Monday 1 February 2016

God Strikes

On the 1st of December 2015, A man was standing behind me in my bedroom space, and he was 'disputing', the ancient books that I held in my hands. I tired to reason with the the person, and he was just 'arguing', and he couldn't be reasoned with. 

Then he put his arms around me physically to restrain me, so that he could take the books from me, and immediately, I said, confidently, 'God strike you down'. The man was strong in statue and fair in colouring. Instantly, as soon as I said those the words, the male energy was gone from my space. 

After that I went back to sleep and prior to waking up I had a dream. I was talking to someone about what was going to happen, and how it was coming to the cities and towns in the countryside. Then I said, 'now we will see who is prepared,  and who is not'. After that my computer page opened automatically on this song. 

2016, aligns with Matthew 20:16 and it mentions the 'first and the last', in this video Jeff Benner explains the first and the last in the Hebrew book of Genesis and what it means in the reality of the 'strike'. 

Interesting that the Son of Joseph knew trade union law as the back of his hand, and the trade union did strike him first, and then he striked them last, in the old Bailey. He threw the book at them - as we say in English. Jesus knew the ancient texts as the back of his hand, that is why he threw it at some of the Jewish priests. Duck if it comes in your direction, and ask yourselves what did you do first to him or her feminine? 


Russell Means was struck first, and he also threw the book at them last - with his presentation with his wife on the sacred feminine. Is Russell Means featured in the biblical prophecies? Yes. When I first saw a video of him in 2010, I asked, 'Who is this?'. 

`As Nigel Farage said, 'WOMAN UP'. 

Didn't Iain Duncan Smith strike the disabled, the poor, sick and those that were due their pensions first? Isn't David Cameron and his entourage trying to take away the human rights law of by the people for the people? Yes. You can be sure that there will be a response from the human rights lawyers in this country. Our Human Rights lawyers have the capability to throw the book at the Conservatives, and Zion defends legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

Still 'Procuring Suicide' Iain Duncan Smith? How about you Obama with your support of Islam?

Did Obama strike America first? Yes. Before he became president to the USA. He carried on afterwards too, in fact, he never stopped. Remember what he did to Pakistan four days into his first presidency? 

Ever heard the saying, 'Comments are free, but facts are sacred', the Guardian newspaper is closing its comments section on any articles that are about 'Race', 'Immigration' or Islam.

The editors are getting very sensitive aren't they - when the truth of the people is providing their comments. Sharing how the people feel with the newspaper is now not allowed by the newspaper that would like to attract more readers. Perhaps the Guardian would like to be the Islamic newspaper, or maybe it already has large Muslim shareholders. Hence, its articles on Israel.

Child Poverty is soaring in the UK, bill after bill after bill.

With 3 million Muslims now in the UK, and 50% of them having been born abroad, it makes you wonder whose side those journalists are on. Do the Liberals agree with cultural genocide of the UK, how about the genocide of the Christians that Jesus spoke about when Benedict was elected?

Did you see the Guardian newspaper write about that? What did they do about it?

They closed the comments section that was open for Christians to write the truth. What happened to freedom of speech Guardian newspaper? Did the point of the sword of truth prick the heart of your conscience?

3 million Muslims in the UK is an invasion, the UK has been invaded, and you can be sure that the people of this country will strike back in 2016. Did you know that in India there was a legal case to get the Islamic book banned in India due to what it co-created?

Now David Miliband is proposing to give a million work permits to Syrians at a time when there is high unemployment in Europe and European countries can't even afford to feed their own people, house them and provide them with jobs.

At a time when there have been 4 million visits to food banks in the UK. Miliband would like to give foreigners work permits. The people of the UK, did not create the war in Syria, Islam did, so let Muslim countries feed them, clothe them, and house the Syrians. Oil rich nations should be providing for the Muslims, not the UK and the rest of Europe.

Christian Syrians can come to Christian countries and there are already a lot of Christian Syrians in Lebanon.

It really took the biscuit when the child in the Greek video explained how they slash the boats themselves, that's why so many are drowning. Its a PR stunt to get more Muslims into Europe.

These people are willing to die to further the spread of Islam in Europe, instead of stay at home to defend their countries.

Truly, the book will be thrown at them.

Zechariah 9.

Zion defends

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