Monday 4 January 2016

Children's Past Lives

Another article on the recollections of children and their past lives. Its interesting that most of them remember their past lives prior to starting school and it is to do with the their third eye.

Children often have spiritual experiences, dreams and nightmares. How parents and teachers respond to those experiences matter a lot to the children, if children are supported with their spiritual experiences and its memories; they are more likely to share other aspects that are important to them. So if you would like your children to speak the truth, then make sure you listen to what they have to say about their past life and other experiences.

For the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline - and past lives can be very powerful in the life of the child and the adult, as past lives impact upon people knowingly and unknowingly.

When my son was a teenager he spoke of his Atlantis experience, and he met his spiritual guide from Atlantis who was hoping to work with him and provide him with information to impart. He saw the floods and he didn't like it, although he did draw what he saw at that time with the words that he had been given to deliver. What had been written was perfect English, and that was most unlike him at the time of its receipt.

We were in Sydney, Australia at the time, and I did show two other people what he had drawn and written, prior to him deleting it from the computer. What he saw with the flooding, while in Australia 'scared' him, and I think that was another reason that he wished to return to England to be with his friends, and he wouldn't even go to college in Sydney, after the Australian's refused to provide him with school. He really wished to go to school, and if he had of done, we might have been able to stay in Oz.

Life experience can manifest in many different ways, although Jesus did come to the rescue and present himself before this mother of life. It wasn't long after that - that we returned to the UK, Mother and Child, rescued by the holy. For the one that makes people holy, and those that are made holy are of the same family. Book of Hebrews.

As he said, 'RED OAK'. Exquisite!

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