Wednesday 2 March 2016


A 7.8 earthquake as struck Indonesia, 805km (500 miles) southwest of the city of Padang and it was 24km deep.The BBC reports that officials issued a tsunami warning for the regions of West Sumatra, North Sumatra and Aceh.

A 78 magnitude. 2 x 3 x 13.

The numeric of 78 in gematria.

'The message spoken through angels was binding'. Hebrews 2:2

Did the message that the angels bestowed reach Indonesia? Indonesia is Buddhist land.

How far did it reach?

All the way to America and Australia.

'I have come forth as gold, my feet have closely followed his steps, I kept to his way without turning aside'. Job 23:10-11. Yes, Israel saw wisdom in gold as divinely instructed in 2007. The golden dress that was gifted to yours truly as mentioned in the ancient prophecies.

Does it also relate to the prophecy of Isaiah? 'Instead of bronze I will bring you gold and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood, I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your governor and well being your ruler'. Isaiah 60:17

A spiritual couple in Israel were given the Lily of Peace in 2006, and the gifting of the green plant is mentioned in the book of genesis. A beautiful artist and her husband, Gabriel an archangel of holistic caring and art is for healing. Art can also be prophetic as proven to be true by many artists.

In the 90's a complimentary medicine therapist, a kinesiologist in the UK was also gifted with silver, a key of life that was especially made for her and gifted by yours truly. It was a time when spiritual people were exchanging presents, it was a time of great celebration in the power of love.

It was a wonderful surprise when my mother gifted her daughter with bronze dolphins. It certainly was an indication of the timeline. What else did mum gift me with? Cast iron. Although the first gifts of cast iron were received as wedding presents in my life in the 70's.

More indication that the last days of the end times had begun for the spiritual community. Interesting that in my most recent dream I was walking on large boulders and after that I was on a bridge.


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