Monday 7 March 2016

Son of Joseph 57

The bible code is shared in this video and it also mentions the Son of Joseph. However, the Son of Joseph that was born in London was 57 when he passed over in the 80's. In the parable of life, it mentions three men. Joseph, Son of Joseph, Son of the Son of Joseph. All three men worked in the newspaper industry.

However, the Son of Joseph had two children, he also had a daughter that gave birth to a Son, the wondrous woman from heaven mentioned in Rev 12. The skilled writer came to be as mentioned in the scripture.


The name of my son is also mentioned in the ancient texts, the grandson of the Son of Joseph. The video mentions David, and David, honoured by his country as a leader in ecological, self-sustainability passed over in 2013, he was found on a tree.

The Gabriel Steel mentioned David, one, two, three and 40 prophets. David Bowie, the culture star passed over in 2016. David Bowie was in Israel in 1996, when the daughter of the Son of Joseph was touring on the galilee of the gentiles. The Creative Director that I was working with at that time, also had the name of David. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Son of Joseph was a sun sign Aries

David who passed over in 2013 was a sun sign Gemini

Son of the Son of Joseph sun sign Gemini

Both of those astrological signatures can be seen in the Jesse fresco.


Mother and Son

My son is 33 years old.

When he was an eight month old baby, a professional photographer took a photograph of us together in the studio, cheek to cheek. The photography was a gift for my parents. 


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