Wednesday 2 March 2016

Dates Sjogren's

So we're working with the Sjogren's Thermometer now. This evening as soon as I could feel my energy depleting, I had some squashy, juicy fresh dates and my body responded immediately.

Fresh dates a fast acting energy tonic for your body. Why does my body like the dates so much?

The body has memories of having the energy tonic when I was a happy child at Christmas we always had dates. I did the same for my son at Christmas we always had dates, then he started to buy his mum a box of dates for Christmas with his £1 pocket money, he was only young, but he knew what his mum liked to eat.

In those days we lived close to the shops, so he could just go and get the dates whenever he wished to do so. How lovely is that, couldn't do that today, allow children to go to the shops on their own. Dates hold memories of happiness, so when I am eating dates its as if I am eating a happy tonic. Your body remembers what your experiences were - when you were eating particular foods.

After that I had some more leap day soup with a little french bread. I would like to eat a salad, but it appears that my stomach as shrunk due to having less food than normal. So I will see, let the soup go down and see if I have more room for a salad. Little and often is the best way to eat with Sjogren's to keep your energy as balanced as you can.

I appreciate that people with Sjogren's sometimes don't have the energy to cook, or eat. Hence, it is important that you have some dates in your fruit bowl, and have some home made soup in the fridge for those days when you don't have the energy to cook. Its very important that you have some nutrients that are applicable to you every day.

You can also have some coconut oil everyday too, you can eat it from the spoon. What is a positive memory about the coconuts? My positive memories of the coconuts, is that dad won coconuts for us to eat, he would crack open those coconuts and give his wife and children coconut to eat. He also liked the coconut bounty bars. If you forget to take your coconut, put a note on your computer or by the kettle.


There is also coconut milk in my leap day soup.

What is new to my diet? Goats milk and I have enjoyed the goats milk on breakfast and in smoothies recently. Sometimes I just have a smoothie for breakfast and I like Kiwi and Banana with a little orange juice as the body likes to have a lot of fluids with this condition.

My body is also asking for a lot of Vit E and Omega 6 booster, you have to keep on your health conditions as much as you can, and don't give in or give up. Your nutrients are incredibly important and that you nurture yourselves with the right nutrients when your body requires it. Be intuitive with your body, listen to what your body is telling you about it.

If your body starts to lock up, then there is something going on with the nerve endings, my recommendation this week for the nerves is CHIVES as that is what I was drawn towards. The LORD as been asking for 'Saladas' and that means a spanish salad. You can have a spanish salad with chives and olive oil. Tomatoes, onions, avocado.

What else is good for the nervous system? St Johns Wort, is an energetic miracle at how fast it works. Just take one tablet prior to sleep, and one in the morning. Then don't take any and see how you feel within 24-48 hours. Remember not to take it if you are on holiday in the sunshine, you have to let the St John's Wort do its natural work with your nervous system.

I remember when dad was taken into hospital for six weeks, (he was in his 20's) and his friend that came to help him, was a vegetarian, his name was KEN. He made him eat uncooked food, fresh salads, beans, and seeds and herbs.  He fed him because dad couldn't even feed himself. After that Dad could walk again, basically his body had ceased up, and his body had said to him, no more!

However, it is a known fact that Sjogren's is triggered by 'trauma', I've been working on this for a long time, since 2011. It is a very serious condition, with a very high incidence of it in America. One of the American doctors said that the incidence of it in America is even higher than 'heart disease' and 'breast cancer'. Yet where is the research input, budgets and support?

Whatever foods I have success with I will document it. In fact, I have documented each phase of the journey with the food and nutrients. Including the vital body booster.

May my cup of blessings to you - help you to make a breakthrough, may it help you to unlock your healing potential with healing foods. May it liberate your love for yourself - so that you honour it and nurture it accordingly.

'Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, LORD preserve both people and animals'. Psalm 36:6. Wonderful then that we were able to give healing to both people and animals. 'May the mountains bring prosperity to your people, the hills of the fruit of righteousness'. Psalm 72:3 

'Shout for joy you heavens, rejoice you earth, burst into song you mountains. For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion upon his afflicted ones'. Isaiah 49:13 

We have a date with Sjogren's. 

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