Monday, 10 July 2017


The historic Camden Lock market is on fire, 10 fire engines an 70 firefighters, as our darlings wrote, there was peace in London 40 years ago.

Once upon a time I used to go to Camden Lock for entertainment and shopping. It used to be a lovely location, this fire looks like "arson", to me. Did London learn anything in the last 40 years since it joined the EU, looks like it didn't. I did notice that Obama had been active in Europe during G20.

No coincidence that it happened on the full moon, London is burning with a Muslim Mayor. Obama and Sadiq Khan have a lot in common don't they, Islam and it's jihad. Rev 13, wisdom did do a count on the man.

The 9th of July is the "Day of Wonder" in numerics. I'm glad that I don't live in London in this timeline, and that I have the moon under my feet.

What a thing to wake up too, a fire in an historical location, where you lived when you were young prior to our country becoming an EU member state. David says that we should rip down the EU flag, and honour the St Georges Flag of England.

Remember this that the EU membership was also an influence in our country going to war in Iraq. So to all those that voted remain, you support the "warmongers".

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