Saturday 5 March 2016

Wool Jumper Dream

Its not the first time that I have had a dream about clothes.

In the dream this morning, I saw the back of a person wearing my pre-Christmas jumper while they were walking. Its a new jumper that was reduced incredibly in 2015.

It has silver and gold thread in it - in the creamy coloured wool. Its one of those jumpers that when you are wearing it - you feel pampered and cosy in it. In the dream I wasn't very happy that someone was wearing my jumper.

In dream interpretation to see the back of someone wearing your clothes, can indicate that you have to protect your reputation - because someone else is wearing it - and gaining from your reputation and work. Its not the first time that someone as done that during my life on this planet, in fact, it has happened a lot.

The silver and gold threads. In dream interpretation, silver can indicate that you are 'ignoring' the material sides of your life, the gold can indicate, easy come, easy go. However, when gold is in clothing, it can signify honours and recognition. If someone takes something of yours, whether it be a jumper or your reputation, you can be sure they will pay the cost in the spiritual law.

The thing is - the woman that took the 2015 jumper was seen in 2016 - as we approached the forthcoming solar eclipse, a younger woman was caught wearing the jumper of the spiritual elder. It was recognised immediately - and in the dream I was not happy with her, as I know the consequences of her actions. Do you remember what happened to Diana's butler and the consequences?

Its no coincidence that my son gave his mother a white rose - a material to pamper myself with, a pure white foam rose to use in the bath. A white rose a symbol of purity, a symbol of the Virgin.

It reminds me of the material white roses that my mother put into my bouquet, with the blue roses. Her intention was that I would be able to keep the bouquet as a reminder of the wedding. What she made was lovely, she was amazingly creatively talented - and Lily would've made a wonderful florist, although her passion was hairdressing. She could make anything with her nimble hands and she made a lovely home for her family. Hence it is fitting that mum's also remember their mums that have passed over on this forthcoming solar eclipse.

To remember the love, to remember the actions, to remember all of the best of mum's. Don't follow those younger than you, listen to the spiritual elders that have a lifetime of experiences and memories to share. Don't do what the young ones do, listen to the voice of experience that stands in integrity.

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