Sunday 3 January 2016

Dr Spitzer Gone

American psychiatrist Dr Spitzer as been removed from the planet and he left with a heart condition.

Spitzer that said, 'A medical disorder either had to be associated with subjective distress, pain or general impairment in social function' he told the Washington Post.

Is what the American said, true?

It doesn't sound like Spitzer had any comprehension of what Carl Jung wrote about the subjective, the soul, the Spirit of God,  or its initiations. What did Spitzer know about alchemists, clairvoyants, spirituality, mystical healers, sages, saints, and yogi's, did he know anything at all about the rite of passage?

Who decides what an appropriate social function is? What is appropriate for one person isn't always appropriate for a different person, each person is unique, that's why we have different fingerprints, and different journey's in life.

Sometimes the journey's of people overlap like meeting at the crossroads, sometimes you can share some of your journey with people, sometimes people take the spiritual journey in aloneness with the divine.

Sometimes the journey can begin in aloneness with Spirit, then overlap with other people, then some people return to the journey in aloneness. To aid the comprehension of life experience to gain the insights from it - and how it relates to the rite of passage and the spiritual path that the person as been on.

What did Spitzer know about the heart of intelligence scientifically in his day? Goodness gracious me, in his day they were even removing aspects of the DNA that the DNA requires prior to doing scientific experiments on it.

What I can say is - thank God, the old heaven and earth is passing away, and the new creation came to be, the 21st century was born in wisdom and not Dr Spitzer.

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