Friday 4 March 2016

Sjogren's Mothers Day

Chives are an essential for people that have Sjogren's due to its power in helping any cavities that you may have. It is written that the Romans gave people chives for a sore throat, and the Romanian Gypsies also worked with Chives clairvoyantly. They so trusted in the chives to ward off 'disease',  they would hang bunches of chives outside a house. People have also been known to do that with garlic too.

Last night I had a few muscle tremors above the knee on the left leg. I haven't had muscle tremors very often, although if and when I did have a muscle tremor I viewed that as a positive, as it means the body is responding internally. Its no coincidence then that this morning's divine message was about the 'Collagen and Manganese'.

Yesterday, I ate loads of fresh chives on their own, I am fortunate that I like chives very much, especially in cream cheese.

My mother's day treat is some open sandwiches for lunch.

A single slice of Hovis seven seeds bread.

Then a layer of fresh spinach for manganese. Cover with some smoked salmon pieces, oily fish is essential for the brain and the internal skin. A little black pepper, and then some fresh lemon juice. Lemon juice helps the brain to assimilate Vit C. On top of the smoked salmon then cover in chives. Then you have an easy open sandwich with lots of appropriate nutrients.

You could also have an open sandwich the same replacing the salmon with cream cheese. Although cream cheese and smoked salmon is also delicious.

Another choice is egg mayonaise to boost your vital body, mixed with fresh chives, on a bed of fresh spinach.

What is very important with Sjogren's is that you eat little and often of all the nutrients that your body requires, just to keep you on an even keel. Eat as much fresh as you can, and chives are an essential, so start to make a list of essential foods for your health condition, and make a food journal to record your progress with the food and the nutrients that it is providing. You can view your journey with it as a learning curve and after a while, it will become second nature to eat everything that your body requires of you.

What's interesting about chives is that it looks like hair and nerves.

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