnate Rupert Murdoch. St Brides an ancient church in the city of London.

They got married at the historical St Brides, that is known as the 'Journalists Church', Fleet Street. RT have titled this video, 'Who's Who of Power'.

More photo's.

Photographer David Bailey attended the wedding, so did musicians Bill Wyman, Bob Geldof, Andrew Lloyd Webber, playwright Tom Stoppard, Barry Humphries alias Dame Edna Everage and Michael Caine with their partners. A couple of the Brexit politicians, Michael Grove and Priti Patel. Of course, the banker Jacob Rothschild, and retired CIA general David Petreus.

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