Monday 3 March 2014

8th Day Recoo

I was pondering on a person that I had been communicating with, and the heavenly Father said what sounded like 'Recoo'. In the Urban dictionary we find 'reco' it is short for 'recommendation' and it can also be spelt, 'Recco'.

There is also the 8th day, Ku Ka Recoo Koi Nedrei and that explains a lot. In the biblical sense, it is written that there were 8 miracles of Elijah. On the 8th day, Moses summoned Aaron, his sons etc.

On the 8th day a sacred assembly was held, and in 2006, the year of the gathering in Israel was an 8 year, and food was presented. I remember that we had sweet potatoes cooked in the fire. 2015 will be another 8 year.

He said, 'It was bold of him, to speak to you, in such a way'. 

On Monday, 3rd March when I woke up, I was given the word, 'Renaissance', and renaissance is about  the 'rebirth' and it has an Italian origin that means 'to be reborn'. So how are we reborn? In my life it began with doing the 'inner child' healing work. However, I was also born again in a different way many years later. 

No surprise then that the real 'Renaissance' began in Florence, and I was in Florence for the harmonic concordance in November 2003. It was an engagement with God, when the planets formed the 'Star of David' in the heavens. The spiritually elect were called from one end of heaven to the other by the Angels. Just as the biblical prophecies ordained. The planetary configuration indicated that great change was coming, little did I know at the time what would manifest in my life next. That day, Archangel Michael brought down the light, through my body, into the earth plane. The seed of the Spirit of Elijah had been planted, and it was the following year that it was born. 

When I was first told who I am, it was very difficult to accept, and at first I did not take it very seriously. It was only when the mission to Israel manifested in 2006, that I began to understand it very seriously, what it meant in all of its complexity, and simplicity. However, the LORD had summoned me prior to that, and the name that he called out in his loud voice was 'ELI, ELI'. 

When I was in Israel, I asked an Israeli what it meant, and I was told that the name ELI is the short form for Elijah. 

In Florence, I did meet an Israeli author and healer, he did comprehend the 'inner child' healing work, as he was also engaged in it, on a professional level. So it is that my recommendation to everyone that wishes to step on the highway to holiness, is to begin with the 'inner child' healing work. To reclaim the innocence that you were born to be. To reclaim the love that really does exist inside of you all. Then you can begin the spiritual journey with the love that you are in its entirety.

The spiritual journey unfolds before us, the more healing we do, the more love that we become, and magnanimous love is possible. Although it is important to remember the sheer power of that love to overwhelm the path at your feet.

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